13 research outputs found

    Entropiebasierte Bewertungskriterien für den Wärmeübergang in Kraftwerksprozessen und ihre Relevanz für praktische Anwendungen

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    Alle bei der Wärmeübertragung auftretenden Verluste führen dazu, dass Entropie pro-duziert wird. Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob die Entropieproduktion oder darauf aufbau-ende Bewertungskriterien für die Auslegung und Optimierung von Wärmeübertragern hilfreiche Hinweise geben können. Die Untersuchung wird mit Hilfe eines detaillierten Modells durchgeführt, welches in der Programmiersprache Modelica erstellt wurde.All losses occurring during heat transfer result in entropy generation. This work inves-tigates, whether the entropy generation rate or related performance evaluation criteria are helpful for the design and optimization of heat exchangers. For this purpose, a de-tailed plate heat exchanger model has been developed using the programming lan-guage Modelica

    IEA EBC Annex 60 Modelica Library - An international collaboration to develop a free open-source model library for buildings and community energy systems

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    This paper describes the collaborative development of the Annex 60 Modelica library, a free, open-source library for building and community energy systems. The library is developed within the Annex 60 project that is conducted under the umbrella of the International Energy Agency's Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme (IEA EBC). Our goal is to develop and distribute a well documented, vetted and validated open-source library that serves as the core of future building simulation programs and that can be integrated with existing programs as well. The work brings together experts in Modelica for building energy applications and coordinates the previously fragmented development that led to four libraries that were incompatible, hard to combine and each itself limited in scope. The work resulted in a library that is now used as the core of these four Modelica libraries. The paper describes the agreed upon requirements, scope, current status of implementation, quality control process and structure of the library. The paper also provides illustrative examples.status: publishe