47 research outputs found

    The influence of environmental conditions for the gro wth of tomato and manifestation of physiological disorders

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    Za uspješan rast i razvoj rajčice neophodno je osigurati što povoljnije okolišne uvjete kako bi se fiziološki procesi u biljci što nesmetanije odvijali i kako bi u konačnici ona dala što veći i kvalitetniji prinos. Najznačajniji okolišni uvjeti su toplina, svjetlost i vlaga čiji nedostatak, kao i prevelika količina, negativno utječu na rast i razvoj biljaka. Posljedice nesklada vanjskih uvjeta očituju se na različite načine, a biljke na njih reagiraju određenim simptomima. Ponekad manje iskusni proizvođači te simptome poistovjećuju sa simptomima pojedinih bolesti ili napada štetnika i neopravdano primjenjuju određene mjere zaštite. Ovaj rad je napisan u svrhu boljeg upoznavanja pojedinih fizioloških poremetnji tijekom rasta i razvoja rajčice i njihovih simptoma na biljkama i plodovima rajčice. U radu se opisuje utjecaj osnovnih okolišnih uvjeta na rast i razvoj rajčice te fiziološke poremetnje na biljkama i plodovima uvjetovane abiotskim čimbenicima.For the successful growth and development of tomato, it is necessary to provide for as permitting environmental conditions as possible, so that physiological processes inside the plant could proceed freely, and that in the end it can give optimum crop in number and quality. The most influential environmental conditions are warmth, light and moist, which can equally have the negative effect on the growth and development of plant, if they are insufficient or exceeding certain limits. Consequences of imbalance of external conditions are manifested in different ways on plants, which then react in certain symptoms. It happens sometimes that less experienced cultivators identify those symptoms with the symptoms of certain rots or pest invasion, and then they use some protection measurements without good reason. This review has been written for the purpose of getting a better insight into particular physiological disorders during the growth and development of tomato and their symptoms on plants and fruits of tomato. The review describes the effect of basic environmental conditions on the growth and development of tomato and physiological disorders on plants and fruits conditioned by abiotic factors

    Growing vegetable as a second crop

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    Kratkoća vegetacije pojedinih povrtnih kultura omogućuje njihov uzgoj nakon žetve odnosno berbe pojedinih usjeva tijekom iste godine. Ova proizvodnja naročito je interesantna za pojedine vrste povrća namijenjenih preradi u područjima gdje postoji mogućnost navodnjavanja. U radu je dat prikaz tehnologije proizvodnje i sortiment dviju za prerađivačku industriju značajnih povrtnih kultura, cikle i niskog graha mahunara, koji u postrnom uzgoju veoma često daju prinose i kvalitetu bolju nego u proljetnom roku sjetve.The short vegetation period of some vegetables enables their growing after harvesting of some crops as a second crop same year. This production can be interesting for some vegetables for processing in an area where irrigations is possible. The article gives the growing technology and description of the most spread varieties of two for processing industry important vegetables, beetroot and bush bean, which as a second crop often have higher yield and better quality then in spring sowing

    The most important diseases and pests in open field cucumber production

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    Uzgojem na otvorenom krastavci su izloženi napadu različitih biljnih bolesti i štetnika koji svake godine nanose značajne ekonomske štete. Intenzitet napada uvelike ovisi o vremenskim uvjetima tijekom vegetacije, kao i o provedbi agrotehničkih mjera. Poštivanje plodoreda, uzgoj na armaturi, primjena crne polietilenske folije za prekrivanje tla, prekrivanje usjeva agrotekstilnim materijalima i pravilna ishrana u značajnoj mjeri mogu smanjiti zaraze biljnim bolestima i štete koje mogu uzrokovati pojedini kukci, ali bez odgovarajuće zaštite usjeva proizvodnja je nemoguća. Najznačajnije bolesti krastavaca pri uzgoju na otvorenom su trulež korijenovog vrata, plamenjača, uglata pjegavost, pepelnica i fuzarijsko venuće, a ekonomski najznačajnije štete nanose lisne uši, crveni pauk i stjenice. U radu je opisana biologija štetočinja, simptomi po kojima je prepoznatljiv njihov napad te su predložene mjere zaštite.Cucumbers grown on open field are usually exposed to the attack of various plant diseases and pests which cause significant economic loses every year. Intensity of attack greatly depends of weather conditions during vegetation as on the used agro technology. Respecting the crop rotation, vertical growing, using the black polyethylene mulch for soil covering, crop covering with agrotextiles and proper nutrition can significantly reduce infection by plant diseases and damages caused by some insects, but production of cucumber on open field is impossible without an adequate plant protection. The most important cucumber diseases are Damping Off, Downy Mildew, Angular Leaf Spot, Powdery Mildew and Fusarium Wilt, while the most important economic damages are caused by Melon Aphids, Spider Mites and Lygus Bugs. This paper describes the pest biology and symptoms from which the attack can be recognized and proposes protection measures

    Pepper fruit anthracnose economically important pepper disease in Podravina region

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    Krajem kolovoza 2009. godine na virovitičkom se području pojavila do sada iskusnim proizvođačima povrća nepoznata bolest plodova paprike i ubrzo prouzročila velike štete na usjevima. Bolest se pojavila pred berbu paprike i na pojedinim parcelama u potpunosti uništila usjeve. Provedenim analiza utvrđeno je da se radi o antraknozi plodova paprike čiji su uzročnici gljivice iz roda Colletotrichum. Iako se zaraženih biljaka sa simptomima antraknoze plodova u usjevima paprike sporadično moglo pronaći i prethodnih godina prouzročene štete do ove godine nisu bile toliko ekonomski izražene. U radu je opisana biologija i epidemiologija patogena, simptomi bolesti te su predložene mjere suzbijanja.By the end of August 2009 in the Virovitica region, several experienced vegetable producers noticed so far an unknown pepper fruit disease that caused great damage on crops. Disease appeared during preharvest period and completely destroyed the crops on individual plots. The analysis showed that the cause was pepper fruit anthracnose caused by fungi of genus Colletotrichum. Although the infected plants with fruit anthracnose symptoms in pepper crops could be sporadically found in previous years, the damage caused was not so economically expressed until this year. This paper describes the biology and epidemiology of pathogen, symptoms and proposed plant protection measures

    Pepper fruit anthracnose economically important pepper disease in Podravina region

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    Krajem kolovoza 2009. godine na virovitičkom se području pojavila do sada iskusnim proizvođačima povrća nepoznata bolest plodova paprike i ubrzo prouzročila velike štete na usjevima. Bolest se pojavila pred berbu paprike i na pojedinim parcelama u potpunosti uništila usjeve. Provedenim analiza utvrđeno je da se radi o antraknozi plodova paprike čiji su uzročnici gljivice iz roda Colletotrichum. Iako se zaraženih biljaka sa simptomima antraknoze plodova u usjevima paprike sporadično moglo pronaći i prethodnih godina prouzročene štete do ove godine nisu bile toliko ekonomski izražene. U radu je opisana biologija i epidemiologija patogena, simptomi bolesti te su predložene mjere suzbijanja.By the end of August 2009 in the Virovitica region, several experienced vegetable producers noticed so far an unknown pepper fruit disease that caused great damage on crops. Disease appeared during preharvest period and completely destroyed the crops on individual plots. The analysis showed that the cause was pepper fruit anthracnose caused by fungi of genus Colletotrichum. Although the infected plants with fruit anthracnose symptoms in pepper crops could be sporadically found in previous years, the damage caused was not so economically expressed until this year. This paper describes the biology and epidemiology of pathogen, symptoms and proposed plant protection measures

    Growing vegetable as a second crop

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    Kratkoća vegetacije pojedinih povrtnih kultura omogućuje njihov uzgoj nakon žetve odnosno berbe pojedinih usjeva tijekom iste godine. Ova proizvodnja naročito je interesantna za pojedine vrste povrća namijenjenih preradi u područjima gdje postoji mogućnost navodnjavanja. U radu je dat prikaz tehnologije proizvodnje i sortiment dviju za prerađivačku industriju značajnih povrtnih kultura, cikle i niskog graha mahunara, koji u postrnom uzgoju veoma često daju prinose i kvalitetu bolju nego u proljetnom roku sjetve.The short vegetation period of some vegetables enables their growing after harvesting of some crops as a second crop same year. This production can be interesting for some vegetables for processing in an area where irrigations is possible. The article gives the growing technology and description of the most spread varieties of two for processing industry important vegetables, beetroot and bush bean, which as a second crop often have higher yield and better quality then in spring sowing

    Varieties and transplants production of watermelons

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    U radu je dat prikaz osnovnih obilježja u proizvodnji najraširenijih hibrida lubenica upisanih na Sortnu listu Republike Hrvatske do 2006. godine te suvremena tehnologija proizvodnje presadnica. Opis hibrida je temeljen na podacima opažanja koja su provedena u svrhu uvođenja na sortnu listu. Uz opis morfoloških i bioloških svojstava za svaki se hibrid navodi vlasnik i distributer sjemena u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i godina upisa na sortnu listu. U opisu tehnologije proizvodnje presadnica posebno je obrađeno kalemljenje lubenica uz koje je dat kratak opis u proizvodnji najraširenijih podloga.The article gives a basic characteristics of most spread watermelon varieties registered on Croatian National Variety List since 2006. and contemporary watermelon transplants growing technology. Description are made according observations during the process of variety introduction to the Croatian National Variety List. Among the morphological and biological characteristics for each variety the owner and distributor of seed in Croatia are stated with the year of entry on National Variety List. In transplants growing technology grafting of watermelon are particularly treated with short description of most spread rootstocks

    Sorts and technology of tomato, cucumber, lettuce and spinach production

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    U radu je dat prikaz u proizvodnji najraširenijih sorti rajčice, krastavaca, salate i špinata kao i suvremena tehnologija njihove proizvodnje na otvorenom. Opis sorti je temeljen na podacima dobivenih opažanja koja su provedena u svrhu uvođenja sorata na Sortnu listu Republike Hrvatske. Uz opis morfoloških i bioloških svojstava za svaku se sortu navodi vlasnik i distributer sjemena u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i godina upisa na sortnu listu. U opisu tehnologije proizvodnje obrađuju se zahtjevi nevedenih povrtnih kultura spram tlu i plodoredu, obrada tla i gnojidba, tehnika sjetve i sadnje na otvorenom te način, vrijeme i tehnika berbe.The article gives the description of the production of the most spread sorts of tomato, cucumber, lettuce and spinach as well as the modern technology of their production in the open. The description of sorts is based on the information gained by the observation performed with the purpose of introducing sorts to the List of sorts of the Republic of Croatia. Along with the description of morphological and biological qualities, for each sort the owner and the distributor of seed in Croatia are stated, together with the year of entry on the List of sorts. The description of production technology deals with the requirements of the above mentioned vegetable crops in connection with the soil and crop rotation, cultivation of soil and fertilization, the methods of sowing and planting in the open, and ways, time and methods of harvesting


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    Nakon uspješno provedenog dvogodišnjeg testiranja različitosti, ujednačenosti i stabilnosti (DUS test) u Stanici za testiranje sorti Središnjeg poljoprivrednog ureda Republike Mađarske u Tordasu krajem 2009. godine priznate su i upisane na nacionalnu sortnu listu prve hrvatske sorte povrća s DUS testom. Radi se o linijama crvene rog paprike K-1 i L-31 denominiranih kao Podravka i Slavonka. Sorte paprike Podravka i Slavonka stvorene su višegodišnjim selekcijskim radom tima Razvoja poljoprivrede Podravke. Obje sorte visoko su rodne i kvalitetom plodova iznimno pogodne za preradu. Podravka je srednje rana sorta crvene rog paprike šezdesetak centimetara visoke stabljike na kojoj se formira najčešće 7 – 8 krupnih plodova visećeg položaja. Dobre je lisnatosti koja značajno umanjuje pojavnost sunčanih opržotina plodova. U fiziološkoj zriobi plod je intenzivno crvene boje, blago izduženog srcolikog oblika. Tijekom dvogodišnjih testiranja prosječna mase ploda bila je 165 grama, a sadržaj suhe tvari 7,2%. Sorta je namijenjena prvenstveno za preradu u ajvar i proizvodnju fileta. Uspješno se može uzgajati na području čitave nizinske Hrvatske, a posebno se visokim prinosom i vrhunskom kvalitetom istakla u pokusnoj proizvodnji na području Podravine. Slavonka je u odnosu na Podravku nešto ranija po dospijevanju i gotovo dvadesetak centimetara niže, izrazito čvrste i kompaktne stabljike. Listovi su krupni i dobro štite plodove od prejakog sunčevog svjetla. Na biljci se formira najčešće po 8 - 9 plodova. Prosječna mase ploda tijekom dvogodišnjih testiranja bila je 147 grama, a sadržaj suhe tvari 7,0%. Sazrijevanje plodova je dosta ujednačeno, a plodovi u fiziološkoj zriobi dobivaju intenzivno crvenu boju veoma postojanu tijekom prerade. Uspješno se može uzgajati u gotovo svim područjima nizinskog dijela Hrvatske, a u pokusnoj se proizvodnji posebno istakla uzgojem u sjeverozapadnom dijelu Slavonije.After successful two years testing of distinguish, uniformity and stability (DUS test) in Variety Testing Station of Central Agricultural Office Republic of Hungary at the end of 2009 first Croatian vegetable varieties with DUS test approved and inscribed in the National Variety List. It is a kapia type pepper breeding lines K-1 and L-31 denominated as variety Podravka and Slavonka. Pepper varieties Podravka and Slavonka was breed by the team of Agricultural Development Department of Podravka. Both varieties are high yielding and have a very good processing quality. Podravka is a mid-early variety of red kapia type pepper with the sixty centimeter long stem and seven to eight large hanging fruits. It is of good leafiness which effectively reduces the appearance of sunburns of the fruits. In the physiological maturity fruit is of intensively red color, long and hearth-shaped. During the two years period of testing, the average fruit weight was 165 grams, and the dry matter content 7,2%. Variety is primarily intended for processing into ajvar and filet production. It can be successfully grown in the all lowlands part of Croatia, as it was especially noticed for its high yield and quality during the test growth in the Podravina area. When compared to Podravka, Slavonka is a little earlier variety, shorter for about twenty centimeters, with a very firm, compact and stabile stem. The leaves are large and successfully cover the fruits from excessive sunlight. Usually 8 to 9 fruits form on each plant. Average fruit weight during the two years testing period is estimated to 147 grams and the dry matter content to 7,0%. The ripening of fruits is fairly synchronized, and during the physiological maturity gain intensive red color which remains during processing. It can be successfully grown in almost every area of lowland Croatia. During the test growth, it was especially successful in northwest Slavonia