18 research outputs found

    Natural logarithm (x2) of Bayes Factors obtained in Tracer for the 4 molecular clock Scenarios.

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    <p>Marginal likelihood estimated as the ln harmonic mean likelihoods of the data. S.E.: Standard error of the marginal likelihood.</p

    Different scenarios investigated, fossils used, ages for each fossil and distributions associated with the selected fossils.

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    <p>Exponential distribution = Exp (offset, mean). The means were selected so that 97.5% of the prior probability for each fossil date would fall below the age of the major group the fossil belongs to, i.e. 400 Mya which is the age for the †Pezizomycotina crown and 650 Mya for the ‡ Ascomycota base, both according to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0065576#pone.0065576-Lcking1" target="_blank">[32]</a> and 160 Mya which is the age of the * Lecanorales based on <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0065576#pone.0065576-AmodePaz1" target="_blank">[59]</a>.</p

    Maximum clade credibility chronogram for the major groups of Ascomycota.

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    <p>The chronogram is the result from the BEAST analysis of Scenario 4. Each node represents the mean divergence time estimate and bars show their associated 95% credibility interval. Numbers corresponding to dated groups shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0065576#pone-0065576-t003" target="_blank">Table 3</a> are written above the nodes.</p

    Comparison of divergence ages in several Ascomycota clades.

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    <p>The mean divergence time estimates and their associated 95% credibility intervals (y–axis) for selected nodes within Ascomycota for the 4 scenarios studied (x–axis) are represented. A: node 1, Ascomycota crown; B: node 2, Pezizomycotina crown; C: node 3, Pezizomycetes–“Leotiomyceta”; D: node 9, Lichinomycetes–Coniocybomycetes; E: node 10, Coniocybomycetes crown; F: node 19, Lecanoromycetes crown; G: node 20, Eurotiomycetes crown; H: node 33, Ostropomycetidae; I: node 43, Ostropales; J: node 46, Lecanoromycetidae crown; K: node 47, Lecanorales crown; L: node 41, Arctomiaceae.</p

    Mean and range (95% credibility intervals) divergence time estimations (Mya) among the major Ascomycota lineages for the 4 molecular clock scenarios studied.

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    <p>Node labels correspond to nodes in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0065576#pone-0065576-g002" target="_blank">Fig. 2</a>.</p>*<p>Excluding Umbilicariales;</p>**<p>Excluding Umbilicariales and Rhizocarpales.</p

    Best tree from the maximum-likelihood analysis.

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    <p>Numbers in circles indicate the nodes used for fossil calibration: (1) <i>Paleopyrenomycites devonicus</i>; (2) <i>Chaenotheca</i> sp.; (3) <i>Calicium</i> sp.; (4) <i>Alectoria succinica</i> or <i>Parmelia ambra</i>; and (5) <i>Chaenothecopsis</i> sp. Numbers above branches correspond to bootstrap support values and thicker branches show bootstrap support >70%.</p

    Biofilm containing fungal hyphae.

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    <p>(A) Removed biofilm containing fungal hyphae; note the tissue-like texture with protruding hyphae and white mineral precipitates. (B) Biofilm showing the fashion of fungal hyphae producing the tissue-like texture of the mat. (C) Fragment of meristematic tissue composed of isodiametric and angular cells. (D, E, H) Fragments of melanised monilioid hyphae. (F, G) Hyphae with endoconidia. Bar = 100 ÎŒm (A), 200 ÎŒm (B), 10 ÎŒm (C), 5 ÎŒm (D−H).</p

    Macromorphology and micromorphology of <i>Bradymyces graniticola</i>.

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    <p>(A) A 16-week-old colony on MEA at 17°C. (B) Phenotypic variability of 6-week-old colonies on PDA at 25°C. (C) Phenotypic variability of 6-week-old colonies on PCA at 25°C. (D–H) Endoconidia. (I–N) Moniliform hyphae proliferating at the apex. (O) Chlamydospore-like hyphal swellings intercalary in position. (P–S) Multicellular bodies released from meristematic part of colony. Bar = 5 mm (A‒C), 5 ÎŒm (D‒S).</p

    Phylogenetic analysis of the nucITS-nuc28S-ÎČ-tubulin sequences of the Chaetothyriales.

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    <p>Branch support in nodes ≄ 70% maximum likelihood bootstrap support (ML BS) and ≄ 0.90 Bayesian posterior probability (PP) are indicated above or below branches. The asterisk (*) indicates nodes with 100% ML BS/1.0 PP. Taxa written in bold represent taxonomic novelties. <sup>T</sup> = ex-type.</p

    Macromorphology and micromorphology of <i>Bacillicladium lobatum</i>.

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    <p>(A) Morphogenesis of colony growing on MEA at 25°C in 9 d, 2, 4 and 6 wks (left to right). (B, C) Phenotypic variability of 6-week-old colonies at 25°C on PDA (B) and PCA (C). (D‒I) Yeast-like state, budding (D, I), germinating by hyphae (E, G) or forming short chains (F‒I). (J‒L) Fungal elements from the inner parts of the colony with incrustations on their surface, occasionally proliferating. (M, N) Uni- or multicellular bodies, single or in chains. (O) Meristematic parenchyma-like structures formed in the inner parts of the colony (MEA). (P) Multicellular element released from the parenchymatous structure with roughened wall. Bar = 5 mm (A‒C), 5 ÎŒm (D‒P).</p