1,764 research outputs found

    Identification of MarvelD3 as a tight junction-associated transmembrane protein of the occludin family

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    Background: Tight junctions are an intercellular adhesion complex of epithelial and endothelial cells, and form a paracellular barrier that restricts the diffusion of solutes on the basis of size and charge. Tight junctions are formed by multiprotein complexes containing cytosolic and transmembrane proteins. How these components work together to form functional tight junctions is still not well understood and will require a complete understanding of the molecular composition of the junction. Results: Here we identify a new transmembrane component of tight junctions: MarvelD3, a four-span transmembrane protein. Its predicted transmembrane helices form a Marvel (MAL and related proteins for vesicle traffic and membrane link) domain, a structural motif originally discovered in proteins involved in membrane apposition and fusion events, such as the tight junction proteins occludin and tricellulin. In mammals, MarvelD3 is expressed as two alternatively spliced isoforms. Both isoforms exhibit a broad tissue distribution and are expressed by different types of epithelial as well as endothelial cells. MarvelD3 co-localises with occludin at tight junctions in intestinal and corneal epithelial cells. RNA interference experiments in Caco-2 cells indicate that normal MarvelD3 expression is not required for the formation of functional tight junctions but depletion results in monolayers with increased transepithelial electrical resistance. Conclusions: Our data indicate that MarvelD3 is a third member of the tight junction-associated occludin family of transmembrane proteins. Similar to occludin, normal expression of MarvelD3 is not essential for the formation of functional tight junctions. However, MarvelD3 functions as a determinant of epithelial paracellular permeability properties

    Tight junctions as regulators of tissue remodelling

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    Formation of tissue barriers by epithelial and endothelial cells requires neighbouring cells to interact via intercellular junctions, which includes tight junctions. Tight junctions form a semipermeable paracellular diffusion barrier and act as signalling hubs that guide cell behaviour and differentiation. Components of tight junctions are also expressed in cell types not forming tight junctions, such as cardiomyocytes, where they associate with facia adherens and/or gap junctions. This review will focus on tight junction proteins and their importance in tissue homeostasis and remodelling with a particular emphasis on what we have learned from animal models and human diseases

    The Y-box factor ZONAB/DbpA associates with GEF-H1/Lfc and mediates Rho-stimulated transcription

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    Epithelial tight junctions recruit different types of signalling proteins that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation. Little is known about how such proteins interact functionally and biochemically with each other. Here, we focus on the Y-box transcription factor ZONAB (zonula occludens 1-associated nucleic-acid-binding protein)/DbpA (DNA-binding protein A) and the Rho GTPase activator guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF)-H1/Lbc's first cousin, which are two tight-junction-associated signalling proteins that regulate proliferation. Our data show that the two proteins interact and that ZONAB activity is Rho-dependent. Overexpression of GEF-H1 induces accumulation of ZONAB in the nucleus and activates transcription. Microtubule-affinity regulating kinase/partition-defective-1, another type of GEF-H1-associated signalling protein, remains in the cytoplasm and partially co-localizes with the exchange factor. GEF-H1 and ZONAB are required for expression of endogenous cyclin D1, a crucial RhoA signalling target gene, and GEF-H1-stimulated cyclin D1 promoter activity requires ZONAB. Our data thus indicate that GEF-H1 and ZONAB form a signalling module that mediates Rho-regulated cyclin D1 promoter activation and expression

    Functional interaction between the ZO-1-interacting transcription factor ZONAB/DbpA and the RNA processing factor symplekin

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    Epithelial tight junctions participate in the regulation of gene expression by controlling the activity of transcription factors that can interact with junctional components. One such protein is the Y-box transcription factor ZONAB/DbpA that binds to ZO-1, a component of the junctional plaque. Symplekin, another nuclear protein that can associate with tight junctions, functions in the regulation of polyadenylation and thereby promotes gene expression. Here, we addressed the question of whether these two proteins interact and whether this is of functional relevance. We demonstrate that ZONAB/DbpA and symplekin form a complex in kidney and intestinal epithelial cells that can be immunoprecipitated and that exists in the nucleus. The interaction between ZONAB/DbpA and symplekin can be reconstituted with recombinant proteins. In reporter gene assays in which ZONAB/DbpA functions as a repressor, symplekin functionally interacts with ZONAB/DbpA, indicating that symplekin can also promote transcriptional repression. RNAi experiments indicate that symplekin depletion reduces the nuclear accumulation and the transcriptional activity of ZONAB/DbpA in colon adenocarcinoma cells, resulting in inhibition of proliferation and reduced expression of the ZONAB/DbpA-target gene cyclin D1. Our data thus indicate that symplekin and ZONAB/DbpA cooperate in the regulation of transcription, and that they promote epithelial proliferation and cyclin D1 expression

    Header Attachments Help Save Grain Sorghum at Harvest

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    Damaging winds before and during grain sorghum harvest in South Dakota frequently result in high crop loss due to lodging. One way to avoid lodging is to harvest soon after maturity when grain is at high moisture content. This is acceptable in many areas. But in some areas, such as central South Dakota, many farmers believe they cannot justify the expense of drying equipment and. so they wait for the sorghum to mature naturally which increases possibilities of lodging. An investigation by the Agricultural Engineeering Department at South Dakota State University compared different header attachments on a conventional combine to determine if any could materially reduce crop losses due to lodging. Field losses of various header attachments were evaluated from tests in the fall of 1965 and 1966 at the Agricultural Engineering Experiment Station Research Farm near Brookings. The attachment which resulted in the lowest grain loss was then evaluated economically to determine if ownership could be justified under South Dakota conditions

    On the Three-Parameter Burr Type XII Distribution and its Application to Heavy Tailed Lifetime Data

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    This paper identifies the characteristics of three-parameter Burr Type XII distribution and discusses its utility in survivorship applications. It addresses the problem of estimating the three-parameter Burr XII distribution and its doubly truncated version. The results are applied on a real dataset by fitting the distribution to the survival time of breast cancer patients in the Gaza Strip. These data are known to have a heavy tailed distribution since patients in this area received different protocols of treatments in different levels of hospitals locally and abroad. The findings indicated that the estimates of the parameters of the truncated distribution are more efficient than those obtained from the original distribution since the distribution is heavy tailed and involves many highly extreme observations

    The polarized expression of Na+,K+-ATPase in epithelia depends on the association between beta-subunits located in neighboring cells

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    The polarized distribution of Na+,K+-ATPase plays a paramount physiological role, because either directly or through coupling with co- and countertransporters, it is responsible for the net movement of, for example, glucose, amino acids, Ca2+, K+, Cl-, and CO3H- across the whole epithelium. We report here that the beta-subunit is a key factor in the polarized distribution of this enzyme. 1) Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells (epithelial from dog kidney) express the Na+,K+-ATPase over the lateral side, but not on the basal and apical domains, as if the contact with a neighboring cell were crucial for the specific membrane location of this enzyme. 2) MDCK cells cocultured with other epithelial types (derived from human, cat, dog, pig, monkey, rabbit, mouse, hamster, and rat) express the enzyme in all (100%) homotypic MDCK/MDCK borders but rarely in heterotypic ones. 3) Although MDCK cells never express Na+,K+-ATPase at contacts with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, they do when CHO cells are transfected with beta(1)-subunit from the dog kidney (CHO-beta). 4) This may be attributed to the adhesive property of the beta(1)-subunit, because an aggregation assay using CHO (mock-transfected) and CHO-beta cells shows that the expression of dog beta(1)-subunit in the plasma membrane does increase adhesiveness. 5) This adhesiveness does not involve adherens or tight junctions. 6) Transfection of beta(1)-subunit forces CHO-beta cells to coexpress endogenous a-subunit. Together, our results indicate that MDCK cells express Na+,K+-ATPase at a given border provided the contacting cell expresses the dog P,-subunit. The cell-cell interaction thus established would suffice to account for the polarized expression and positioning of Na+,K+-ATPase in epithelial cells

    Organ culture storage of pre-prepared corneal donor material for Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    Purpose To evaluate the effect of media composition and storage method on pre-prepared Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) grafts. Methods 50 corneas were used. Endothelial wound healing and proliferation in different media were assessed using a standard injury model. DMEK grafts were stored using three methods: peeling with free scroll storage; partial peeling with storage on the stroma and fluid bubble separation with storage on the stroma. Endothelial cell (EC) phenotype and the extent of endothelial overgrowth were examined. Global cell viability was assessed for storage methods that maintained a normal cell phenotype. Results 1 mm wounds healed within 4 days. Enhanced media did not increase EC proliferation but may have increased EC migration into the wounded area. Grafts that had been trephined showed evidence of EC overgrowth, whereas preservation of a physical barrier in the bubble group prevented this. In grafts stored in enhanced media or reapposed to the stroma after trephination, endothelial migration occurred sooner and cells underwent endothelial-mesenchymal transformation. Ongoing cell loss, with new patterns of cell death, was observed after returning grafts to storage. Grafts stored as free scrolls retained more viable ECs than grafts prepared with the fluid bubble method (74.2± 3% vs 60.3±6%, p=0.04 (n=8). Conclusion Free scroll storage is superior to liquid bubble and partial peeling techniques. Free scrolls only showed overgrowth of ECs after 4 days in organ culture, indicating a viable time window for the clinical use of pre-prepared DMEK donor material using this method. Methods for tissue preparation and storage media developed for whole corneas should not be used in pre-prepared DMEK grafts without prior evaluation

    Global cell-by-cell evaluation of endothelial viability after two methods of graft preparation in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    PURPOSE: To describe a novel method of global cell viability assessment for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) and the comparison of two contemporary methods of donor tissue preparation. METHODS: DMEK transplants were prepared using two different methods: liquid bubble separation and manual peeling (n=8 each group). Samples were incubated with Hoechst, calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer prior to mounting on a curved imaging chamber. Z-stacked fluorescence microscopy images were combined to produce an in-focus global image capable of resolving all cell nuclei. Image processing software was used to define a calcein-positive live cell area, count all cell nuclei within this area and subtract ethidium-positive dead cells to derive the total viable endothelial cell count. Corrected global cell density was calculated by dividing the number of viable cells by the graft area, which had been corrected for imaging a curved surface. RESULTS: Corrected global cell density was lower than the central endothelial cell density in both groups: 85.5% of the pre-preparation central endothelial cell density in the peel group and 75.8% in the bubble group. Corrected global cell density was significantly lower in the liquid bubble separation group than in the peel group (p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Eye bank estimations of central endothelial cell density overestimate true cell density after graft preparation in DMEK. A peel method is less damaging and more consistent than a liquid bubble method. Cell loss correlated strongly with the degree of stromal hydration prior to bubble separation in the liquid bubble group