118 research outputs found

    A Study on the Relationship between Social Movements of Life-time Sports and School Physical Education in Japan (4)

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    学校という文化装置に納まり切らないスポーツから「教科内容」を構想出来ないように, 「教科内容」からも, 「国民的共通基礎教養」として機能しないもの, また学校学習の範囲だけで自己完結してしまうものは教科で教える必要もない。だから何よりも教科内容の構成が「国民的共通基礎教養」というか「ミニマムエッセンシャル」というような観点からの評価が必要なのである。また, そうした「ミニマムエッセンシャル」を検討し議論することの中からしか「共通認識」も「実践」への教師の「身構え」も生まれてこない。ここにも「選択制授業」とは相いれない, 教師達の「行為」としての授業創りの第一歩の仕事が格別な「意味」をもってはじまると考えられる。これまでの論述を要約すれば, 以下のようにまとめられる。 1)「身体知」「経験知」を大事にする論理からみれば, これらを「教科内容」論と相即的に考えていく必要性は否定しないが, 出原が試案として提起するように必ずしも教室での「講義」という授業形式が優先的に考えられる論理は成立しない。 2)現実の社会・世界に存在するスポーツや運動の文化を学校という文化装置に引き寄せる論理は, ①教育的正当性, ②地域的価値性, ③日常生活との密着性と考えられる。 3)「教科内容」と「教材」を峻別する論理は二通り考えられ, その統一的原理は, 教師と子ども達に「共通」な「意味」を含んだ「ミニマムエッセンシャル」である。The school being a cultual fasility has specifically include sports in the "Curriculum Content." Its inclusion could also affect the proper fanctioning of the "Common Basic Education for Citizens." What is important could be the inclusion of the "Common Basic Education for Citizens" and the "Minimum Essensial" in the structure of the curriculum contents. It could be considers as an important basis of the evaluation that should be undertaken. Also, this "Minimum Essencial" seemingly lack of "Common Cognition" and "Pactice" related to the the "Posture" of the teacher. It could also be started that the "Optional Class System" is inappropriate since the "Action" of the teachers in the class is important. It is one of the first task to be made in order to promote the special "Meaning" that could be though of as the beginning. Based on the aforementioned statements, the main points of this research are summerized as follow: 1) In considering the importance of the pinciple of "Bodyly Knowledge" and "Experirentialism", although the "Corriculum Content" theory and its being incorporated immediately could be consideredto be valuable, the planprepared by Izuhara which suggest the primordial importance of "Lecture" as a teaching method could not be considered as the basis of the organization of the pinciple. 2) In the principle of separating sports and exercise fom school, being a social institution with its existence in the sociaty and the world, it is important to take note of the importance of (1) fairness in education, (2) value to the region, and (3) closeness to the daily life activities. 3) The segregation pinciple of "Corriculum Content" and the "Teaching-Learning Materials" could be classify into 2. However, the "Minimum Essential" could promote the acquistion of the concept of "Commonality" and "Meaning" to the teachers and learners

    A Study on the Relationship between Social Movement of Life-time Sports and School Physical Education in Japan (3)

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    体育の教科目標に関連して, 学校文化や健康概念のとらえ直しから議論を展開した。体育授業にかかわって教科の目標とか, 単元目標とかも, 具体的な素材としてのスポーツを対象化しながら論じていくしかないと思われた。なお, その際でも, 直接的には「健康」も一義的な意味をもちえず, したがって, 直接の目標には設定しえない。スポーツそのものの中に「教える意味」と「学ぶ意味」を正当に, かつ過程的に位置づけられることが求められていると考える。その正当性とはどこからどのような論理で導かれるかといえば, 現時点では, 次のように考えざるを得ない。 1)体育授業の実践家達の成功事例から実現可能な目標を導出すべきである。そして, 成功という時の「内容」「方法」「条件」ともに「成功」といわしめる基準の確認も重要な観点になる。 2)「自己学習力」は, われわれにまず存するものであって, 〈ある〉とか〈ない〉とか, ないから〈育てる〉とかの論理ではない。われわれ自身の「内」と「外」との相互作用に加えて, 自らの「内なる自己」とのコミュニケーションと相互作用を問題にすることになる。 3)したがって, 「選択制」という授業の方法の検討よりも, どれだけ教師にも子どもにも「意味」のある「関係」を授業のなかに位置づけていくかとする個々の特殊な課題を再把握する方が, 遥かに普遍的で重要な課題解決につながる。 4)そういった関係性の重視という観点から, われわれは, 学校文化・生徒文化というものも, 授業の論理に引き寄せていくことを要求されるだろう。This paper was envisioned to discuss about the objectives of physical education and also to determine and make appropriate theoretical models on health concepts of sports activities in the school. The health concepts can not be considered appropriate to our sports education in the school. Teachers must then set the meaningful relationship in the teaching-learning process of physical education for both the components as teacher and student. We should also reduce the meaning and the resonabilility from actual sucessful physical education. 1) We should select successful practices, and find out the "contents", "methods" and "criterion" of execellent teaching-learning process in physical education. 2) Since we and the students have a "self-oriented learning power" within ourselves, then we must discuss the quality of communication of "I" and "ourselves" not only about the other people. 3) It is more important to discuss about the problems to what is "meaningful to teachers" and those that are "meaningful to students" among the sports activities in school physical education than the "methods" of the optional systems. 4) The school and student cultures would require our teachers to exert their effort to introduce the didactic theory from the view point of the variety of communication and relationship styles

    A Study on the Relationship between Social Movement of Life Time Sports and School Physical Education in Japan (II) : From the View Point of the Curriculum Development Study

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    先報(1991)では, 『生涯スポーツ』概念の形成課程を吟味することと, その概念の実質的イメージについて検討した。そして, それらの作業に基づいて, 生涯スポーツ概念と学校体育の機能との関係を問題にした。議論の結果, 生涯スポーツや生涯体育の概念が活発に議論されて, 学校の機能・役割との関係も議論された割合には, 生涯スポーツの実態もイメージも余り明確でなく, 従って両者の関係も曖昧モコとしていることが明らかになった。そして, 生涯スポーツ運動に連動する形で, 中等教育学校で〈習熟度別授業〉や〈選択制履修授業(以下「選択制」と略す)〉を積極的に位置づけようとする働きが, 理論的にも実質的にも相当不可解なものと理解された。 さらに, こうした実態もイメージも不明確な状況でありながら, それでいて体育の教科内容や教科課程にかかわる問題意識は一般にさほど高くない。少なくとも, 日本体育学会や日本教科教育学会でみる限り, こうした学校内外の体育・スポーツの将来構想にかかわる問題意識をもつテーマは, 一部シンポジウム等を除けば最近の5年間ほとんど設定されていない事実も認められる。 そこで, 生涯スポーツに関連させようとする学校体育の趨勢, 即ち代表的には選択制の導入等は今日的に, かつ将来的にはいかなる意味をもち, 学校教育にどのような影響をおよぼすかについて, 改めて予測的に検討したい。その際, スポーツや運動は, 〈国民的教養〉あるいは〈国民的権利〉とさえ把握されようとしてきた思想や社会的運動そして歴史・伝統に, 学校体育が現実にどうかかわっていけるのかという視点を軸としたい。The purposes of this study were to make clear the problems of the curriculum study, and to search the possibility of an optional physical education system through discussing the idea of life time sports in Japan. As the result of the examination what are judged from the social sports situations and the characters of Japanese school system, it is considered that this system does not contain the conditions of a generalization or a diffusion, though this optional physical education system is an important and an urgent problems. The main results are follows; 1) From viewpoint of curriculum research and development in physical education, the discussion of the fearture that contain the abolition of physical education in school, are need in the private affairs of sports and game. 2) The optional physical education system in secondary education will be done by halves near fearture, because of a lack of considerations about the real school conditions. And the result of failre in optional system may cause the discussoin of unnecessary of physical education in high school. 3) From view of the fact, discussed in 2), it is predicted that a school physical education is confused, at least the base or value of the physical education in school is fundamentally discussed, and we must protect ourselves by new theories that will be re-integrated in near fearture. 4) The tentative plan, it is accepted to the sociaty, is to open the school sports facilities and instructors for the outside of school,and to full up the present school physical education class for the inside of school. It can be started to coexist the public sports activities and private one's by functioning the tentative plan

    Case Control Study in Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer: Using multiple-logistic regression

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    We determined 13 markers of pancreatic cancer which are used presently and tried quantitative combination assay of pancreatic cancer. Case-control study using the logistic regression showed the possibility of pancreatic cancer quantitatively. When the level of CA19-9 is more than Mean + 2S.D. (40 u/ml), the possibility of pancreatic cancer is 15 times higher than when the level is less than Mean + S.D .. In the case that the high-level of CA19-9 and α1-AT which are more than Mean + S.D., the possibility of pancreatic cancer is 30 times higher than the case that the level of CA19-9 and α1-AT are less than Mean + S.D. when both levels of CA19-9 and α1-AT are more than Mean + S.D .

    A Historical Study Of Practiced Education in the Curriculum of Physical Education : mainly on the postwar history

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    The correspondence of theory and practice is also one of the permanent task in the study of education. Various civil study circles of physical education have been grappling with this task and accumulating valuable data in the postwar history of curriculum studies in physical education. These circles came into being during the chaotic period immediately after the termination of the war and during the turning period of educational policy in the thirties of Showa. They have been incessantly groping with the true practice of physical education. At the same time they have firm attitudes of and-power and authority as their spiritual bases. The study circle of school physical education which developed "Dolhira" may be said to be typical. The position of methodological physical education is also on the point of being elucidated in the academic circle of physical education. On this occassion, the study of practiced pysical education should propose the problem concerned with the educational cycle of objectives, contents and methods being inseparably related with the subjectivity of teachers

    Review of Instructional Methods of Swimming in Japan : with Emphasis on Beginning Swimming

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    There are as many instructional methods of swimming in Japan as the number of people teaching the skill. Among them, Ministry of Education and Japanese Federation of Swimming each suggest own instructional sequential steps according to the developmental stages of the skill. Certain group of people disagree to such already established systems and insist Dol-hira system, or dolphin-breast combination stroke for acquisition of beginning swimming skills. On the other hand, private swimming clubs propose various systems of instructional methods. Indeed, every system seems to have some strong and weak points. Upon reviewing various instructional methods that are existent, so-called HUFB system has been logically developed which is being introduced in this study. The system has been successfully applied to the Extension Swimming School at the Hiroshima University Fukuyama Branch for the past ten years. The fundamental contents of the said system, is constituted of getting acquinted to water, jump-butterfly, crawl stroke, back stroke, and breast stroke, in this order. The essential part of its philosophy is optimization of instruction to the given circumstances that varies immencely from time to time