10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Peace, Conflict and Development (PCD) research support in countries and regions affected by violent conflict : Palestine case study

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    Incorporating Palestine as one of the case studies in the evaluation of Peace, Conflict and Development Program (PCD)- supported projects is essential in order to understand the particular way in which the Palestinian partners have coped throughout the research cycle, and how IDRC has adapted its programming modalities to accommodate the difficult realities facing their Palestinian partners on the ground. The evaluation aims to clarify roles and expectations of PCD research. Despite the fact that programming and project delivery has at times been very problematic due to the ongoing conflict, funding has never been withheld or stopped

    Evaluation of Peace, Conflict and Development (PCD) research support in countries and regions affected by violent conflict : East Africa case study

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    The evaluation seeks to improve the Peace, Conflict and Development Program (PCD) and other IDRC programming approaches in contexts of active conflict. It identifies factors that facilitate or hinder the research process for PCD-supported projects in countries and regions affected by violent conflict, and the advantages and disadvantages of PCD programming modalities in achieving PCD objectives in those conflict settings. For more than three decades, the IDRC has provided significant support for research activities led by universities, research institutes, government departments and nongovernmental organizations (NGO) in East Africa

    Environmental applications of airborne geophysics: groundwater and contaminated soil in Finland, Germany and United Kingdom

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    The use of airborne geophysical data for environmental studies started in GTK already in the l970’s but came into common use only in the late l990’s. In recent years airborne data have been used successfully especially in environmental studies related to old mines and old mining districts, groundwater and soil contamination. This paper presents five studies where GTK's airborne data have been successfully applied for environmental and groundwater investigation purposes. In the section “Airborne methods in groundwater studies in Finland" Heikki Vanhala and Annina Mattsson discuss the use of airborne electromagnetic(AEM). magnetic and radiometric data for studying bedrock aquifers and groundwater related to glaciofluvial formations. Jouni Lerssi presents a case “Mapping a waste-water pond — a case from Lievestuore, central Finland", in which AEM data were used for mapping and characterising a large wastewater (sodium lignosulphonate) pond and its surroundings. An example of site monitoring using airborne data is given by Mari Lahti. Her contribution “Landfill monitoring at Ammassuo, southern Finland" is based on airborne measurements conducted in 1984, 1993, 1997 and 1999 over the Ammassuo municipal landfill. The contribution related to abandoned mines “Mapping the environmental risks of a wide contamination site ~ results from a mining region in eastern Germany“, by Mari Lahti, discusses the use of airborne gamma-ray surveys in mapping an old uranium mining district and in monitoring radiation levels. She also presents a case of integrated use of radiometric and magnetic data in mapping an old black coal mining area and a case of the combined use of magnetic and ground resistivity data for mapping impacts of nickel mining and smelting. The last contribution "Environmental applications of the GTK AEM data in the UK", by David Beamish, is based on AEM data from four areas in the East Midlands, in the UK. Two sites, the area of the Thoresby coal mine and municipal landfills in the Langar area, are discussed in detail

    Evaluation of Peace, Conflict and Development (PCD) research support in countries and regions affected by violent conflict : synthesis of case studies

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    This report reflects the findings of four individual case study reports commissioned by the Peace, Conflict and Development (PCD) program. The findings of the individual country reports and the synthesis report are based on a contextual analysis of selected PCD-funded research projects. The objective is to identify the factors (conditions and programming modalities) that facilitate or hinder the research process for PCD-supported projects in countries and regions affected by violent conflict, and the advantages and disadvantages of PCD programming in such unstable settings