59 research outputs found

    Measuring exposure in DDoS protection services

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    Denial-of-Service attacks have rapidly gained in popularity over the last decade. The increase in frequency, size, and complexity of attacks has made DDoS Protection Services (DPS) an attractive mitigation solution to which the protection of services can be outsourced. Despite a thriving market and increasing adoption of protection services, a DPS can often be bypassed, and direct attacks can be launched against the origin of a target. Many protection services leverage the Domain Name System (DNS) to protect, e.g., Web sites. When the DNS is misconfigured, the origin IP address of a target can leak to attackers, which defeats the purpose of outsourcing protection. We perform a large-scale analysis of this phenomenon by using three large data sets that cover a 16-month period: a data set of active DNS measurements; a DNS-based data set that focuses on DPS adoption; and a data set of DoS attacks inferred from backscatter traffic to a sizable darknet. We analyze nearly 11k Web sites on Alexa's top 1M that outsource protection, for eight leading DPS providers. Our results show that 40% of these Web sites expose the origin in the DNS. Moreover, we show that the origin of 19% of these Web sites is targeted after outsourcing protection

    Mitigating DDoS attacks using OpenFlow-based software defined networking

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    Over the last years, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have become an increasing threat on the Internet, with recent attacks reaching traffic volumes of up to 500 Gbps. To make matters worse, web-based facilities that offer “DDoS-as-a-service” (i.e., Booters) allow for the layman to launch attacks in the order of tens of Gbps in exchange for only a few euros. A recent development in networking is the principle of Software Defined Networking (SDN), and related technologies such as OpenFlow. In SDN, the control plane and data plane of the network are decoupled. This has several advantages, such as centralized control over forwarding decisions, dynamic updating of forwarding rules, and easier and more flexible network configuration. Given these advantages, we expect SDN to be well-suited for DDoS attack mitigation. Typical mitigation solutions, however, are not built using SDN. In this paper we propose to design and to develop an OpenFlow-based mitigation architecture for DDoS attacks. The research involves looking at the applicability of OpenFlow, as well as studying existing solutions built on other technologies. The research is as yet in its beginning phase and will contribute towards a Ph.D. thesis after four years

    Lowering the Barriers to Working with Public RIR-Level Data

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    Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) publish WHOIS, route object delegation, and reverse DNS zone files. These data are valuable resources for network researchers and engineers, yet contain inconsistencies and are not all available long-term. In this work, we consolidate and make available longitudinal RIR-level data, aiming to lower the barriers to start working with these data

    DDoS Mitigation:A Measurement-Based Approach

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    Society heavily relies upon the Internet for global communications. Simultaneously, Internet stability and reliability are continuously subject to deliberate threats. These threats include (Distributed) Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, which can potentially be devastating. As a result of DDoS, businesses lose hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Moreover, when it comes to vital infrastructure, national safety and even lives could be at stake. Effective defenses are therefore an absolute necessity. Prospective users of readily available mitigation solutions find themselves having many shapes and sizes to choose from, the right fit of which may, however, not always be apparent. In addition, the deployment and operation of mitigation solutions may come with hidden hazards that need to be better understood. Policy makers and governments also find themselves facing questions concerning what needs to be done to promote cybersafety on a national level. Developing an optimal course of action to deal with DDoS, therefore, also brings about societal challenges. Even though the DDoS problem is by no means new, the scale of the problem is still unclear. We do not know exactly what it is we are defending against and getting a better understanding of attacks is essential to addressing the problem head-on. To advance situational awareness, many technical and societal challenges need still to be tackled. Given the central importance of better understanding the DDoS problem to improve overall Internet security, the thesis that we summarize in this paper has three main contributions. First, we rigorously characterize attacks and attacked targets at scale. Second, we advance knowledge about the Internet-wide adoption, deployment and operational use of various mitigation solutions. Finally, we investigate hidden hazards that can render mitigation solutions altogether ineffective

    Poster:Observable KINDNS: Validating DNS Hygiene

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    The Internet's naming system (DNS) is a hierarchically structured database, with hundreds of millions of domains in a radically distributed management architecture. The distributed nature of the DNS is the primary factor that allowed it to scale to its current size, but it also brings security and stability risks. The Internet standards community (IETF) has published several operational best practices to improve DNS resilience, but operators must make their own decisions that tradeoff security, cost, and complexity. Since these decisions can impact the security of billions of Internet users, recently ICANN has proposed an initiative to codify best practices into a set of global norms to improve security: the Knowledge-Sharing and Instantiating Norms for DNS and Naming Security (KINDNS) [4]. A similar effort for routing security - Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security - provided inspiration for this effort. The MANRS program encourages operators to voluntarily commit to a set of practices that will improve collective routing security - a challenge when incentives to conform with these practices does not generate a clear return on investment for operators. One challenge for both initiatives is independent verification of conformance with the practices. The KINDNS conversation has just started, and stakeholders are still debating what should be in the set of practices. At this early stage, we analyze possible best practices in terms of their measurability by third parties, including a review of DNS measurement studies and available data sets (Table 1)

    Unveiling flat traffic on the internet: An SSH attack case study

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    Many types of brute-force attacks are known to exhibit a characteristic ‘flat’ behavior at the network-level, meaning that connections belonging to an attack feature a similar number of packets and bytes, and duration. Flat traffic usually results from repeating similar application-layer actions, such as login attempts in a brute-force attack. For typical attacks, hundreds of attempts span over multiple connections, with each connection containing the same, small number of attempts. The characteristic flat behavior is used by many Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSes), both for identifying the presence of attacks and — once detected — for observing deviations, pointing out potential compromises, for example. However, flatness of network traffic may become indistinct when TCP retransmissions and control information come into play. These TCP phenomena affect not only intrusion detection, but also other forms of network traffic analysis. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, we analyze the impact of retransmissions and control information on network traffic based on traffic measurements. To do so, we have developed a flow exporter extension that was deployed in both a campus and a backbone network. Second, we show that intrusion detection results improve dramatically by up to 16 percentage points once IDSes are able to ‘flatten’ network traffic again, which we have validated by means of analyzing log files of almost 60 hosts over a period of one month

    On the Adoption of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) in DNSSEC

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    The Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are steadily being deployed across the Internet. DNSSEC extends the DNS protocol with two vital security properties, authenticity and integrity, using digital signatures. While DNSSEC is meant to solve security issues in the DNS, it also introduces a new one: the digital signatures significantly increase DNS packet sizes, making DNSSEC an attractive vector to abuse in amplification denial-of-service attacks. By default, DNSSEC uses RSA for digital signatures. Earlier work has shown that alternative signature schemes, based on elliptic curve cryptography, can significantly reduce the impact of signatures on DNS response sizes. In this paper we study the actual adoption of ECDSA by DNSSEC operators, based on longitudinal datasets covering over 50% of the global DNS namespace over a period of 1.5 years. Adoption is still marginal, with just 2.3% of DNSSEC-signed domains in the .com TLD using ECDSA. Nevertheless, use of ECDSA is growing, with at least one large operator leading the pack. And adoption could be up to 42% higher. As we demonstrate, there are barriers to deployment that hamper adoption. Operators wishing to deploy DNSSEC using current recommendations (with ECDSA as signing algorithm) must be mindful of this when planning their deployment

    This Is a Local Domain: On Amassing Country-Code Top-Level Domains from Public Data

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    Domain lists are a key ingredient for representative censuses of the Web. Unfortunately, such censuses typically lack a view on domains under country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs). This introduces unwanted bias: many countries have a rich local Web that remains hidden if their ccTLDs are not considered. The reason ccTLDs are rarely considered is that gaining access -- if possible at all -- is often laborious. To tackle this, we ask: what can we learn about ccTLDs from public sources? We extract domain names under ccTLDs from 6 years of public data from Certificate Transparency logs and Common Crawl. We compare this against ground truth for 19 ccTLDs for which we have the full DNS zone. We find that public data covers 43%-80% of these ccTLDs, and that coverage grows over time. By also comparing port scan data we then show that these public sources reveal a significant part of the Web presence under a ccTLD. We conclude that in the absence of full access to ccTLDs, domain names learned from public sources can be a good proxy when performing Web censuses.Comment: 6 pages double-column, 4 figures; submitted to ACM SIGCOMM CC

    A matter of degree:characterizing the amplification power of open DNS resolvers

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    Open DNS resolvers are widely misused to bring about reflection and amplification DDoS attacks. Indiscriminate efforts to address the issue and take down all resolvers have not fully resolved the problem, and millions of open resolvers still remain available to date, providing attackers with enough options. This brings forward the question if we should not instead focus on eradicating the most problematic resolvers, rather than all open resolvers indiscriminately. Contrary to existing studies, which focus on quantifying the existence of open resolvers, this paper focuses on infrastructure diversity and aims at characterizing open resolvers in terms of their ability to bring about varying attack strengths. Such a characterization brings nuances to the problem of open resolvers and their role in amplification attacks, as it allows for more problematic resolvers to be identified. Our findings show that the population of open resolvers lies above 2.6M range over our one-year measurement period. On the positive side, we observe that the majority of identified open resolvers cut out when dealing with bulky and DNSSEC-related queries, thereby limiting their potential as amplifiers. We show, for example, that 59% of open resolvers lack DNSSEC support. On the downside, we see that a non-negligible number of open resolvers facilitate large responses to ANY and TXT queries (8.1% and 3.4% on average, respectively), which stands to benefit attackers. Finally we show that by removing around 20% of potent resolvers the global DNS amplification potential can be reduced by up to 80%