18 research outputs found

    Forecasting ARMA models: a comparative study of information criteria focusing on MDIC

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    This paper deals with the implementation of model selection criteria to data generated by ARMA processes. The recently introduced modified divergence information criterion is used and compared with traditional selection criteria like the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Schwarz information criterion (SIC). The appropriateness of the selected model is tested for one- and five-step ahead predictions with the use of the normalized mean squared forecast errors (NMSFE)

    An Improved Divergence Information Criterion for the Determination of the Order of an AR Process

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    In this article we propose a modification of the recently introduced divergence information criterion (DIC, Mattheou et al., 2009) for the determination of the order of an autoregressive process and show that it is an asymptotically unbiased estimator of the expected overall discrepancy, a nonnegative quantity that measures the distance between the true unknown model and a fitted approximating model. Further, we use Monte Carlo methods and various data generating processes for small, medium, and large sample sizes in order to explore the capabilities of the new criterion in selecting the optimal order in autoregressive processes and in general in a time series context. The new criterion shows remarkably good results by choosing the correct model more frequently than traditional information criteria

    On Properties of the (Φ, a)-Power Divergence Family with Applications in Goodness of Fit Tests

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