9 research outputs found

    High coherence photon pair source for quantum communication

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    This paper reports a novel single mode source of narrow-band entangled photon pairs at telecom wavelengths under continuous wave excitation, based on parametric down conversion. For only 7 mW of pump power it has a created spectral radiance of 0.08 pairs per coherence length and a bandwidth of 10 pm (1.2 GHz). The effectively emitted spectral brightness reaches 3.9*10^5 pairs /(s pm). Furthermore, when combined with low jitter single photon detectors, such sources allow for the implementation of quantum communication protocols without any active synchronization or path length stabilization. A HOM-Dip with photons from two autonomous CW sources has been realized demonstrating the setup's stability and performance.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Intrinsically narrowband pair photon generation in microstructured fibres

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    In this paper we study the tailoring of photon spectral properties generated by four-wave mixing in a birefringent photonic crystal fibre (PCF). The aim is to produce intrinsically narrow-band photons and hence to achieve high non-classical interference visibility and generate high fidelity entanglement without any requirement for spectral filtering, leading to high effective detection efficiencies. We show unfiltered Hong-Ou-Mandel interference visibilities of 77% between photons from the same PCF, and 80% between separate sources. We compare results from modelling the PCF to these experiments and analyse photon purities.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, Comments Welcom

    Entangling Independent Photons by Time Measurement

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    A quantum system composed of two or more subsystems can be in an entangled state, i.e. a state in which the properties of the global system are well defined but the properties of each subsystem are not. Entanglement is at the heart of quantum physics, both for its conceptual foundations and for applications in information processing and quantum communication. Remarkably, entanglement can be "swapped": if one prepares two independent entangled pairs A1-A2 and B1-B2, a joint measurement on A1 and B1 (called a "Bell-State Measurement", BSM) has the effect of projecting A2 and B2 onto an entangled state, although these two particles have never interacted or shared any common past[1,2]. Experiments using twin photons produced by spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) have already demonstrated entanglement swapping[3-6], but here we present its first realization using continuous wave (CW) sources, as originally proposed[2]. The challenge was to achieve sufficiently sharp synchronization of the photons in the BSM. Using narrow-band filters, the coherence time of the photons that undergo the BSM is significantly increased, exceeding the temporal resolution of the detectors. Hence pulsed sources can be replaced by CW sources, which do not require any synchronization[6,7], allowing for the first time the use of completely autonomous sources. Our experiment exploits recent progress in the time precision of photon detectors, in the efficiency of photon pair production by SPDC with waveguides in nonlinear crystals[8], and in the stability of narrow-band filters. This approach is independent of the form of entanglement; we employed time-bin entangled photons[9] at telecom wavelengths. Our setup is robust against thermal or mechanical fluctuations in optical fibres thanks to cm-long coherence lengths.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    V. Anhang

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