8 research outputs found

    Mental illness and families in contemporary Hong Kong : an ethnography of mental illness and Chinese families in Hong Kong at the time of transition of sovereignty

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Química, apresentada ao Departamento de Engenharia Química da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraEste trabalho teve como objetivo principal o estudo de novos materiais poliméricos que possibilitem o desenvolvimento de novos cimentos com desempenhos mecânicos e físicos idênticos aos obtidos com os cimentos Portland comercializados. Desta forma é possível reduzir a quantidade de clínquer incorporada e com isso mitigar o impacto económico e ambiental que a produção de cimento envolve para indústria cimenteira. Pretendeu-se desenvolver materiais de alto desempenho e multifuncionais baseados em matrizes que resultem da combinação de clínquer e outros compostos, como pozolanas e/ou aditivos poliméricos. O projeto centrou-se também no estudo da sinergia entre materiais cimentícios e materiais poliméricos. Com este trabalho perspetivou-se a otimização de ligantes compostos por clínquer e pozolanas artificiais. Para tal, numa primeira fase foi realizado o estudo do comportamento reológico e mecânico destes novos ligantes, avaliando as suas limitações e vantagens, e a compatibilidade destes com os adjuvantes poliméricos normalmente utilizados para os cimentos correntes. Em simultâneo com este estudo realizou-se também a caracterização dos materiais utilizados. Os resultados mostraram que estes ligantes apresentam algumas deficiências quando comparados com os cimentos correntes, como seja a maior absorção de água que se traduz numa fraca consistência e trabalhabilidade das argamassas, e também as baixas resistências iniciais. Importa referir que foram avaliados teores de substituição de clínquer na ordem dos 50%, quando atualmente, e no máximo, só é possível uma substituição de cerca de 35%. Ainda neste estudo foram abordadas várias tentativas de colmatação dos problemas detetados, utilizando os seguintes métodos: a ativação alcalina dos ligantes; a incorporação de superplastificantes e aceleradores de presa/endurecimento, e o pré-tratamento das pozolanas. Na segunda fase, com base no estudo realizado anteriormente, foram sintetizados novos polímeros e/ou modificados alguns dos polímeros comerciais utilizados, por forma a tentar otimizar-se um só produto que conciliasse, em simultâneo, a redução da absorção de água e o incremento das resistências iniciais. Foram realizadas diferentes sínteses com adição de compostos multifuncionais por forma a obter produtos com características específicas, como sendo grupos aluminato nas pontas de modo a induzir uma presa mais rápida; ou polímeros com grupos silicato com o objetivo de ativar as reações de hidratação dos silicatos cálcicos dos ligantes e assim favorecer as resistências inicias. Com estes novos ensaios, associado à otimização do ligante obtida na primeira fase, da qual resultou um ligante com um teor de apenas 40% de clínquer (correspondente a 45% de CEM I 42,5R), obteve-se um índice de atividade ótimo de 34% a dois dias e 83% a 28 dias (NP EN 196-1). A nível de reologia das argamassas conseguiu-se obter uma trabalhabilidade adequada, que para estes materiais se encontra nos 160mm, obtido no ensaio de mesa de espalhamento (segundo EN 1015-3). Com esta percentagem de substituição de clínquer perspetiva-se não apenas uma redução do consumo de recursos naturais necessários à produção de clínquer, mas também uma redução na emissão de CO2 de cerca de 50%, uma vez que a principal fonte de emissão de CO2 se centra no processo de clinquerização.The main objective of this project was the development of new polymeric materials to enable the production of new pozzolanic cements with similar mechanical and physical performances as Portland cements counterparts. The advantage of this strategy involved the reduction of the amount of clinker in cements, and therefore to diminish the economic and environmental impact of cement production. Therefore, it was intended the development of high performance and multifunctional materials based in matrices that resulted from the combination of clinker and other compounds, such as pozzolans and/or polymeric additives. This project aimed also to optimize the synergy between cementitious materials and polymeric materials. The optimization of binders composed by clinker and artificial pozzolans started with the study of rheological and mechanical behavior of these new binders, assessing their limitations and advantages. It was stablished the compatibility of binders with polymeric adjuvants commonly used in current cements. Simultaneously with this study it was also carried out a characterization of the materials used. The results showed that these binders have some deficiencies when compared with current cement, such as: the increased absorption of water which results in poor consistency and workability of the mortar; and also the low early strength. Clinker substitution levels in percentages of 50% were evaluated, which 15% higher than the maximum value reported. In this study different approaches were attempted to overcome the identified problems, using the following methods: alkaline activation of binders; the addition of setting accelerators and superplasticizers, and pretreatment of pozzolans. In a second phase of the project, the synthesis of new polymers and/or modification of some of the commercial polymers was studied in a view to optimize a product that could simultaneously reduce the water absorption and increase the initial strength. Different synthesis were performed with addition of multifunctional compounds in order to obtain products with specific characteristics, as aluminate groups at the chain ends to induce a fast setting, or polymers with silicate groups in order to enable the hydration reactions of calcium silicates of the binders and thus favoring initial strength. These new materials associated to the optimization of the binder obtained in the first phase resulted in a binder with a content of only 40% of clinker (corresponding to 45% of CEM I 42,5R), and an activity index of 34% in two days and 83% after 28 days (NP EN 196-1). Regarding rheology of the mortar, an appropriated workability was obtained, which for these materials is 160mm in the test of flow table (according to EN 1015-3). With this percentage of clinker replacement it is expected not only a reduction in the consumption of natural resources required to produce the clinker, but also a reduction of about 50% in CO2 emissions, since the main source of CO2 emission is the clinkering process

    The purposes and functions of living skills centres according to staff and clients: a study on living skills centres in New South Wales

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    Living Skills Centres (LSCs) are part of the community mental health service. These centres use psychosocial rehabilitation as their operational framework. LSCs aim to provide rehabilitation and support so that clients with mental illness can live in the community and function at their optimal performance level. As there was limited literature documenting this unique service, the focus of this investigation was to explore how clients and staff perceived the characteristics and benefits of the service. A two part survey research design was used

    Sexual recovery: experiences of women with spinal injury reconstructing a positive sexual identity

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    Current literature reports women with spinal injury feel concerned about body image, self-esteem, social perceptions of people in wheelchairs, practical issues in expressing sexuality, and the inadequacy of sexual rehabilitation. Through the first author's personal experience and reflection, a need was identified to share their experiences in the journey of sexual recovery. The study aims to build on the current literature from an Australian and peer's perspective. The objectives were to document the experiences of women with spinal injury reconstructing their sexual identity and identify the barriers and information they received on sexual rehabilitation. A descriptive study involving seven semi-structured interviews were employed and narrative analysis was conducted along with the authors' critical reflections. The participants had acquired spinal injuries of various levels ranging from 4 to 39 years ago. Four themes were identified: (1) loss; (2) sexual rehabilitation and information gathering; (3) external factors; and (4) sexual recovery/discovery. The narratives of the participants demonstrated the barriers faced and the process of developing a sexual identity post-injury. Positive and negative factors were identified in each theme, which have the potential to be addressed and molded into a positive sexual identity. Women with spinal injury want access to more information on sexuality as it is experienced post-injury. Future research is required to look at developing resources and the strategies in which they can be delivered to facilitate a timely positive adjustment

    Exploring sexuality and sexual concerns of adult persons with intellectual disability in a cultural context\ud

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    Background: There has been reluctance to accept sexual expression among persons with intellectual disability, despite current literature supporting the important role sexuality has for them. This qualitative study explored sexuality and sexual concerns of people with intellectual disability in a Chinese cultural context.\ud \ud Method: Twelve adult persons with mild intellectual disability were interviewed individually on sexual issues and concerns, including sex drive, masturbation, intimate behaviour and sexual intercourse. Thematic analysis was used to identity themes and issues as emerged from the data.\ud \ud Results: Persons with intellectual disability have a strong desire for sexual expression and intimate relationships. Despite this predilection, health professionals and family members tend to focus on their 'protection'; that is, deterring sexual expression by stressing the negative consequences of sexual activity. The informants, however, continue to pursue their sexual needs by accessing various means.\ud \ud Conclusion: The pursuit of normality is part of the strong need to gain social acceptance. Thus, appropriately designed sexuality education curriculum is urgently needed. It is not only aiming to prevent sexual health hazards, but, importantly to develop the maturity and healthy sexual expression of people with intellectual disability

    Sexual Recovery: Experiences of Women with Spinal Injury Reconstructing a Positive Sexual Identity

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    Current literature reports women with spinal injury feel concerned about body image, self-esteem, social perceptions of people in wheelchairs, practical issues in expressing sexuality, and the inadequacy of sexual rehabilitation. Through the first author's personal experience and reflection, a need was identified to share their experiences in the journey of sexual recovery. The study aims to build on the current literature from an Australian and peer's perspective. The objectives were to document the experiences of women with spinal injury reconstructing their sexual identity and identify the barriers and information they received on sexual rehabilitation. A descriptive study involving seven semi-structured interviews were employed and narrative analysis was conducted along with the authors' critical reflections. The participants had acquired spinal injuries of various levels ranging from 4 to 39 years ago. Four themes were identified: (1) loss; (2) sexual rehabilitation and information gathering; (3) external factors; and (4) sexual recovery/discovery. The narratives of the participants demonstrated the barriers faced and the process of developing a sexual identity post-injury. Positive and negative factors were identified in each theme, which have the potential to be addressed and molded into a positive sexual identity. Women with spinal injury want access to more information on sexuality as it is experienced post-injury. Future research is required to look at developing resources and the strategies in which they can be delivered to facilitate a timely positive adjustment