6 research outputs found

    Proximal perimeter encoding in the rat rostral thalamus

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    Abstract Perimeters are an important part of the environment, delimiting its geometry. Here, we investigated how perimeters (vertical walls; vertical drops) affect neuronal responses in the rostral thalamus (the anteromedial and parataenial nuclei in particular). We found neurons whose firing patterns reflected the presence of walls and drops, irrespective of arena shape. Their firing patterns were stable across multiple sleep-wake cycles and were independent of ambient lighting conditions. Thus, rostral thalamic nuclei may participate in spatial representation by encoding the perimeters of environments

    Molecular mechanisms of tigecycline-resistance among Enterobacterales

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    The global emergence of antimicrobial resistance to multiple antibiotics has recently become a significant concern. Gram-negative bacteria, known for their ability to acquire mobile genetic elements such as plasmids, represent one of the most hazardous microorganisms. This phenomenon poses a serious threat to public health. Notably, the significance of tigecycline, a member of the antibiotic group glycylcyclines and derivative of tetracyclines has increased. Tigecycline is one of the last-resort antimicrobial drugs used to treat complicated infections caused by multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria, extensively drug-resistant (XDR) bacteria or even pan-drug-resistant (PDR) bacteria. The primary mechanisms of tigecycline resistance include efflux pumps’ overexpression, tet genes and outer membrane porins. Efflux pumps are crucial in conferring multi-drug resistance by expelling antibiotics (such as tigecycline by direct expelling) and decreasing their concentration to sub-toxic levels. This review discusses the problem of tigecycline resistance, and provides important information for understanding the existing molecular mechanisms of tigecycline resistance in Enterobacterales. The emergence and spread of pathogens resistant to last-resort therapeutic options stands as a major global healthcare concern, especially when microorganisms are already resistant to carbapenems and/or colistin

    Control of Theta Oscillatory Activity Underlying Fear Expression by mGlu5 Receptors

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    Metabotropic glutamate 5 receptors (mGlu5) are thought to play an important role in mediating emotional information processing. In particular, negative allosteric modulators (NAMs) of mGlu5 have received a lot of attention as potential novel treatments for several neuropsychiatric diseases, including anxiety-related disorders. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of pre- and post-training mGlu5 inactivation in cued fear conditioned mice on neuronal oscillatory activity during fear retrieval. For this study we used the recently developed mGlu5 NAM Alloswicth-1 administered systemically. Injection of Alloswicth-1 before, but not after, fear conditioning resulted in a significant decrease in freezing upon fear retrieval. Mice injected with Alloswicth-1 pre-training were also implanted with recording microelectrodes into both the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and ventral hippocampus (vHPC). The recordings revealed a reduction in theta rhythmic activity (4-12 Hz) in both the mPFC and vHPC during fear retrieval. These results indicate that inhibition of mGlu5 signaling alters local oscillatory activity in principal components of the fear brain network underlying a reduced response to a predicted threat.This research was funded by the Austrian Science Found grant NR W012060-10 to F.F and by the Dr. Helmut Legerlotz-Stiftung GZ76130 to A.R.-P. Funding by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF A way of making Europe, European Union (projects I+D+i CTQ2017-89222-R and PID2020-120499RB-I00), by the Catalan government (2017 SGR 1604) to A.L. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 801342 (Tecniospring INDUSTRY, TECSPR19-1-0062) and the Government of Catalonia’s Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) to X.G. Open Access Funding by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).Peer reviewe

    Localization and Registration of 2D Histological Mouse Brain Images in 3D Atlas Space

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    To accurately explore the anatomical organization of neural circuits in the brain, it is crucial to map the experimental brain data onto a standardized system of coordinates. Studying 2D histological mouse brain slices remains the standard procedure in many laboratories. Mapping these 2D brain slices is challenging; due to deformations, artifacts, and tilted angles introduced during the standard preparation and slicing process. In addition, analysis of experimental mouse brain slices can be highly dependent on the level of expertise of the human operator. Here we propose a computational tool for Accurate Mouse Brain Image Analysis (AMBIA), to map 2D mouse brain slices on the 3D brain model with minimal human intervention. AMBIA has a modular design that comprises a localization module and a registration module. The localization module is a deep learning-based pipeline that localizes a single 2D slice in the 3D Allen Brain Atlas and generates a corresponding atlas plane. The registration module is built upon the Ardent python package that performs deformable 2D registration between the brain slice to its corresponding atlas. By comparing AMBIA's performance in localization and registration to human ratings, we demonstrate that it performs at a human expert level. AMBIA provides an intuitive and highly efficient way for accurate registration of experimental 2D mouse brain images to 3D digital mouse brain atlas. Our tool provides a graphical user interface and it is designed to be used by researchers with minimal programming knowledge

    New results on light nuclei, hyperons and hypernuclei from HADES (HADES collaboration)

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    International audienceIn March 2019 the HADES experiment recorded 14 billion Ag+Ag collisions at √sNN = 2.55 GeV as a part of the FAIR phase-0 physics program. In this contribution, we present and investigate our capabilities to reconstruct and analyze weakly decaying strange hadrons and hypernuclei emerging from these collisions. The focus is put on measuring the mean lifetimes of these particles

    Exploring time like tranistions in pp, πp and AA reactions with HADES

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    Radiative transition of an excited baryon to a nucleon with emission of a virtual massive photon converting to dielectron pair (Dalitz decays) provides important information about baryon-photon coupling at low q2 in timelike region. A prominent enhancement in the respective electromagnetic transition Form Factors (etFF) at q2 near vector mesons ρ/ω poles has been predicted by various calculations reflecting strong baryon-vector meson couplings. The understanding of these couplings is also of primary importance for the interpretation of the emissivity of QCD matter studied in heavy ion collisions via dilepton emission. Dedicated measurements of baryon Dalitz decays in proton-proton and pion-proton scattering with HADES detector at GSI/FAIR are presented and discussed. The relevance of these studies for the interpretation of results obtained from heavy ion reactions is elucidated on the example of the HADES results