5 research outputs found

    Additional file 4: Figure S3. of Temporal dynamics of the gut microbiota in people sharing a confined environment, a 520-day ground-based space simulation, MARS500

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    Beta diversity of the gut microbiota of the six MARS500 crewmembers over the entire mission simulation. Box plots showing the distribution of inter-astronaut unweighted (A) and weighted (B) UniFrac distances before entering the isolation facility, during the 520 days of ground-based space simulation, and after exiting the modules, up to 6 months later. Only unweighted UniFrac distance values showed a significant inverse association with the time spent in the MARS500 isolation facility (quantile median regression test: RC range, regression coefficients scaled to the full variation of UniFrac distances, −9362.98; RC sd, regression coefficients scaled to one standard deviation, 1900.01; P value generated by boot-strap analysis, 4E-5). (TIF 241 kb

    Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Temporal dynamics of the gut microbiota in people sharing a confined environment, a 520-day ground-based space simulation, MARS500

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    Venn diagram showing the distribution of shared OTUs among the intestinal microbial ecosystems of the six MARS500 crewmembers. For each astronaut, only highly abundant OTUs, accounting for 90% of median time points reads [5], were selected. For OTU ID and taxonomy, please see Additional file 2: Table S1. The Venn diagram was constructed using InteractiVenn tool [42]. (PNG 155 kb

    Additional file 5: Figure S4. of Temporal dynamics of the gut microbiota in people sharing a confined environment, a 520-day ground-based space simulation, MARS500

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    Assignment of co-abundance groups of the most abundant OTUs (CAO) and their evolution across the individual microbiota steady states. For each crewmember, CAO were determined by heat plot showing Kendall correlations between the most abundant OTUs clustered by Spearman correlation and Ward linkage, as described in Claesson et al. [13]. All CAO displayed significantly different inter-relationships from each other (P < 0.001, permutational MANOVA). Network plots show correlations between the identified CAO. Each node represents an OTU and its dimension is proportional to the relative OTU abundance (top plot) or the over-abundance relative to background (bottom plots for each microbiota steady state). Connections between nodes indicate positive and significant Kendall correlations between OTUs (P < 0.05). Line thickness is proportional to correlation strength. OTUs were filtered for those with >0.1% of mean relative abundance among the individual steady state profiles. (PDF 2955 kb