3 research outputs found

    Learning microscopic organography using the didactic method of virtual computing in university students

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el aprendizaje en la práctica guiada de la asignatura de Embriología e Histología Humana en alumnos de Odontología de dos universidades peruanas empleando dos técnicas de enseñanza de la organografía microscópica. Metodología: El estudio fue cuasi-experimental. Hubo un grupo control (50 estudiantes) en el que se utilizó la técnica tradicional y un grupo experimental (50 estudiantes) en el que se empleó la técnica virtual. En el grupo control se empleó un microscopio electrónico Zeiss para realizar las observaciones de las láminas mientras que en el grupo experimental se empleó un proyector multimedia. Se realizaron dos evaluaciones (con 20 preguntas cada una) para medir el aprendizaje sobre Embriología Estomatológica y sobre Histología Estomatológica, se obtuvo una nota por cada unidad y luego el promedio de ambas para obtener el aprendizaje global de la asignatura. Para comparar el aprendizaje entre los grupos se aplicó la prueba U de Mann Whitney. Resultados y conclusiones: El aprendizaje de los estudiantes acerca de la Embriología Estomatológica, Histología Estomatológica y global tuvo una calificación mediana + rango intercuartílico de 9+3,25, 11+4 y 10+2 puntos respectivamente en el grupo control y de 11+2,25, 13+2 y 12+2 puntos respectivamente en el grupo experimental. Al comparar el aprendizaje en las tres dimensiones se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0,001). El aprendizaje global de la asignatura de Embriología e Histología Humana fue mayor en los alumnos que recibieron la enseñanza con ayuda de la técnica virtual que aquellos que lo recibieron con ayuda de la técnica tradicional.The aim of the study was to compare learning, of guided practices of Human Histology and Embryology subject in dental students from two peruvian universities using two techniques of microscopic organography teaching practices. Methodology: The study was quasi-experimental. There was a control group (50 students) on the traditional technique and an experimental group (50 students) where the virtual technique was used. In the control group a Zeiss electron microscope was used for observing laminas while in the experimental group a multimedia projector was used. Two evaluations were conducted (with 20 questions each) to measure learning about Stomatologic Embryology and Stomatologic Histology, a note for each unit was obtained and the mean for the overall learning of the subject. For comparison between groups the U Mann Whitney test was applied. Results and conclusions: The student learning about Stomatologic Embryology, Stomatologic Histology and the global had a median + interquartile range of 9+3.25, 11+4 and 10+2 points respectively in the control group and 11+2.25, 13+2 and 12+2 points respectively in the experimental group. Comparing learning of showed statistically significant differences (p <0.001). Global learning of the subject of Human Histology and Embryology was higher in students who received instruction using the virtual technique than those using the traditional technique

    Riesgo de caries dental

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    El enfoque de riesgo de caries dental aplicado a individuos y poblaciones se viene empleando einvestigando mucho en las últimas décadas. En este artículo se describe la importancia y limitacionesde la evaluación de riesgo cariogénico, los predictores de riesgo más utilizados, como son,experiencia pasada de caries, hábitos dietéticos, control de placa, suposición del profesional,pruebas bacteriales, estado sociodemográfico, saliva, historia médica y uso de flúor, incluyendola evidencia disponible acerca de su valor y poder predictivo, y las características que deben tenerlos modelos de predicción de caries dental

    General Labor Well-Being in Latin American Dentists during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Abstract: This study aimed to determine the general labor well-being of Latin American dentists according to sociodemographic characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a final sample of 2214 participants from 11 countries. A validated online questionnaire on general work well-being was used (data collection period from 1 June to 10 July 2021), containing two dimensions: psychosocial well-being and collateral effects. The sociodemographic characteristics of the dentists and their perception of the economic impact of the pandemic were also recorded. A multivariate linear regression analysis was performed (hierarchical regression model) to evaluate the joint effect of the explanatory variables on labor well-being and the changes in the variance between each model. A score of psychosocial well-being of 233.6 + 40.2 and collateral effects of 45 + 20.1 was found. Psychosocial well-being was associated with sex, country of origin, academic training achieved, type of dental activity, and perceived impact during the pandemic (p < 0.05). Somatization was frequently manifested through back pain (88.2%) and muscular tensions (87.2%). Women, those who worked 41 or more hours and had between 1 to 15 years of professional experience presented azgreater collateral effect (p < 0.001). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic a year and a half after it began on the labor well-being of Latin American dentists was evidenced with important interactions with social characteristics