7 research outputs found

    Atorvastatin reduces β-Adrenergic dysfunction in rats with diabetic cardiomyopathy - Fig 3

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    <p><b>Representative western blot and densitometric data reflecting protein expressions of β1-adrenoceptor (Panel A) and β3-adrenoceptor (Panel B) in left ventricles homogenates of healthy or diabetic rats, treated or not by atorvastatin (50 mg kg-1.day-1) during 15 days.</b> Western blot experiments were normalized using proteins using Ponceau S solution. Data are means ± SD (n = 4 to 9). *: <i>p</i><0.05 versus healthy untreated rats; †: <i>p</i><0.05 diabetic statin versus diabetic untreated rats.</p

    Effects of atorvastatin on the transcriptome of left ventricles of healthy or diabetic rats.

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    <p>Panel A-B Heat Map of RNA expression profiles in diabetic versus healthy left ventricles (Panel A) or in statin diabetic versus untreated diabetic left ventricles (Panel B); Color scale indicate relative expression ratio for each gene in diabetic versus healthy left ventricle (Panel A) or in statin versus untreated diabetic left ventricle. Panel C-D Volcano Plot for the modification of genes expression by diabetes in heart ventricle (Panel C) and by atorvastatin in diabetic left ventricle (Panel D). The vertical axis represents the <i>p</i> value (-log<sup>10</sup> <i>p</i> value) and the horizontal axis range the fold change (log<sup>2</sup> ratio) between diabetic and healthy left ventricles (Panel C) or statin diabetic versus untreated diabetic left ventricles (Panel D) (by t-test). Genes in the area delimited in red have a fold change greater than 1.5 with a <i>p</i> value < 0.05. Genes in the area delimited in green have a fold change greater than -1.5 (ratio <0.67) with a <i>p</i> value < 0.05. Panel E Venn diagram representing the differently expressed genes in diabetic versus healthy left ventricles in blue and in statin diabetic versus untreated diabetic left ventricles in red (<i>p</i><0.05). D is for down-regulation in diabetic versus healthy left ventricles, U for up-regulation. The overlapping part represents the genes modified by diabetes as well as statin, with up- or down-regulation for each comparison.</p