6 research outputs found

    Contact-less measurements of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the magnetically ordered state of CeAgSb2_2 and SmAgSb2_2 single crystals

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    Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations were measured in single crystals of highly metallic antiferromagnetic SmAgSb2_{2} and ferromagnetic CeAgSb2_{2} using a tunnel diode resonator. Resistivity oscillations as a function of applied magnetic field were observed via measurements of skin depth variation. The effective resolution of Δρ20\Delta\rho\simeq20 pΩ\Omega allows a detailed study of the SdH spectra as a function of temperature. The effects of the Sm long - range magnetic ordering as well as its electronic structure (4f4f-electrons) on the Fermi surface topology is discussed

    Distinguishing local moment versus itinerant ferromagnets: Dynamic magnetic susceptibility

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    Radio-frequency measurements of dynamic magnetic susceptibility of various ferromagnets show striking differences between local-moment ferromagnetism (LFM) and weak itinerant ferromagnetism (IFM) ferromagnetic systems. LFMs show a very sharp peak in susceptibility in the vicinity of the Curie temperatureTC that rapidly decreases in amplitude and shifts to higher temperature with the application of a weak dc bias field. In stark contrast, the generally accepted IFM systems show no peak, but rather a broad maximum well below TC. The temperature of this maximum shifts to lower values and the amplitude is suppressed with an applied dc field

    Multiple nearest-neighbor exchange model for the frustrated magnetic molecules Mo72Fe30 and Mo72Cr30

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    Our measurements of the differential susceptibility dM/dH of the frustrated magnetic molecules Mo72Fe30 and Mo72Cr30 reveal a pronounced dependence on magnetic field (H) and temperature (T) in the low H - low T regime, contrary to the predictions of existing models. Excellent agreement with experiment is achieved upon formulating a nearest-neighbor classical Heisenberg model where the 60 nearest-neighbor exchange interactions in each molecule, rather than being identical as has been assumed heretofore, are described by a two-parameter probability distribution of values of the exchange constant. We suggest that the probability distribution provides a convenient phenomenological platform for summarizing the combined effects of multiple microscopic mechanisms that disrupt the idealized picture of a Heisenberg model based on a single value of the nearest-neighbor exchange constant.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Contactless measurements of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the magnetically ordered state of CeAgSb2 and SmAgSb2 single crystals

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    Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations were measured in single crystals of highly metallic antiferromagnetic SmAgSb2 and ferromagnetic CeAgSb2 using a tunnel diode resonator. Resistivity oscillations as a function of applied magnetic field were observed via measurements of skin depth variation. The effective resolution of Delta rho similar or equal to 20 p Omega allows a detailed study of the SdH spectra as a function of temperature. The effects of the Sm long-range magnetic ordering as well as its electronic structure (4f electrons) on the Fermi surface topology is discussed.This article is published as Prozorov, Ruslan, Matthew D. Vannette, German D. Samolyuk, Stephanie A. Law, Sergey L. Bud’ko, and Paul C. Canfield. "Contactless measurements of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the magnetically ordered state of Ce Ag Sb 2 and Sm Ag Sb 2 single crystals." Physical Review B 75, no. 1 (2007): 014413. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.014413. Copyright 2007 American Physical Society. Posted with permission