221 research outputs found

    Nutritional Status and Competitive Ability in Wheelechair Basketball Players

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    Purpose : The objectives of the present survey were set as follows : 1. To prepare a positivity scale for type-2 diabetic renal failure patients for the psychological construct of “Belated conviction of having worked hard to take care of oneself ” medical-care perception, which was a result reached inductively in the previous study. 2. To elucidate the relationships of the position on the positivity scale with QOL and duration of diabetic nephropathy treatment for type-2 diabetic renal failure patients. Methods : An interview- and questionnaire-based survey was carried out with 70 type-2 diabetes patients with renal failure. The answers to questions about 12 items relating to the psychological construct of the “I will overcome my regrets” medical-care perception were evaluated by factor analysis. The validity of the scale was tested using the GSES scale, and the correlation coefficient. With respect to the characteristics of the positivity scale, QOL is determined using the KDQOLSFTM1.3 scale, and its correlation with duration of diabetic nephropathy treatment is obtained using the correlation coefficient. Results : The outcome was that the three parameters that made up the scale in this research were factors, and were the same as the items in the previous qualitative research. Reliability was confirmed on the basis of the internal consistency of the three parameters. The concurrent validity was confirmed on the basis of significant correlation between the GSES scale and the positivity scale. Both the positivity scale and quality of life (QOL) showed significant positive correlations with the following parameters in the KDQOL-SFTM1.3 scale : social functioning, emotional wellbeing, general health perception, burden of kidney disease, and sleep. Discussion : The ability to hold the “Belated conviction of having worked hard to take care of oneself ” medical-care perception resulted in favorable QOL after introduction of dialysis. In addition, for high-level medical-care perception, it is necessary to recognize the condition as diabetic nephropathy, and to undergo treatment, for a significant period. 目的:帰納的に導き出した先行研究結果である、「遅ればせながらできるだけ頑張ったと納得する」療養認識の構成概念から糖尿病性腎不全患者の肯定感尺度を作成する。また、肯定感尺度とQOLおよび糖尿病性腎症療養期間との関係を明らかにする。方法:2型糖尿病性腎不全患者70名に面接式質問紙調査を行った。質問は、【後悔を収め る】療養認識の構成概念12項目であり、因子分析により、尺度とする3項目の構成を確認した。尺度の妥当性としてGSES尺度を用いて相関係数で検定した。療養認識の特徴は、QOLをKDQOL-SFTM13. 尺度を用い、糖尿病性腎症療養期間との関係を相関係数を用いて導いた。結果:肯定感尺度とする3項目は、質的研究結果と同様の項目で因子となった。3項目の内的一貫性による信頼性( =07. 0)が確認された。また、自己効力感尺度と正の相関により併存妥当性があった。QOLについては、KDQOL-SFTM13. 尺度において社会生活、心の健康、全体的健康感、腎疾患による負担、睡眠において有意な正の相関があった。糖尿病性腎症療養期間とも正の相関がみられた。考察:「遅ればせながらできるだけ頑張ったと納得する」という療養認識が低いよりも高いほうが透析導入後もQOLが良好である。また、その療養認識を高く持つには、糖尿病性腎症として認識して療養する期間が必要と言えた。Thesis of Matsui, Kiyoko / 松井 希代子 博士学位論文(金沢大学 / 大学院医薬保健学総合研究科

    Co-culturing of follicles with interstitial cells in collagen gel reproduce follicular development accompanied with theca cell layer formation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mechanism of theca cell layer formation in mammalian ovaries has not been elucidated; one reason is that there is no follicle culture system that can reproduce theca cell layer formation in vitro. Therefore, a three-dimensional follicle culture system that can reproduce theca cell layer formation is required.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A collagen gel was used in the follicle culture system. To determine the optimum conditions for follicle culture that can reproduce theca cell layer formation, the effects of hormonal treatment and cell types co-cultured with follicles were examined. In addition, immunohistochemistry was used to examine the properties of the cell layers formed in the outermost part of follicles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Follicles maintained a three-dimensional shape and grew in collagen gel. By adding follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and co-culturing with interstitial cells, the follicles grew well, and cell layers were formed in the outermost part of follicles. Immunohistochemistry confirmed that the cells forming the outermost layers of the follicles were theca cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study, follicle culture system that can reproduce theca cell layer formation <it>in vitro </it>was established. In our opinion, this system is suitable for the analysis of theca cell layer formation and contributes to our understanding of the mechanisms of folliculogenesis.</p

    A FORTRAN data processing system for the epidemiological data on rheumatic diseases - Part 1. Basic programs for deposit and retrieval of data

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    A set of FORTRAN programs for small computer is described for deposit and retrieval of the epidemiological data, which have been compiled at the Kami-hojo-cho district in Feb. 1972and Feb. 1975. A data file is constructed on a magnetic disk. The following items are recorded and registered on the disk for every person: identification number, full name in Japanese alphabet, sex, date of birth, weight, height, blood pressures, chemical characterics of blood serum and urine, and various complaints of clinical significance (fever, morning stiffness, arthralgia, joint swelling, myalgia, cutaneous rash, aphthous stomatitis, dry eyes, dry mouth, joint deformity, subcutaneous nodules, lymph and parotid gland enlargement, struma, heart murmur, and neulogical findings). All information per one person requires only two IBM cards due to compact encoding of original records. The encode-decode procedures are explained also in the text


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    本研究の目的は、糖尿病看護に携わっている看護師のソーシャルスキルおよび批判的思考 態度の実態と看護師の糖尿病教育スタイルとの関係を明らかにすることである。糖尿病教育 スタイルとは、糖尿病看護に携わっている看護師の患者教育における意識や行動の特徴であ り、3 つのスタイルで識別される。 糖尿病看護に携わっている看護師を対象に自記式質問紙調査を実施した。223 施設に質問 紙を送付し、返送された1115 名中、有効回答848 名(有効回答率76.0%)を分析対象とした。 基本属性、ソーシャルスキル9 下位尺度27 項目、批判的思考態度4 下位尺度33 項目、糖尿 病教育スタイル自己評価18 項目について調査した。 その結果、あてはまるとの回答が80% 以上だった項目は、ソーシャルスキルでは皆無で あり、批判的思考態度においてもわずか4項目であった。また、批判的思考態度においては、 年齢、糖尿病看護経験年数、CDEJ、糖尿病看護認定看護師と相関がみとめられた。しかしソー シャルスキルにおいて相関のみとめられたのは糖尿病看護経験年数のみであった。また、糖 尿病教育スタイルとこれら2 つのスキルとの相関においては、いずれも生活心情がみえてい るスタイルとの正の相関が最も高かったが、批判的思考態度の下位尺度「証拠の重視」にの み相関はみとめられなかった。 以上より、看護師のソーシャルスキルおよび批判的思考態度の自己評価は高いとはいえな いことが明らかになった。また、資格よりむしろ糖尿病看護経験年数がスキルの高さに関与 する可能性が示された。さらに、これら2 尺度の得点と最も相関が高かった生活心情がみえ ている教育スタイルがのぞましいことが確認された

    Midkine inhibitors: application of a simple assay procedure to screening of inhibitory compounds

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Midkine is a heparin-binding cytokine and is involved in etiology of various diseases. Thus, midkine inhibitors are expected to be helpful in treatment of many diseases.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed a simple assay for midkine activity based on midkine-dependent migration of osteblastic cells. Midkine inhibitors were searched as materials that inhibit this midkine activity. To develop peptides that inhibit midkine activity, we constructed models in which C-terminal half of midkine interacted with α<sub>4</sub>β<sub>1</sub>-integrin. Low molecular weight compounds which are expected to bind to midkine with high affinity were searched by <it>in silico </it>screening with the aid of Presto-X2 program.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among peptides in putative binding sites of midkine and the integrin, a peptide derived from β<sub>1</sub>-integrin and that derived from the first β sheet of the C-terminal half of midkine significantly inhibited midkine activity. Two low molecular weight compounds found by <it>in silico </it>screening exhibited no toxicity to target cells, but inhibited midkine activity. They are trifluoro compounds: one (PubChem 4603792) is 2-(2,6-dimethylpiperidin-1-yl)-4-thiophen-2-yl-6-(trifluoromethy)pyrimidine, and the other has a related structure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The assay procedure is helpful in screening midkine inhibitors. All reagents described here might become mother material to develop clinically effective midkine inhibitors.</p