24 research outputs found

    'For Freedom and Justice': The Responses of Chapels in The Swansea Area to the First World War

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    This article explores the responses of Nonconformist chapels in the Swansea area to the First World War, using the rate of recruitment from congregations and the memorialization of the war. Locating the episode in the political-religious rivalry between the Nonconformist denominations and the Established Church, it is clear that one of the motivations for supporting the war effort was the need to be seen to be doing their fair share for King and country at a time when Church disestablishment for Wales was on the statute book. In the discourse in Swanseaā€™s newspapers as well as in the chapels themselves, the chapelsā€™ Rolls of Honour were visible badges of loyalty

    Evolving narratives of the First World War in Welsh-language television programmes

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    This article examines Welsh television programmes about the First World War, particularly those broadcast since 2004 in the Welsh language. There have been many hours of programmes commissioned to benefit from the increased popular interest in the story of the war, particularly at the times of the ninetieth anniversary and the centenary. Although the presentation of the First World War to a Welsh audience is governed by the general ā€˜Britishā€™ framework of understandings, this study shows that there are particular ways of interpreting the war that are unique to Wales. Over the period studied there was also a shift in emphasis, as eyewitness testimony to the events of 1914-18 was no longer available to the producers

    Angels, Doves and Minerva: Reading the memorials to the Great War in Welsh Presbyterian chapels

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    Focussing particularly on the Calvinistic Methodist denomination in Wales, this article examines the variety of messages that can be gleaned from a study of First World War memorials. It begins with the thorny issue of how, and to what extent, the denomination accepted the rhetoric of the war and supported the war effort. Then it considers examples of commemoration that were developed as the war was being fought, before looking at different examples of memorials that were commissioned at the warā€™s end. Examples are considered of memorials which commemorate everyone who served, and those which remember those who were killed in the war. Looking at the patterns of inclusion and patterns of remembrance, the article explores what conclusions we can come to when we consider the memorials as a collection

    Creithiau: Dylanwad y Rhyfel Mawr ar Gymdeithas a Diwylliant yng Nghymru

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    Er gwaethaf pwysigrwydd canolog y Rhyfel Mawr i hanes modern Cymru, nid oes llawer o weithiau academaidd wedi olrhain dylanwad maleisus a phellgyrhaeddol y rhyfel ar ddiwylliant a chymdeithas yng Nghymru. Yn sicr mae bylchau mawr a diffyg dealltwriaeth yn y cynnyrch Cymraeg ei iaith.Bydd cyfrol Creithiau, a gyhoeddir gan Wasg Prifysgol Cymru yn 2015, yn dechrau ar y gwaith o unioniā€™r fantol. Bydd cyfraniadau gan nifer o ysgolheigion disglair yn ein cynorthwyo i ddeall yn well sut newidiodd y byd Cymreig am byth yn sgĆ®l digwyddiadau 1914-18. Byddwn yn olrhain datblygiadau yng nghymdeithas a diwylliant Cymru yn ystod y blynyddoedd o ymladd, ac wedi iā€™r gynnau dewi, pan edrychai unigolion yn Ć“l a cheisio gwneud synnwyr oā€™u profiadau

    Having a Go at the Kaiser: A Welsh family at War

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    This book is based on more than a hundred letters sent home by three brothers from Mynyddbach during the First World War, almost all of which relate to the period 1916ā€“18 when Richard, Gabriel and Ivor Eustis were serving in different theatres. The run of letters written to different members of the family allow us to build a picture of what the brothers thought about a range of different issues as the war was being waged, and of how their beliefs and ideas evolved as situations changed. In common with other soldiersā€™ letters to their families, information on the battles fought is scarce ā€“ they are rather concerned with keeping the family bonds strong during the menā€™s absence. The dynamics of the family are revealed in letters full of sibling rivalry and affection