233 research outputs found

    What are public services worth, and to whom ? Non-parametric estimation of capitalization in Pune

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    The availability and quality of basic public services are important determinants of urban quality of life. In many cities, rapid population growth and fiscal constraints are limiting the extent to which urban governments can keep up with increasing demand for these services. It therefore becomes important to prioritize provision of those services to best reflect local demand. The authors present a strategy to estimate the demand for public services, which is sensitive to heterogeneity in preferences across types of households, and the nonparametric estimation addresses problems arising from functional form restrictions. Using data from Pune, India, they estimate the demand for public services, as represented by the marginal change in the self-assessed monthly rental price of dwellings from the services. The authors find that the value of publicly provided services accruing to the poor is greater than that going to wealthier households, and even untargeted across-the-board investment in specific services can be progressive.Housing&Human Habitats,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Municipal Financial Management,Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Management and Reform

    Targeting Assistance to the Poor and Food Insecure: A Review of the Literature

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    Targeting involves the identification and selection of certain groups or households or even individuals, and the distribution of benefits (or costs) to them. Targeting is required because governments face resource constraints, and because households have different needs: some are poorer and more food insecure than others. In general, the managerial costs of targeting increase with its narrowness or intended accuracy, and these costs may exceed the savings achieved by targeting. The benefits of targeting arise precisely because it reduces the size of the target population, and the cost of narrower targeting includes the unintentional exclusion of some of the target population. The literature highlights several factors common to successful public works programs, such as the need for flexibility in design and the need to pay attention to the local cultural, geographic, and economic environment in which the projects are to be implemented.food security, food policy, Food Security and Poverty, Downloads June 2008-July 2009: 21, Q18,

    Sources of financial assistance for households suffering an adult death in Kagera, Tanzania

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    The AIDS crisis in Africa and elsewhere compels us to design appropriate assistance policies for households experience a death. Policies should take into account and strengthen existing household coping strategies, rather than duplicate or undermine them. The authors investigate the nature of coping mechanisms among a sample of households in Kagera, Tanzania in 1991-1994. They estimate the magnitude and timing of receipts of private transfers, credits, and public assistance by households with different characteristics. Their empirical strategy addresses three common methodological difficulties in estimating the impact of adult death: selection bias, endogeneity, and unobserved heterogeneity. The authors find that less-poor households (those with more physical and human capital) benefit from larger receipts of private assistance than poor households. Resource-abundant households are wealthy in social assets as well as physical assets. Poor households, on the other hand, rely relatively more on loans than private transfers, for up to a year after a death. This suggests that credit acts as insurance for households where informal interhousehold assistance contracts are not enforceable. A donor in Kagera can be sure that assistance to a wealthy household may not be able to return the favor. Assistance to the poor is more likely to come with more formal arrangements for repayment. Formal-sector assistance is targeted toward the poor immediately following the death. The impact of adult deaths on households may be mitigated either ex ante, through programs that minimize poverty and vulnerability, or ex post, by assistance targeted to the poorest and most vulnerable households. In addition, to the extent to which micro-credit programs improve access and lower the total costs of borrowing, they may not only stimulate growth and investment but also help resource-poor households overcome the impact of an adult death in the areas hard-hit by the AIDS epidemic.Rural Poverty Reduction,Safety Nets and Transfers,Services&Transfers to Poor,VN-Acb Mis -- IFC-00535908,Housing&Human Habitats

    Liturgical Singing in the Lutheran Mass in Early Modern Sweden and its Implications for Clerical Ritual Performance and Lay Literacy

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    This article postulates and analyses three distinct modes of performativity in Early Modern ecclesiastical music in Sweden, each linked to a specific repertoire of melodies, and each de facto (and sometimes also de jure) monopolized by the Church of Sweden. It is proposed that recognition and analysis of these three modes may provide further understanding of the interaction between singing, reading and speaking during the period under discussion. This sheds new light on what has in literacy research been termed “religious reading”, giving rise in some instances to a corresponding type of “religious singing” in a narrower sense: one where fixed melodies to moveable texts provide a bridge between literacy and non-literacy

    Tenure, Divesity, and commitment - community participation for urban service provision

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    What factors influence community participation in the delivery of urban services? In particular, does security of tenure enhance the probability of participation as it provides individuals with incentives to act collectively in pursuit of a common objective? And are collective efforts less likely to succeed when there is a high degree of heterogeneity in culture or endowments among community members? The authors use household level survey data for Bangalore, India, to show that tenure security has a significant impact on the willingness of residents to participate even when neighborhoods are diverse in terms of their cultural background and welfare status. Their findings suggest that participation is possible in heterogeneous communities when it is a means to a common objective and not a goal by itself.Community Development and Empowerment,Housing&Human Habitats,Social Capital,Decentralization,Health Economics&Finance,Governance Indicators,Housing&Human Habitats,Community Development and Empowerment,Social Capital,Health Economics&Finance

    Location and welfare in cities: impacts of policy interventions on the urban poor

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    Informal settlements are an integral part of the urban landscape in developing countries. These settlements are widely distributed within cities, including central business centers and peripheral areas with environment hazards. In most cases, residents of these settlements do not have access to basic public services and amenities. In this paper, the authors examine the impact of interventions, such as upgrading basic services and resettlement policies, on the welfare of residents of these informal settlements, who are typically the urban poor. To examine these interventions, they estimate models of residential location choice and allow households to be sensitive to commuting costs to work, demand for public services, and preferences for community composition. The authors'empirical analysis is based on recently collected survey data from Pune, India, and shows that poor households prefer to live close to work and in communities that consist of people sharing common socio-demographic characteristics. From the perspective of households living in informal settlements, upgrading settlements in the original place is welfare enhancing. If a household must be relocated, it greatly prefers to be moved to a community that resembles its current community.Municipal Financial Management,Public Health Promotion,Decentralization,Housing&Human Habitats,Urban Services to the Poor,Municipal Financial Management,Housing&Human Habitats,VN-Acb Mis -- IFC-00535908,Urban Housing,City Development Strategies

    Distinct evolutionary mechanisms for genomic imbalances in high-risk and low-risk neuroblastomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracranial solid tumour of childhood. Several genomic imbalances correlate to prognosis in NB, with structural rearrangements, including gene amplification, in a near-diploid setting typically signifying high-risk tumours and numerical changes in a near-triploid setting signifying low-risk tumours. Little is known about the temporal sequence in which these imbalances occur during the carcinogenic process.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have reconstructed the appearance of cytogenetic imbalances in 270 NBs by first grouping tumours and imbalances through principal component analysis and then using the number of imbalances in each tumour as an indicator of evolutionary progression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Tumours clustered in four sub-groups, dominated respectively by (1) gene amplification in double minute chromosomes and few other aberrations, (2) gene amplification and loss of 1p sequences, (3) loss of 1p and other structural aberrations including gain of 17q, and (4) whole-chromosome gains and losses. Temporal analysis showed that the structural changes in groups 1–3 were acquired in a step-wise fashion, with loss of 1p sequences and the emergence of double minute chromosomes as the earliest cytogenetic events. In contrast, the gains and losses of whole chromosomes in group 4 occurred through multiple simultaneous events leading to a near-triploid chromosome number.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The finding of different temporal patterns for the acquisition of genomic imbalances in high-risk and low-risk NBs lends strong support to the hypothesis that these tumours are biologically diverse entities, evolving through distinct genetic mechanisms.</p

    The value of skill training programs for self-employment, entrepreneurship and non-cognitive traits. Evidence from a regression discontinuity design

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    Using a "fuzzy" regression discontinuity design, we examine the short-run impacts of a vocational training program on self-employment, new business plans, entry into entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial traits using data from the Nepal Employment Fund training program, which funds training workshops offered to eligible individuals. We find striking positive effects of training on self-employment among transformative entrepreneurs. Among individuals who our analysis identifies as transformative entrepreneurs, training provision increases the likelihood of self-employment by 0.21, or equivalent to a 50 percent increase in self-employment from the baseline average. We find impact differences by gender: self-employment increase by 21 percent among women and we detect no impacts among men. The program also generated sizable improvements in self-reported self-regulation and a decreased frequency of anxiety about future income. The female sub-sample and the most labor-intensive training types primarily drive the positive program impacts