267 research outputs found

    Simulation of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for Steep Dopant Distribution Profiling

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    Abstract -This paper describes Monte Carlo simulations of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiling for steep dopant distribution to evaluate quantitative differences between the measured and actual profiles. SIMS measurement data for steep dopant distribution profiles inherently show some broadening due to, for instance, recoiling effects. The simulation procedure was based on a binary-collision approximation Monte Carlo ion implantation simulation with consideration of density modification and surface recession. Calculation of secondary emissioncount reproduced actual SIMS measurement profiles quite well. With a help of a statistical enhancement technique, a resolution function can be calculated for retrieving an actual profile from the measured one with the deconvolution method. As 3OkeV 3x1Ol5 cri


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    The case of a 14-year-old female who suffered from hyperosmolar diabetic coma (HODC) after resection of craniopharyngioma and during treatment for hypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus is presented. In Aug. 1989, craniopharyngioma was diagnosed and she underwent resection surgery and radiotherapy. Since then, she had been on supplemental therapy with hydrocortisone and thyroxin and desmopressin (DDAVP). On Jan. 17, 1992, she fell into HODC upon ingesting a large amount of soft drink to supplement water due to persistent polyuria. She improved quickly when supplementary fluids and insulin were administered. She had demonstrated no abnormality in glucose tolerance prior to this manifestation. Insulin therapy was deemed unnecessary after her recovery from HODC. Because of a disorder in the central nervous thirst mechaninm, she lacked the sense of thirst and concomitantly the thirst-mediated water intake in spite of elevated plasma osmolarity due to dehydration and hyperglycemia. This seemed to be the cause of her accelerating dehydration. The resulting insulin resistance then brought about her HODC. Thus, it is difficult to consider such a case of HODC as symptomatic of diabetes when no abnormality in glucose tolerance either before manifestation or after restoration can be found. It should rather be considered as a case of “dehydration hyperglycemia" and be treated as such

    Orange Juice and Its Component, Hesperidin, Decrease the Expression of Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein 2 in Rat Small Intestine and Liver

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    We investigated the effects of orange juice (OJ) or hesperidin, a component of OJ, on the pharmacokinetics of pravastatin (PRV) and the expression of both protein and mRNA of multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 (Mrp2) in the rat small intestine and liver. Eight-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were used in this study. OJ or a 0.079% hesperidin suspension was administered orally for 2 days. Tap water was given as a control. A single dose of PRV at 100 mg/kg p.o. was administered after 2 days of OJ, hesperidin, or tap water ingestion. The AUC, Cmax, and t1/2 values of PRV were significantly increased in OJ group. Mrp2 protein and mRNA levels in the small intestine and liver, respectively, were significantly decreased after the ingestion of OJ. The same results were obtained with hesperidin. These results suggest that the changes in PRV pharmacokinetic parameters and the decrease in Mrp2 expression caused by OJ are due to hesperidin in the juice

    Synthesis, oxygen activation, and DNA-cleaving property of a histidine-pyridine-histidine ligand

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    A novel metal-chelating system comprising a 4-dimethylamino- pyridine and two histidine appendages was synthesized. The two histidines were introduced by different manners; one through an amide linkage and other via a secondary amino linkage. ESR spectrum suggested a distorted pentacoordinate configuration of the copper complex of the ligand. The iron complex of the ligand had oxygen-activating property as shown by ESR spin trapping and DNA-cleaving activity as evaluated by experiments using pUC19 DNA


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    Background: Bronchioalveolar stem cells (BASCs) located at the bronchioalveolar-duct junction (BADJ) are stem cells residing in alveoli and terminal bronchioles that can self-renew and differentiate into alveolar type (AT)-1 cells, AT-2 cells, club cells, and ciliated cells. Following terminal-bronchiole injury, BASCs increase in number and promote repair. However, whether BASCs can be differentiated from mouse-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) remains unreported, and the therapeutic potential of such cells is unclear. We therefore sought to differentiate BASCs from iPSCs and examine their potential for use in the treatment of epithelial injury in terminal bronchioles. Methods: BASCs were induced using a modified protocol for differentiating mouse iPSCs into AT-2 cells. Differentiated iPSCs were intratracheally transplanted into naphthalene-treated mice. The engraftment of BASCs into the BADJ and their subsequent ability to promote repair of injury to the airway epithelium were evaluated. Results: Flow cytometric analysis revealed that BASCs represented ~ 7% of the cells obtained. Additionally, ultrastructural analysis of these iPSC-derived BASCs via transmission electron microscopy showed that the cells containing secretory granules harboured microvilli, as well as small and immature lamellar body-like structures. When the differentiated iPSCs were intratracheally transplanted in naphthalene-induced airway epithelium injury, transplanted BASCs were found to be engrafted in the BADJ epithelium and alveolar spaces for 14 days after transplantation and to maintain the BASC phenotype. Notably, repair of the terminal-bronchiole epithelium was markedly promoted after transplantation of the differentiated iPSCs. Conclusions: Mouse iPSCs could be differentiated in vitro into cells that display a similar phenotype to BASCs. Given that the differentiated iPSCs promoted epithelial repair in the mouse model of naphthalene-induced airway epithelium injury, this method may serve as a basis for the development of treatments for terminal-bronchiole/alveolar-region disorders


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    We investigated the influences of liver histology,serum levels of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HCV genotypes on responsiveness to interferon (IFN) therapy in 342 patients with chronic hepatitis C. Either 9 million units (MU) of lymphoblastoid alpha IFN or 3 MU of recombinant IFN-alpha was administered daily for 2 weeks and then three times a week for 22 weeks. IFN responses were divided into three groups on the basis of the results of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay detecting HCV-RNA in serum. Complete response (CR) was defined as sustained elimination of HCV for at least 6 months after treatment,partial response (PR) as HCV elimination for a limited period,non-response (NR) as continuously positive for HCV-RNA in serum. Quantitation of pre-treament HCV-RNA amount in serum was determined by competitive PCR assay in 47 patients. HCV genotyping was performed in 114 patients by PCR with genotype-specific primers. CR was obtained in 97 patients (28.4%),PR in 104 (30.4%) and NR in 141 (41.2%). IFN responses,represented by CR/PR/NR,were 15/18/11 in 44 patients with chronic persistent hepatitis (CPH),72/65/73 in 210 patients with chronic aggressive hepatitis (CAH) 2a,and 10/21/57 in 88 patients with CAH2b. CR rate was lower in patients with CAH2b (11.4%) compared to those with CPH (34.1%) or CAH2a (34.3%). Averages of pre-treatment serum HCV-RNA amount (copies/50μl) were 10³·⁵⁵ in 13 CRs,10⁴·⁵⁶ in 17 PRs,and 10⁵·⁹⁵ in 17 NRs. There was a positive correlation between pre-treatment HCV-RNA levels and IFN unresponsiveness. HCV genotyping in 114 patients revealed that HCV type Ⅰ infection was observed in one,type Ⅱ in 94,type Ⅲ in 11,type Ⅳ in 6 and mixed (types Ⅱ and Ⅳ) in 2 patients,and their IFN responses (CR/PR/NR) were 0/0/1,28/26/40,3/5/3,1/3/2 and 0/1/1,respectively

    Two-photon excitable boron complex based on tridentate imidazo[1,5-a]pyridine ligand for heavy-atom-free mitochondria-targeted photodynamic therapy

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    We have synthesized a cyan fluorescent boron complex based on a tridentate imidazo[1,5-a]pyridine ligand. The boron complex was found to have potential applications as not only a chiroptical material but also a heavy-atom-free mitochondria-targeted photosensitizer for cancer treatment

    Reduced risk of recurrent myocardial infarction in homozygous carriers of the chromosome 9p21 rs1333049 c risk allele in the contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention era: A prospective observational study

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    Hara M, Sakata Y, Nakatani D on behalf of the OACIS Investigators, et al. Reduced risk of recurrent myocardial infarction in homozygous carriers of the chromosome 9p21 rs1333049 C risk allele in the contemporary percutaneous coronary intervention era: a prospective observational study. BMJ Open 2014;4:e005438. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-00543