1,046 research outputs found

    Cooperation between university and industry in the research of the suitability of agile methodologies in software development

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    Choosing a proper approach to manage a software development project is critical to increasing the chances to succeed in the venture. One of the great dilemmas nowadays concerns the option for an Agile or a traditional approach. There are several characteristics of software projects and the business environment in which they are carried out that must be considered while choosing the most appropriate development process. Although Agile development methodologies have been increasingly expanding and consolidating worldwide as an effective way of building software in the last two decades, they are not a one-size-fits-all approach. Knowing when to use Agile and which methodology is most suitable are the great questions that we aimed to answer in this study. In this paper, through a comprehensive revision of the Agile literature and an exploratory study, with the realization of focus group sessions with Agile practitioners and an interview with an Agile expert actively engaged in the software industry, we explored the characteristics of software development projects and organisational environments, identifying those that favour the use of an Agile approach. We also studied the main aspects that lead Agile teams to opt for one of the common Agile frameworks: Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP), Kanban, or Lean Software Development (LSD). The major goal of our study, clarifying the main aspects to be considered in the choice of an Agile methodology, is to support the decision-maker in the process of selecting an appropriate development approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Oferta e demanda de produtos agrícolas no Brasil 2008 a 2012.

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    Este trabalho objetiva determinar e comparar as taxas de crescimento da demanda e da oferta internas de produtos agrícolas no Brasil, e, a partir daí, estimar quantidades demandadas e ofertadas em 2008 e em 2012, considerando para isso três cenários econômicos. Os resultados mostrarão que apenas o arroz e a carne bovina apresentam taxa de crescimento da demanda superior à da oferta e, em 2012, a demanda de carne bovina superará a oferta em termos absolutos: isso em um cenário positivo de 5% de crescimento do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB). À exceção do feijão, pode-se dizer que os demais produtos, em especial os voltados à exportação, como as carnes bovina, suína e de frango, responderam positivamente a elevações na renda. No caso desses últimos dois produtos, os fatores determinantes da oferta, tais como maiores investimentos em pesquisa e melhores preços externos, foram muito mais eficazes para imprimir um maior crescimento que os fatores determinantes de sua demanda

    Suprimento de nutrientes para a produção orgânica de arroz irrigado.

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    Avaliação do desempenho ambiental de inovações tecnológicas agroindustriais: conceitos e métodos.

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    Inovações tecnológicas; Questões ambientais relacionadas às atividades agroindustriais; Estruturação de um método multicritério de avaliação de desenpenho ambiental; Métodos de avaliação ambiental de inovações agroindustriais; Análise comparativa dos métodos.bitstream/item/33966/1/DO10001.pd

    Monitoramento da qualidade da água de drenagem inicial de lavoura de arroz pré-germinado.

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    Avaliação dos produtos químicos aplicados nas sementes de arroz irrigado-safra 2009/2010

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    Brazil certificate - rice export value added.

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    The rice produced in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has quantity (productivity + technologie) that contributes to food security, quality (organoleptide + food safety + varietal identification) that contributes to value addition and positive image and meets safety, requirements environmental (environmental licensing + rural land register) that contribute to the preservation of the Pampa Biome. All these positive aspects are the basis for an official certification of the Brazilian government whose identification label is Brazil Certificate: Quality Agriculture. The rice industry in RS also has technology to focus the concept of quality with consumers and associate positive image, enabling innovation for a market that requires traceability and certification. The challenges faced by Brazilian rice exporters include overcoming phytosanitary and environmental barriers, consolidating sales to newly conquered markets and ensuring customer loyalty. In this context, an internationally recognized certification, such as the Brazil Certified: Quality Agriculture, which has National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology as the certifying agency provides confidence to the markets and, consequently, transparency for consumers

    New method to study stochastic growth equations: a cellular automata perspective

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    We introduce a new method based on cellular automata dynamics to study stochastic growth equations. The method defines an interface growth process which depends on height differences between neighbors. The growth rule assigns a probability pi(t)=ρp_{i}(t)=\rho exp[κΓi(t)][\kappa \Gamma_{i}(t)] for a site ii to receive one particle at a time tt and all the sites are updated simultaneously. Here ρ\rho and κ\kappa are two parameters and Γi(t)\Gamma_{i}(t) is a function which depends on height of the site ii and its neighbors. Its functional form is specified through discretization of the deterministic part of the growth equation associated to a given deposition process. In particular, we apply this method to study two linear equations - the Edwards-Wilkinson (EW) equation and the Mullins-Herring (MH) equation - and a non-linear one - the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. Through simulations and statistical analysis of the height distributions of the profiles, we recover the values for roughening exponents, which confirm that the processes generated by the method are indeed in the universality classes of the original growth equations. In addition, a crossover from Random Deposition to the associated correlated regime is observed when the parameter κ\kappa is varied.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure