1,093 research outputs found

    An enterogenous cyst with atypical pathological findings and chemical meningitis

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    Post-antibiotic effect of orbifloxacin against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from dogs

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    Orbifloxacin is a fluoroquinolone drug used widely in companion animal medicine. In this study, we firstly determined post-antibiotic effects (PAEs) and post-antibiotic sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) effects (PA-SMEs) of orbifloxacin for two strains each of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa from dogs, and these parameters were compared with those of enrofloxacin. At twice the MIC, the PAEs of orbifloxacin ranged from -0.28-0.93 h (mean, 0.29 h) for E. coli and -0.18-1.18 h (mean, 0.37 h) for P. aeruginosa. These parameters were not significantly different for E. coli and shorter for P. aeruginosa, compared to enrofloxacin (P < 0.05). Continued exposure to 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 the MIC of orbifloxacin resulted in average PA-SMEs of 0.55, 1.11, and 2.03 h, respectively, for E. coli, and 1.04, 1.40, and 2.47 h, respectively, for P. aeruginosa. These PA-SMEs, which had no significant differences with those of enrofloxacin, were significantly longer than the corresponding PAEs (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the PA-SME of orbifloxacin for E. coli and P. aeruginosa can be meaningfully prolonged by increase of sub-MICs

    Quantum Symmetries and Marginal Deformations

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    We study the symmetries of the N=1 exactly marginal deformations of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. For generic values of the parameters, these deformations are known to break the SU(3) part of the R-symmetry group down to a discrete subgroup. However, a closer look from the perspective of quantum groups reveals that the Lagrangian is in fact invariant under a certain Hopf algebra which is a non-standard quantum deformation of the algebra of functions on SU(3). Our discussion is motivated by the desire to better understand why these theories have significant differences from N=4 SYM regarding the planar integrability (or rather lack thereof) of the spin chains encoding their spectrum. However, our construction works at the level of the classical Lagrangian, without relying on the language of spin chains. Our approach might eventually provide a better understanding of the finiteness properties of these theories as well as help in the construction of their AdS/CFT duals.Comment: 1+40 pages. v2: minor clarifications and references added. v3: Added an appendix, fixed minor typo

    Ploidy of Cell-Sorted Trophic and Cystic Forms of Pneumocystis carinii

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    Once regarded as an AIDS-defining illness, Pneumocystis pneumonia (PcP) is nowadays prevailing in immunocompromised HIV-negative individuals such as patients receiving immunosuppressive therapies or affected by primary immunodeficiency. Moreover, Pneumocystis clinical spectrum is broadening to non-severely-immunocompromised subjects who could be colonized by the fungus while remaining asymptomatic for PcP, thus being able to transmit the infection by airborne route to susceptible hosts. Although the taxonomical position of the Pneumocystis genus has been clarified, several aspects of its life cycle remain elusive such as its mode of proliferation within the alveolus or its ploidy level. As no long-term culture model exists to grow Pneumocystis organisms in vitro, an option was to use a model of immunosuppressed rat infected with Pneumocystis carinii and sort life cycle stage fractions using a high-through-put cytometer. Subsequently, ploidy levels of the P. carinii trophic and cystic form fractions were measured by flow cytometry. In the cystic form, eight contents of DNA were measured thus strengthening the fact that each mature cyst contains eight haploid spores. Following release, each spore evolves into a trophic form. The majority of the trophic form fraction was haploid in our study. Some less abundant trophic forms displayed two contents of DNA indicating that they could undergo (i) mating/fusion leading to a diploid status or (ii) asexual mitotic division or (iii) both. Even less abundant trophic forms with four contents of DNA were suggestive of mitotic divisions occurring following mating in diploid trophic forms. Of interest, was the presence of trophic forms with three contents of DNA, an unusual finding that could be related to asymmetrical mitotic divisions occurring in other fungal species to create genetic diversity at lower energetic expenses than mating. Overall, ploidy data of P. carinii life cycle stages shed new light on the complexity of its modes of proliferation

    The evolution of degenerative marrow (Modic) changes in the cervical spine in neck pain patients

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the natural course of end plate marrow (Modic) changes (MC) in the cervical spine on MRI scans of patients with neck pain. A few longitudinal studies have assessed the development of MC over time in the lumbar spine but only two recent studies evaluated MC in the cervical spine in asymptomatic volunteers and those with whiplash. Thus, this study now reports on the natural course of MC in the cervical spine in symptomatic patients. METHODS: From the cervical MRI scans of 426 neck pain patients (mean age 61.2 years), 64 patients had follow-up MRI studies. The prevalence and types of MC were retrospectively assessed on the follow-up scans and compared to the original MRI findings. RESULTS: With an average of 2.5 years between the two MRI scans, the prevalence of MC type 1 (MC1) noted at baseline (7.4 % or 19 motion segments) slightly increased (8.2 % or 21 segments) but the prevalence of MC2 (14.5 % or 37 segments) increased considerably (22.3 % or 57 segments). In addition, 14 new MC1 segments and 8 new MC2 segments were noted. Twelve segments with MC1 at baseline converted to MC2 at follow-up. No conversion from MC2 to MC1 or reverting to a normal image was observed. CONCLUSIONS: MC in the cervical spine are a dynamic phenomenon similar to the lumbar spine

    Expression of CDX2 and Hepatocyte Antigen in Benign and Malignant Lesions of Gallbladder and Its Correlation with Histopathologic Type and Clinical Outcome

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    Recent studies have shown that both CDX2 and Hepatocyte antigen (Hep) are detected in different types of cancer and associated with clinical prognosis. However, fever studies have examined gallbladder cancer specimens, and little is known about the clinicopathological significance of both CDX2 and Hep expression in gallbladder adenocarcinomas. In present study, we examined the expression frequencies of CDX2 and Hepatocyte antigen (Hep), and explored their clinicopathologic significances in gallbladder adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect and compare the frequencies of CDX2 and Hep expression in 108 samples of gallbladder adenocarcinoma, 46 peri-tumor tissues and 35 chronic cholecystitis. The expression frequencies for CDX2 and Hep were 49/108 (45.4%) and 45/108 (41.7%) in gallbladder carcinoma; 13/46 (28.3%) and 11/46 (23.9) in peri-tumor tissues; 5/35 (14.3%) and 2/35 (5.7%) in chronic cholecystitis. The positive staining of CDX2 or Hep in gallbladder adenocarcinoma was significantly higher than that in peritumoral tissues (both, P < 0.05), and chronic cholecystits (both, P < 0.01). The expression of CDX2 or Hep was negatively correlated to grade of differentiation, tumor size and lymph node metastasis (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). Elevated expression frequency of CDX2 or Hep was associated with increased overall survival (P = 0.003 or P = 0.002). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that CDX2 (P = 0.014) or Hep (P = 0.026) expression was an independent prognostic predictor in gallbladder adenocarcinoma. CDX2 and Hep might function as important biological markers in the development and prognosis of gallbladder adenocarcinoma

    An Invertebrate Hyperglycemic Model for the Identification of Anti-Diabetic Drugs

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    The number of individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is caused by insulin resistance and/or abnormal insulin secretion, is increasing worldwide, creating a strong demand for the development of more effective anti-diabetic drugs. However, animal-based screening for anti-diabetic compounds requires sacrifice of a large number of diabetic animals, which presents issues in terms of animal welfare. Here, we established a method for evaluating the anti-diabetic effects of compounds using an invertebrate animal, the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Sugar levels in silkworm hemolymph increased immediately after feeding silkworms a high glucose-containing diet, resulting in impaired growth. Human insulin and 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR), an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator, decreased the hemolymph sugar levels of the hyperglycemic silkworms and restored growth. Treatment of the isolated fat body with human insulin in an in vitro culture system increased total sugar in the fat body and stimulated Akt phosphorylation. These responses were inhibited by wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3 kinase. Moreover, AICAR stimulated AMPK phosphorylation in the silkworm fat body. Administration of aminoguanidine, a Maillard reaction inhibitor, repressed the accumulation of Maillard reaction products (advanced glycation end-products; AGEs) in the hyperglycemic silkworms and restored growth, suggesting that the growth defect of hyperglycemic silkworms is caused by AGE accumulation in the hemolymph. Furthermore, we identified galactose as a hypoglycemic compound in jiou, an herbal medicine for diabetes, by monitoring its hypoglycemic activity in hyperglycemic silkworms. These results suggest that the hyperglycemic silkworm model is useful for identifying anti-diabetic drugs that show therapeutic effects in mammals

    PAH mineralization and bacterial organotolerance in surface sediments of the Charleston Harbor estuary

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    Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in estuarine waters can adversely affect biota but watershed sources can be difficult to identify because these compounds are transient. Natural bacterial assemblages may respond to chronic, episodic exposure to SVOCs through selection of more organotolerant bacterial communities. We measured bacterial production, organotolerance and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) mineralization in Charleston Harbor and compared surface sediment from stations near a known, permitted SVOC outfall (pulp mill effluent) to that from more pristine stations. Naphthalene additions inhibited an average of 77% of bacterial metabolism in sediments from the more pristine site (Wando River). Production in sediments nearest the outfall was only inhibited an average of 9% and in some cases, was actually stimulated. In general, the stations with the highest rates of bacterial production also were among those with the highest rates of PAH mineralization. This suggests that the capacity to mineralize PAH carbon is a common feature amongst the bacterial assemblage in these estuarine sediments and could account for an average of 5.6% of bacterial carbon demand (in terms of production) in the summer, 3.3% in the spring (April) and only 1.2% in winter (December)