41 research outputs found

    Pulparegeneration in der Praxis: „Pulp Fiction“?

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    Einem Zahn mit nekrotischer Pulpa neues Leben einzuhauchen, das ist das Ziel der regenerativen Endodontie. Es handelt sich um ein Forschungsfeld, das momentan vielerorts Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht. Dieser Artikel soll einen kurzen Überblick über den Stand der Forschung und die tatsächliche Umsetzbarkeit dieses Unterfangens geben

    Engineering the Future of Dental Health: Exploring Molecular Advancements in Dental Pulp Regeneration

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    Protected by the surrounding mineralized barriers of enamel, dentin, and cementum, dental pulp is a functionally versatile tissue that fulfills multiple roles. In addition to the perception of thermal and mechanical stimuli as a warning system and the deposition of dentin, the pulp performs a variety of immunological functions against invading microorganisms, both in terms of recognition and defense. Especially, in young patients, dental pulp is essential for the completion of root development, and early pulp necrosis results in fracture-prone teeth with fragile root walls [1–4]. Whether in young or adult patients, the loss of pulp tissue due to caries or trauma requires a therapeutic intervention by means of root canal treatment and obturation with a synthetic material. In recent years, innovative attempts have been made to regenerate dental pulp using advanced molecular biology techniques [5,6]. Promising approaches, based on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, have been developed for this purpose [7,8]. In this context, stem cell-based or primarily cell-free approaches use specifically tailored scaffold materials and signaling molecules to achieve pulp regeneration, both in terms of tissue microarchitecture and functionality (Figure 1). Several of these approaches already take into account the requirements of potential clinical applications [9–11]

    A Compilation of Study Models for Dental Pulp Regeneration

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    Efforts to heal damaged pulp tissue through tissue engineering have produced positive results in pilot trials. However, the differentiation between real regeneration and mere repair is not possible through clinical measures. Therefore, preclinical study models are still of great importance, both to gain insights into treatment outcomes on tissue and cell levels and to develop further concepts for dental pulp regeneration. This review aims at compiling information about different in vitro and in vivo ectopic, semiorthotopic, and orthotopic models. In this context, the differences between monolayer and three-dimensional cell cultures are discussed, a semiorthotopic transplantation model is introduced as an in vivo model for dental pulp regeneration, and finally, different animal models used for in vivo orthotopic investigations are presented

    A critical analysis of clinical research methods to study regenerative endodontics

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    Regenerative endodontic treatment such as revitalization provides a treatment option for immature teeth with pulp necrosis. The main difference to the alternative procedure, the apical plug, is the induction of a blood clot inside the canal as a scaffold for healing and new tissue formation. Due to the biology-based and minimally-invasive nature of the treatment, revitalization has raised considerable interest in recent years. Whereas the procedure is fairly new and recommendations from endodontic societies have been in place only for a few years, the treatment protocol has evolved over the past two decades. Evidence has been created, not only from laboratory and animal work, but also from clinical studies including case reports, cohort studies and eventually prospective randomized controlled clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. However, the research methods and clinical studies with subsequent reports oftentimes present with methodical limitations, which makes it difficult to objectively assess the value of this treatment modality. Several open questions remain, including the need for a more differentiated indication of revitalization after different traumatic injuries, the long-term prognosis of treated teeth and the true benefits for the patient. Therefore, this review aims to identify and reflect on such limitations, scrutinizing study design, diagnostic tools, procedural details and outcome parameters. A core outcome set is also proposed in this context, which can be considered in future clinical investigations. These considerations may lead to a more detailed and stringent planning and execution of future studies in order to create high-quality evidence for the treatment modality of revitalization and thus provide more robust data, create a larger body of knowledge for clinicians and further specify current recommendations

    Effectiveness of endodontic tissue engineering in treatment of apical periodontitis: A systematic review

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    Background: Regenerative endodontics has evolved in recent years with tissue engineering concepts in particular appearing promising. Endodontic tissue engineering (ETE) describes the various approaches based on the orthograde introduction of scaffolds or biomaterials (with or without cells) into the root canal to achieve pulp tissue regeneration. There are currently no systematic reviews investigating whether ETE is a suitable method for the treatment of endodontic disease in both mature and immature permanent teeth. Objectives: The purpose of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of ETE in permanent teeth with pulp necrosis in comparison with conventional endodontic treatment. Methods: We searched MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Library for published reports as well as Google Scholar for grey literature up to November 2021. Included were studies of patients with permanent immature or mature teeth and pulp necrosis with or without signs of apical periodontitis (P) comparing ETE (I) with calcium hydroxide apexification, apical plug and root canal treatment (C) in terms of tooth survival, pain, tenderness, swelling, need for medication (analgesics and antibiotics), radiographic evidence of reduction in apical lesion size, radiographic evidence of normal periodontal ligament space, function (fracture and restoration longevity), the need for further intervention, adverse effects (including exacerbation, restoration integrity, allergy and discolouration), oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL), presence of sinus tract and response to sensibility testing (O). An observation period of at least 12 months was mandatory (T) and the number of patients in human experimental studies or longitudinal observational studies had to be at least 20 (10 in each arm) at the end (S). Risk of bias was appraised using the Cochrane risk-of-bias (RoB 2) tool. Two authors independently screened the records, assessed full texts for eligibility and evaluated risk of bias. Heterogeneity of outcomes and limited body of evidence did not allow for meta-analysis. Results: Two randomized clinical trials investigating cell transplantation approaches with a total of 76 participants (40 treated immature teeth and 36 treated mature teeth) were included for qualitative analysis. Both studies had moderate concerns in terms of risk of bias. Due to the lack of homogeneity a meta-analysis was not possible. Tooth survival for ETE, root canal treatment and apexification was 100% after 12 months. Teeth treated with ETE showed a higher number of cases with positive pulpal responses to sensitivity tests and with blood perfusion compared with root canal treatment or apexification. Discussion: This systematic review highlights that there is limited evidence for ETE approaches. Even though the results of this review suggest a high survival with ETE in mature and immature teeth, there is a moderate risk of bias due to methodological limitations in the included studies, so the overall results should be interpreted with caution. Lack of a robust control group was a common problem during literature screening, and outcomes besides dental survival were reported inconsistently. Future clinical trials need to address methodical as well as assessment concerns and report long-term results. Conclusion: The benefits and high survival rates reported for ETE techniques suggest that this procedure might be an alternative to conventional procedures for permanent teeth with pulpal necrosis. However, more appropriate studies are needed to derive clinical recommendations. Registration: PROSPERO (CRD42021266350

    Inflammatory Response Mechanisms of the Dentine-Pulp Complex and the Periapical Tissues

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    The macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the oral cavity is complex and unique in the human body. Soft-tissue structures are in close interaction with mineralized bone, but also dentine, cementum and enamel of our teeth. These are exposed to intense mechanical and chemical stress as well as to dense microbiologic colonization. Teeth are susceptible to damage, most commonly to caries, where microorganisms from the oral cavity degrade the mineralized tissues of enamel and dentine and invade the soft connective tissue at the core, the dental pulp. However, the pulp is well-equipped to sense and fend off bacteria and their products and mounts various and intricate defense mechanisms. The front rank is formed by a layer of odontoblasts, which line the pulp chamber towards the dentine. These highly specialized cells not only form mineralized tissue but exert important functions as barrier cells. They recognize pathogens early in the process, secrete antibacterial compounds and neutralize bacterial toxins, initiate the immune response and alert other key players of the host defense. As bacteria get closer to the pulp, additional cell types of the pulp, including fibroblasts, stem and immune cells, but also vascular and neuronal networks, contribute with a variety of distinct defense mechanisms, and inflammatory response mechanisms are critical for tissue homeostasis. Still, without therapeutic intervention, a deep carious lesion may lead to tissue necrosis, which allows bacteria to populate the root canal system and invade the periradicular bone via the apical foramen at the root tip. The periodontal tissues and alveolar bone react to the insult with an inflammatory response, most commonly by the formation of an apical granuloma. Healing can occur after pathogen removal, which is achieved by disinfection and obturation of the pulp space by root canal treatment. This review highlights the various mechanisms of pathogen recognition and defense of dental pulp cells and periradicular tissues, explains the different cell types involved in the immune response and discusses the mechanisms of healing and repair, pointing out the close links between inflammation and regeneration as well as between inflammation and potential malignant transformation

    Pathophysiological mechanisms of root resorption after dental trauma: a systematic scoping review

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    Background The objective of this scoping review was to systematically explore the current knowledge of cellular and molecular processes that drive and control trauma-associated root resorption, to identify research gaps and to provide a basis for improved prevention and therapy. Methods Four major bibliographic databases were searched according to the research question up to February 2021 and supplemented manually. Reports on physiologic, histologic, anatomic and clinical aspects of root resorption following dental trauma were included. Duplicates were removed, the collected material was screened by title/abstract and assessed for eligibility based on the full text. Relevant aspects were extracted, organized and summarized. Results 846 papers were identified as relevant for a qualitative summary. Consideration of pathophysiological mechanisms concerning trauma-related root resorption in the literature is sparse. Whereas some forms of resorption have been explored thoroughly, the etiology of others, particularly invasive cervical resorption, is still under debate, resulting in inadequate diagnostics and heterogeneous clinical recommendations. Effective therapies for progressive replacement resorptions have not been established. Whereas the discovery of the RANKL/RANK/OPG system is essential to our understanding of resorptive processes, many questions regarding the functional regulation of osteo-/odontoclasts remain unanswered. Conclusions This scoping review provides an overview of existing evidence, but also identifies knowledge gaps that need to be addressed by continued laboratory and clinical research

    Human Amnion Epithelial Cells: A Potential Cell Source for Pulp Regeneration?

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the suitability of pluripotent stem cells derived from the amnion (hAECs) as a potential cell source for revitalization in vitro. hAECs were isolated from human placentas, and dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and dentin matrix proteins (eDMPs) were obtained from human teeth. Both hAECs and hDPSCs were cultured with 10% FBS, eDMPs and an osteogenic differentiation medium (StemPro). Viability was assessed by MTT and cell adherence to dentin was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, the expression of mineralization-, odontogenic differentiation- and epithelial-mesenchymal transition-associated genes was analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR, and mineralization was evaluated through Alizarin Red staining. The viability of hAECs was significantly lower compared with hDPSCs in all groups and at all time points. Both hAECs and hDPSCs adhered to dentin and were homogeneously distributed. The regulation of odontoblast differentiation- and mineralization-associated genes showed the lack of transition of hAECs into an odontoblastic phenotype; however, genes associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition were significantly upregulated in hAECs. hAECs showed small amounts of calcium deposition after osteogenic differentiation with StemPro. Pluripotent hAECs adhere on dentin and possess the capacity to mineralize. However, they presented an unfavorable proliferation behavior and failed to undergo odontoblastic transitio

    An in vitro coculture approach to study the interplay between dental pulp cells and Streptococcus mutans

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    Aim To develop a new coculture system that allows exposure of dental pulp cells (DPCs) to Streptococcus mutans and dentine matrix proteins (eDMP) to study cellular interactions in dentine caries. Methodology Dental pulp cells and S. mutans were cocultured with or without eDMP for 72 h. Cell proliferation and viability were assessed by cell counting and MTT assays, while bacterial growth and viability were determined by CFU and LIVE/DEAD staining. Glucose catabolism and lactate excretion were measured photometrically as metabolic indicators. To evaluate the inflammatory response, the release of cytokines and growth factors (IL-6, IL-8, TGF-β1, VEGF) was determined by ELISA. Non-parametric statistical analyses were performed to compare all groups and time points (Mann–Whitney U test or Kruskal–Wallis test; α = .05). Results While eDMP and especially S. mutans reduced the number and viability of DPCs (p ≤ .0462), neither DPCs nor eDMP affected the growth and viability of S. mutans during coculture (p > .0546). The growth of S. mutans followed a common curve, but the death phase was not reached within 72 h. S. mutans consumed medium glucose in only 30 h, whereas in the absence of S. mutans, cells were able to catabolize glucose throughout 72 h, resulting in the corresponding amount of l-lactate. No change in medium pH was observed. S. mutans induced IL-6 production in DPCs (p ≤ .0011), whereas eDMP had no discernible effect (p > .7509). No significant changes in IL-8 were observed (p > .198). TGF-β1, available from eDMP supplementation, was reduced by DPCs over time. VEGF, on the other hand, was increased in all groups during coculture. Conclusions The results show that the coculture of DPCs and S. mutans is possible without functional impairment. The bacterially induced stimulation of proinflammatory and regenerative cytokines provides a basis for future investigations and the elucidation of molecular biological relationships in pulp defence against caries

    In-vitro-cytotoxicity of self-adhesive dental restorative materials

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    Objectives Although the introduction of self-adhesive composites in restorative dentistry is very promising, the innovation of new materials also presents challenges and unknowns. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the cytotoxicity of four different self-adhesive composites (SAC) in vitro and to compare them with resin-modified glass ionomer cements (RM-GIC), a more established group of materials. Methods Samples of the following materials were prepared according to ISO 7405/10993–12 and eluted in cell culture medium for 24 h at 37 °C: Vertise Flow, Fusio Liquid Dentin, Constic, Surefil One, Photac Fil and Fuji II LC. Primary human pulp cells were obtained from extracted wisdom teeth and cultured for 24 h with the extracts in serial dilutions. Cell viability was evaluated by MTT assay, membrane disruption was quantified by LDH assay and apoptosis was assessed by flow cytometry after annexin/PI staining. Results Two SAC (Constic and Vertise Flow) and one RM-GIC (Photac Fil) significantly reduced cell viability by more than 30% compared to the untreated control (p < 0.001). Disruptive cell morphological changes were observed and the cells showed signs of late apoptosis and necrosis in flow cytometry. Membrane disruption was not observed with any of the investigated materials. Conclusion Toxic effects occurred independently of the substance group and need to be considered in the development of materials with regard to clinical implications. Clinical Significance SAC have many beneficial qualities, however, the cytotoxic effects of certain products should be considered when applied in close proximity to the dental pulp, as is often required