13 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: of Rheumatoid factors do not predict cardiovascular disease and mortality in the general population in the Busselton Health Survey

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    Additional data on RF as predictor of CHD, CVD and death. Tables showing the estimated adjusted hazard ratios for rheumatoid factor (RF) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) presence in the cohort free of CHD and stroke at baseline in 1972 in relation to: Subsequent CHD and CVD events (Table S1), Subsequent death (any cause) (Table S2). (DOCX 17 kb

    The estimated (adjusted) hazard ratios and multilevel confidence bars (0.70 as illustrated by the black bar to 0.99 as illustrated by the orange bar) for the effects of predictors in the model are summarized in the figure below.

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    <p>An increase of 20 years of age and an increase in Charlson co-morbidity index from 0 to 5 approximately doubled the risk of death. Doubling the APACHE II predicted mortality from 20% to 40% increased the relative risk of death by about 30 to 40%. Similarly, increased the number of days of intensive care therapy from 1 to 5 increased the relative risk of death by between 10% and 50%.</p

    Charlson co-morbidity index component and its weighting.

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    <p>Charlson co-morbidity index component and its weighting.</p

    Characteristics of the cohort (n = 11,930).

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    #<p>During the first 5 days in ICU.</p>*<p>Excluding patients died within 5 days of ICU admission.</p><p>ICU, intensive care unit.</p><p>APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation.</p

    Bootstrap estimate of calibration accuracy for 15-year estimates from the Cox proportional hazards model.

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    <p>Dots correspond to apparent predictive accuracy and x marks the bootstrap-corrected estimates.</p

    The relationship between relative hazard and each predictor after adjusting for other predictors in the model.

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    <p>The relationship between relative hazard and each predictor after adjusting for other predictors in the model.</p

    Nomogram for predicting long-term survival probabilities and median survival time.

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    <p>Note: gender: 2 = female, 1 = male. Predicted.mortality = APACHE II predicted mortality in %.</p

    Contribution of each predictor in predicting the survival time in the Cox proportional hazards model.

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    <p>Contribution of each predictor in predicting the survival time in the Cox proportional hazards model.</p

    The proportional hazards assumption of the predictors in the Cox model was assessed by plotting the logarithm of the negative logarithm of the Kaplan Meier survivor estimates and the assumption was found to be acceptable for the three pre-selected continuous predictors; APACHE II predicted mortality, Charlson co-morbidity index, and age.

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    <p>(a) Graph assessing the proportionality of hazards associated with severity of acute illness measured by the APACHE II predicted mortality risk categories (0–20%, 20–40%, 40–60%, 60–80%, 80–100%). (b) Graph assessing the proportionality of hazards associated with co-morbidities measured by Charlson co-morbidity index categories (0, 1, 2, 3, 4–5, >5). (c) Graph assessing the proportionality of hazards associated with age measured by age categories (16–30, 30–50, 50–60, 60–70, 70–80, >80 years old)</p