117 research outputs found

    Mapping human cortical areas in vivo based on myelin content as revealed by t1- and t2-weighted MRI

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    Non-invasively mapping the layout of cortical areas in humans is a continuing challenge for neuroscience. We present a new method of mapping cortical areas based on myelin content as revealed by T1-weighted (T1w) and T2-weighted (T2w) MRI. The method is generalizable across different 3T scanners and pulse sequences. We use the ratio of T1w/T2w image intensities to eliminate the MR-related image intensity bias and enhance the contrast to noise ratio for myelin. Data from each subject was mapped to the cortical surface and aligned across individuals using surface-based registration. The spatial gradient of the group average myelin map provides an observer-independent measure of sharp transitions in myelin content across the surface—i.e. putative cortical areal borders. We found excellent agreement between the gradients of the myelin maps and the gradients of published probabilistic cytoarchitectonically defined cortical areas that were registered to the same surface-based atlas. For other cortical regions, we used published anatomical and functional information to make putative identifications of dozens of cortical areas or candidate areas. In general, primary and early unimodal association cortices are heavily myelinated and higher, multi-modal, association cortices are more lightly myelinated, but there are notable exceptions in the literature that are confirmed by our results. The overall pattern in the myelin maps also has important correlations with the developmental onset of subcortical white matter myelination, evolutionary cortical areal expansion in humans compared to macaques, postnatal cortical expansion in humans, and maps of neuronal density in non-human primates

    Quantitative assessment of prefrontal cortex in humans relative to nonhuman primates

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    Significance A longstanding controversy in neuroscience pertains to differences in human prefrontal cortex (PFC) compared with other primate species; specifically, is human PFC disproportionately large? Distinctively human behavioral capacities related to higher cognition and affect presumably arose from evolutionary modifications since humans and great apes diverged from a common ancestor about 6–8 Mya. Accurate determination of regional differences in the amount of cortical gray and subcortical white matter content in humans, great apes, and Old World monkeys can further our understanding of the link between structure and function of the human brain. Using tissue volume analyses, we show a disproportionately large amount of gray and white matter corresponding to PFC in humans compared with nonhuman primates.</jats:p

    Basis of executive functions in fine-grained architecture of cortical and subcortical human brain networks

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    Theoretical models suggest that executive functions rely on both domain-general and domain-specific processes. Supporting this view, prior brain imaging studies have revealed that executive activations converge and diverge within broadly characterized brain networks. However, the lack of precise anatomical mappings has impeded our understanding of the interplay between domain-general and domain-specific processes. To address this challenge, we used the high-resolution multimodal magnetic resonance imaging approach of the Human Connectome Project to scan participants performing 3 canonical executive tasks: n-back, rule switching, and stop signal. The results reveal that, at the individual level, different executive activations converge within 9 domain-general territories distributed in frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices. Each task exhibits a unique topography characterized by finely detailed activation gradients within domain-general territory shifted toward adjacent resting-state networks; n-back activations shift toward the default mode, rule switching toward dorsal attention, and stop signal toward cingulo-opercular networks. Importantly, the strongest activations arise at multimodal neurobiological definitions of network borders. Matching results are seen in circumscribed regions of the caudate nucleus, thalamus, and cerebellum. The shifting peaks of local gradients at the intersection of task-specific networks provide a novel mechanistic insight into how partially-specialized networks interact with neighboring domain-general territories to generate distinct executive functions

    Anatomical variability, multi-modal coordinate systems, and precision targeting in the marmoset brain

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    Localising accurate brain regions needs careful evaluation in each experimental species due to their individual variability. However, the function and connectivity of brain areas is commonly studied using a single-subject cranial landmark-based stereotactic atlas in animal neuroscience. Here, we address this issue in a small primate, the common marmoset, which is increasingly widely used in systems neuroscience. We developed a non-invasive multi-modal neuroimaging-based targeting pipeline, which accounts for intersubject anatomical variability in cranial and cortical landmarks in marmosets. This methodology allowed creation of multi-modal templates (MarmosetRIKEN20) including head CT and brain MR images, embedded in coordinate systems of anterior and posterior commissures (AC-PC) and CIFTI grayordinates. We found that the horizontal plane of the stereotactic coordinate was significantly rotated in pitch relative to the AC-PC coordinate system (10 degrees, frontal downwards), and had a significant bias and uncertainty due to positioning procedures. We also found that many common cranial and brain landmarks (e.g., bregma, intraparietal sulcus) vary in location across subjects and are substantial relative to average marmoset cortical area dimensions. Combining the neuroimaging-based targeting pipeline with robot-guided surgery enabled proof-of-concept targeting of deep brain structures with an accuracy of 0.2 mm. Altogether, our findings demonstrate substantial intersubject variability in marmoset brain and cranial landmarks, implying that subject-specific neuroimaging-based localization is needed for precision targeting in marmosets. The population-based templates and atlases in grayordinates, created for the first time in marmoset monkeys, should help bridging between macroscale and microscale analyses

    QuNex-An integrative platform for reproducible neuroimaging analytics

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    INTRODUCTION: Neuroimaging technology has experienced explosive growth and transformed the study of neural mechanisms across health and disease. However, given the diversity of sophisticated tools for handling neuroimaging data, the field faces challenges in method integration, particularly across multiple modalities and species. Specifically, researchers often have to rely on siloed approaches which limit reproducibility, with idiosyncratic data organization and limited software interoperability. METHODS: To address these challenges, we have developed Quantitative Neuroimaging Environment & Toolbox (QuNex), a platform for consistent end-to-end processing and analytics. QuNex provides several novel functionalities for neuroimaging analyses, including a turnkey command for the reproducible deployment of custom workflows, from onboarding raw data to generating analytic features. RESULTS: The platform enables interoperable integration of multi-modal, community-developed neuroimaging software through an extension framework with a software development kit (SDK) for seamless integration of community tools. Critically, it supports high-throughput, parallel processing in high-performance compute environments, either locally or in the cloud. Notably, QuNex has successfully processed over 10,000 scans across neuroimaging consortia, including multiple clinical datasets. Moreover, QuNex enables integration of human and non-human workflows DISCUSSION: Collectively, this effort stands to significantly impact neuroimaging method integration across acquisition approaches, pipelines, datasets, computational environments, and species. Building on this platform will enable more rapid, scalable, and reproducible impact of neuroimaging technology across health and disease

    Brain/MINDS beyond human brain MRI project: A protocol for multi-level harmonization across brain disorders throughout the lifespan

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    Psychiatric and neurological disorders are afflictions of the brain that can affect individuals throughout their lifespan. Many brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have been conducted; however, imaging-based biomarkers are not yet well established for diagnostic and therapeutic use. This article describes an outline of the planned study, the Brain/MINDS Beyond human brain MRI project (BMB-HBM, FY2018 ~ FY2023), which aims to establish clinically-relevant imaging biomarkers with multi-site harmonization by collecting data from healthy traveling subjects (TS) at 13 research sites. Collection of data in psychiatric and neurological disorders across the lifespan is also scheduled at 13 sites, whereas designing measurement procedures, developing and analyzing neuroimaging protocols, and databasing are done at three research sites. A high-quality scanning protocol, Harmonization Protocol (HARP), was established for five high-quality 3 T scanners to obtain multimodal brain images including T1 and T2-weighted, resting-state and task functional and diffusion-weighted MRI. Data are preprocessed and analyzed using approaches developed by the Human Connectome Project. Preliminary results in 30 TS demonstrated cortical thickness, myelin, functional connectivity measures are comparable across 5 scanners, suggesting sensitivity to subject-specific connectome. A total of 75 TS and more than two thousand patients with various psychiatric and neurological disorders are scheduled to participate in the project, allowing a mixed model statistical harmonization. The HARP protocols are publicly available online, and all the imaging, demographic and clinical information, harmonizing database will also be made available by 2024. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first project to implement a prospective, multi-level harmonization protocol with multi-site TS data. It explores intractable brain disorders across the lifespan and may help to identify the disease-specific pathophysiology and imaging biomarkers for clinical practice

    A Domain-General Cognitive Core Defined in Multimodally Parcellated Human Cortex.

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    Numerous brain imaging studies identified a domain-general or "multiple-demand" (MD) activation pattern accompanying many tasks and may play a core role in cognitive control. Though this finding is well established, the limited spatial localization provided by traditional imaging methods precluded a consensus regarding the precise anatomy, functional differentiation, and connectivity of the MD system. To address these limitations, we used data from 449 subjects from the Human Connectome Project, with the cortex of each individual parcellated using neurobiologically grounded multimodal MRI features. The conjunction of three cognitive contrasts reveals a core of 10 widely distributed MD parcels per hemisphere that are most strongly activated and functionally interconnected, surrounded by a penumbra of 17 additional areas. Outside cerebral cortex, MD activation is most prominent in the caudate and cerebellum. Comparison with canonical resting-state networks shows MD regions concentrated in the fronto-parietal network but also engaging three other networks. MD activations show modest relative task preferences accompanying strong co-recruitment. With distributed anatomical organization, mosaic functional preferences, and strong interconnectivity, we suggest MD regions are well positioned to integrate and assemble the diverse components of cognitive operations. Our precise delineation of MD regions provides a basis for refined analyses of their functions

    Neurite imaging reveals microstructural variations in human cerebral cortical gray matter

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    We present distinct patterns of neurite distribution in the human cerebral cortex using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We analyzed both high-resolution structural (T1w and T2w images) and diffusion MRI data in 505 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. Neurite distributions were evaluated using the neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) model, optimized for gray matter, and mapped onto the cortical surface using a method weighted towards the cortical mid-thickness to reduce partial volume effects. The estimated neurite density was high in both somatosensory and motor areas, early visual and auditory areas, and middle temporal area (MT), showing a strikingly similar distribution to myelin maps estimated from the T1w/T2w ratio. The estimated neurite orientation dispersion was particularly high in early sensory areas, which are known for dense tangential fibers and are classified as granular cortex by classical anatomists. Spatial gradients of these cortical neurite properties revealed transitions that colocalize with some areal boundaries in a recent multi-modal parcellation of the human cerebral cortex, providing mutually supportive evidence. Our findings indicate that analyzing the cortical gray matter neurite morphology using diffusion MRI and NODDI provides valuable information regarding cortical microstructure that is related to but complementary to myeloarchitecture

    Postviral gastroparesis associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection in a pediatric patient

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    Postviral gastroparesis has been described in children, but it has not yet been attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Our case report describes a teenager with abdominal pain, early satiety, and vomiting who likely had an asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection 2 months before presentation. Through investigation of epidemiologic links, antibody testing, and clinical course, it is hypothesized that her significant reduction in gastric emptying was due to postviral gastroparesis secondary to SARS-CoV-2. She was treated with supportive care and prokinetic agents. The patient demonstrated symptom resolution and near normalization of gastric emptying by the time of 1 month follow up
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