47 research outputs found

    フクシ ガクブ ダイガクセイ ニ オケル ショウガイシャ ダンス エノ リカイ ビデオ ダンス サクヒン THE COST OF LIVING カンショウ オ トオシテ

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    イギリス社会の諸問題をテーマとし、障害者ダンサーの出演するビデオダンス作品“The Cost of Living”(2003)を将来福祉の現場に携わる福祉系学部生に鑑賞してもらい、質問紙調査を通して、障害者のダンスについてどのような理解が得られるか調査し、また、ビデオダンスが障害者ダンスの理解への導入として効果的な役割を果たすのか検討することを目的とした。 結果として、学生たちは障害者の訓練された高度なダンスに高い評価・感動を示し、新たな価値を見出したことが示唆された。また障害者にとってのダンスが身体能力の回復・向上につながり、自立や生きがいになるのではとの見方を得られた。よって、学生たちはビデオダンスを通じて障害者ダンスに対する一定の理解を得、ダンスの持つ障害者支援の可能性に期待していることが示唆された。The purpose of this survey is to verify the effectiveness of understanding disabled people dance through watching video dance. In this survey, college students who are major in public welfare watched one of master pieces of video dance by Lloyd Newson(1962-): “The Cost of Living”in which disabled dancer dances and British social problems are dealt with. Through questionnaire to the students, they highly appreciate and value dance by disabled people. They also regard that dancing give disabled people rehabilitation and health, furthermore bring self-sustainability or meaningful life.  Therefore, it is suggested that the students understood of disabled people’s dance and expected dance to support them. In conclusion, Video dance is an effective educational tool for welfare students and gives a new value to dance

    ハッコウニュウ ガ マウス フンベンチュウ ノ ハツガン カンレン コウソ カッセイ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    腸管内の有害微生物によって生成される糞便中のアゾレダクターゼ及びニトロレダクターゼは,発癌前駆物質を発癌物質に変換する作用がある.発酵乳の投与がマウス糞便中のこれらの酵素活性に及ぼす影響について調査した.発酵乳は,Lactobacillus gasseri JCM 1130とLactobacillus amylovorus JCM 5811をスターター菌株として1%低脂肪乳に加えて製造した.これら2つの酵素活性はマウスに高蛋白・高脂肪食を与えることにより高くなったが,発酵乳を投与することで非投与群と比較し,有意に低下した.さらに,マウス糞便中の乳酸菌数は,発酵乳の経口投与により増加し,経口投与終了後でも数日間維持された.これら糞便中に供試乳酸菌株が含まれることをRandom amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting(RAPD)法によって確認した.The fecal enzymes originating from the injurious bacteria in the intestinal tract, azoreductase and nitroreductase, convert pro-carcinogens to proximal carcinogens. The effect of fermented milk on the activity of fecal enzymes in mice was studied. The fermented milk was prepared using 1% low-fat milk with the starter of Lactobacillus gasseri JCM 1130 and Lactobacillus amylovorus JCM 5811. Mice were fed with diets containing high contents of protein and fat. When administered fermented milk as Lactobacillus strains supplement, the mice exhibited significantly lower levels of azoreductase and nitroreductase activities in the feces as compared with the levels of their activities in the feces of nontreated mice. The number of viable lactic acid bacteria increased in the mice feces for 5 days after the administration of fermented milk, and the same species of lactic acid bacteria from fermented milk was detected in their feces by using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method

    Cell division: control of the chromosomal passenger complex in time and space

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    Hydrogen trapping in 3He-irradiated Fe

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    The characteristics of irradiation-induced hydrogen (deuterium) traps in pure Fe were investigated for quantitative evaluation of tritium retention in fusion reactor components. The deuterium depth profiles of an Fe disk sample exposed to deuterium plasma were observed by means of nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) before and after irradiation with 0.8 MeV or 1.3 MeV 3He ions. Irradiation generated a number of traps, and deuterium retention was drastically increased subsequent to irradiation. Steady-state deuterium concentration in the trap and the solution sites were obtained by continuously charging the sample with deuterium during the NRA. Based on these values, the trapping energy, which is the enthalpy difference between the two sites, was estimated to be 0.38 eV. The number ratio of the trap to atomic displacement was 0.013. Some of the traps were annihilated around 523 K. The annihilation temperature, the trapping energy, and the equilibrium constant suggest that the trap is a dislocation loop introduced by the irradiation. It is deduced that the tritium inventory in the Fe components of a reactor should be drastically increased by neutron irradiation due to the formation of traps, but may be significantly reduced by high temperature operation of the components

    Arabidopsis Group IIId ERF proteins positively regulate primary cell wall-type CESA genes

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    The cell wall determines morphology and the environmental responses of plant cells. The primary cell wall (PCW) is produced during cell division and expansion, determining the cell shape and volume. After cell expansion, specific types of plant cells produce a lignified wall, known as a secondary cell wall (SCW). We functionally analyzed Group IIId Arabidopsis AP2/EREBP genes, namely ERF34, ERF35, ERF38, and ERF39, which are homologs of a rice ERF gene previously proposed to be related to SCW biosynthesis. Expression analysis revealed that these four genes are expressed in regions related to cell division and/or cell differentiation in seedlings (i.e., shoot apical meristems, the primordia of leaves and lateral roots, trichomes, and central cylinder of primary roots) and flowers (i.e., vascular tissues of floral organs and replums and/or valve margins of pistils). Overexpression of ERF genes significantly upregulated PCW-type, but not SCW-type, CESA genes encoding cellulose synthase catalytic subunits in Arabidopsis seedlings. Transient co-expression reporter analysis indicated that ERF35, ERF38, and ERF39 possess transcriptional activator activity, and that ERF34, ERF35, ERF38, and ERF39 upregulated the promoter activity of CESA1, a PCW-type CESA gene, through the DRECRTCOREAT elements, the core cis-acting elements known to be recognized by AP2/ERF proteins. Together, our findings show that Group IIId ERF genes are positive transcriptional regulators of PCW-type CESA genes in Arabidopsis and are possibly involved in modulating cellulose biosynthesis in response to developmental requirements and environmental stimuli. © 2018, The Botanical Society of Japan and Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature