218 research outputs found

    Experiments on Corn Pressure in Silo Cells -- Translation and Comment of Janssen's Paper from 1895

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    The German engineer H.A. Janssen gave one of the first accounts of the often peculiar behavior of granular material in a paper published in German in 1895. From simple experiments with corn he inferred the saturation of pressure with height in a granular system. Subsequently, Janssen derived the equivalent of the barometric formula for granular material from the main assumption that the walls carry part of the weight. The following is a translation of this article. The wording is chosen as close as possible to the original. While drawings are copied from the original, figures displaying data are redone for better readability. The translation is complemented by some bibliographical notes and an assessment of earlier work, wherein Hagen predicted the saturation of pressure with depth in 1852, and Huber-Burnand demonstrated that saturation qualitatively as early as in 1829. We conclude with a brief discussion of more recent developments resting on Janssen's work.Comment: 7 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Granular Matter, original article (German) can be found under http://www.phy.duke.edu/~msperl/Janssen

    Velocity Distribution of a Homogeneously Cooling Granular Gas

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    In contrast to molecular gases, granular gases are characterized by inelastic collisions and require therefore permanent driving to maintain a constant kinetic energy. The kinetic theory of granular gases describes how the average velocity of the particles decreases after the driving is shut off. Moreover it predicts that the rescaled particle velocity distribution will approach a stationary state with overpopulated high-velocity tails as compared to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. While this fundamental theoretical result was reproduced by numerical simulations, an experimental confirmation is still missing. Using a microgravity experiment which allows the spatially homogeneous excitation of spheres via magnetic fields, we confirm the theoretically predicted exponential decay of the tails of the velocity distribution.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Thinning and thickening in active microrheology

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    When pulling a probe particle in a many-particle system with fixed velocity, the probe's effective friction, defined as average pulling force over its velocity, γeff:=Fex/u\gamma_{eff}:=\langle F_{ex}\rangle/u, first keeps constant (linear response), then decreases (thinning) and finally increases (thickening). We propose a three-time-scales picture (TTSP) to unify thinning and thickening behaviour. The points of the TTSP are that there are three distinct time scales of bath particles: diffusion, damping, and single probe-bath (P-B) collision; the dominating time scales, which are controlled by the pulling velocity, determine the behaviour of the probe's friction. We confirm the TTSP by Langevin dynamics simulation. Microscopically, we find that for computing the effective friction, Maxwellian distribution of bath particles' velocities works in low Reynolds number (Re) but fails in high Re. It can be understood based on the microscopic mechanism of thickening obtained in the T=0T=0 limit. Based on the TTSP, we explain different thinning and thickening observations in some earlier literature

    Kinetic theory for strong uniform shear flow of granular media at high density

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    We discuss the uniform shear flow of a fluidized granular bed composed of monodisperse Hertzian spheres. Considering high densities around the glass transition density of inelastic Hertzian spheres, we report kinetic theory expressions for the Newtonian viscosity as well as the Bagnold coefficient. We discuss the dependence of the transport coefficients on density and coefficient of restitution.Comment: Powders & Grains 201

    Active Microrheology of Driven Granular Particles

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    When pulling a particle in a driven granular fluid with constant force FexF_{ex}, the probe particle approaches a steady-state average velocity vv. This velocity and the corresponding friction coefficient of the probe ζ=Fex/v\zeta=F_{ex}/v are obtained within a schematic model of mode-coupling theory and compared to results from event-driven simulations. For small and moderate drag forces, the model describes the simulation results successfully for both the linear as well as the nonlinear region: The linear response regime (constant friction) for small drag forces is followed by shear thinning (decreasing friction) for moderate forces. For large forces, the model demonstrates a subsequent increasing friction in qualitative agreement with the data. The square-root increase of the friction with force found in [Fiege et al., Granular Matter 14\boldsymbol{14}, 247 (2012)] is explained by a simple kinetic theory.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Particle characterization using THz spectroscopy

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    THz extinction spectroscopy extends UV-Vis and NIR-spectroscopy to characterize particles from fine powders and dust to sand, grains and granulated materials. We extract particle sizes from the spectral position of the first peak of the interference structure and size distributions from the visibility of the fine ripple structure in the measured extinction spectra. As such, we can demonstrate a route for a quick determination of these parameters from single measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Arbitrary Controlled Re-Orientation of a Spinning Body by Evolving its Tensor of Inertia

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    Bodies with the nonspherical tensor of inertia exhibit a variety of rotational motion patterns, including chaotic motion, stable periodic (quasi-periodic) rotation, unstable rotation around the direction close to the body's second principal axis, featuring a well-known tennis-racket (also known as Garriott-Dzhanibekov) effect -- series of seemingly spontaneous 180 degrees flips. These patterns are even more complex if the body's tensor of inertia (TOI) is changing with time. Changing a body's TOI has been discussed recently as a tool to perform controllable Garriott-Dzhanibekov flips and similar maneuvers. In this work, the optimal control of the TOI of the body (spacecraft, or any other device that admits free rotation in three dimensions) is used as a means to perform desirable re-orientations of a body with respect to its angular velocity. Using the spherical TOI as the initial and final point of the maneuver, we optimize the parameters of the maneuver to achieve and stabilize the desired orientation of the body's principal axes with respect to spin angular velocity. It appears that such a procedure allows for finding arbitrarily complex maneuver trajectories of a spinning body. In particular, intermediate axis instability can be used to break the alignment of the body's principal axis and the axis of rotation. Such maneuvers do not require utilization of propellants and could be straightforwardly used for attitude control of a spin-stabilized spacecraft. The capabilities of such a method of angular maneuvering are demonstrated in numerical simulations

    Monitoring Three-Dimensional Packings in Microgravity

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    We present results from experiments with granular packings in three dimensions in microgravity as realized on parabolic flights. Two different techniques are employed to monitor the inside of the packings during compaction: (1) X-ray radiography is used to measure in transmission the integrated fluctuations of particle positions. (2) Stress-birefringence in three dimensions is applied to visualize the stresses inside the packing. The particle motions below the transition into an arrested packing are found to produce a well agitated state. At the transition, the particles lose their energy quite rapidly and form a stress network. With both methods, non-arrested particles (rattlers) can be identified. In particular, it is found that rattlers inside the arrested packing can be excited to appreciable dynamics by the rest-accelerations (g-jitter) during a parabolic flight without destroying the packings. At low rates of compaction, a regime of slow granular cooling is identified. The slow cooling extends over several seconds, is described well by a linear law, and terminates in a rapid final collapse of dynamics before complete arrest of the packing.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The Cole-Cole Law for Critical Dynamics in Glass-Forming Liquids

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    Within the mode-coupling theory (MCT) for glassy dynamics, the asymptotic low-frequency expansions for the dynamical susceptibilities at critical points are compared to the expansions for the dynamic moduli; this shows that the convergence properties of the two expansions can be quite different. In some parameter regions, the leading-order expansion formula for the modulus describes the solutions of the MCT equations of motion outside the transient regime successfully; at the same time, the leading- and next-to-leading order expansion formulas for the susceptibility fail. In these cases, one can derive a Cole-Cole law for the susceptibilities; and this law accounts for the dynamics for frequencies below the band of microscopic excitations and above the high-frequency part of the alpha-peak. It is shown that this scenario explains the optical-Kerr-effect data measured for salol and benzophenone (BZP). For BZP it is inferred that the depolarized light-scattering spectra exhibit a wing for the alpha-peak within the Gigahertz band. This wing results from the crossover of the von Schweidler-law part of the alpha-peak to the high-frequency part of the Cole-Cole peak; and this crossover can be described quantitatively by the leading-order formulas of MCT for the modulus.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Granular Structure Determined by Terahertz Scattering

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    Light-scattering in the terahertz region is demonstrated for granular matter. A quantum-cascade laser is used in a benchtop setup to determine the angle-dependent scattering of spherical grains as well as coffee powder and sugar grains. For the interpretation of the form factors for the scattering from single particles one has to go beyond the usual Rayleigh-Gans-Debye theory and apply calculations within Mie theory. In addition to single scattering also collective correlations can be identified and extracted as a static structure factor.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure