97 research outputs found

    Ugrožena europska vrsta Poronia punctata (Xylariales, Ascomycotina), još uvijek živa i zdrava u Hrvatskoj

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    The endangered rare xylarialean fungus Poronia punctata has been found recently in Croatia settling the Mediterranean grassland of the maritime slope of Mt. Biokovo (Dalmatia). In fungi conservation in Europe, this species is included in the high-level concern group – a group that is composed of the most endangered macrofungal species in Europe, having become extinct in many national areas. Therefore, any locality in which the species still occurs should be designated a locality of major biodiversity importance. Ecological observations, a brief description of the collection, as well as notes on conservation perspective of the species are given.Ugrožena i rijetka gljiva Poronia punctata iz reda Xylariales nedavno je nađena u Hrvatskoj na sredozemnom travnjaku na primorskim padinama Biokova (Dalmacija). U zaštiti gljiva u Europi ta se gljiva nalazi u skupini visokog stupnja brige – skupini koju čine najugroženije vrste makromiceta Europe koje su u mnogim zemljama Europe izumrle. Zato bi svaki lokalitet na kojem se vrsta još pojavljuje trebalo proglasiti lokalitetom od najveće važnosti za biološku raznolikost. Rad donosi ekološka opažanja, kratki opis nalaza, te bilješke o mogućnosti zaštite vrste

    Rod Scutellinia (Pezizales, Ascomycotina) u Hrvatskoj, II.: Scutellinia barlae i S. minor

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    The present research on Discomycetes in the Kvarner region has produced the first Croatian record of S. barlae, the first record of the genus Scutellinia in the Croatian North Adriatic. This European species is relatively poorly known as it has been so far recorded in only ten localities situated mostly in the Mediterranean area. Collections of the species were examined in detail through a proposed standardised procedure and compared with other collections outside Croatia as well as with the similar species S. minor. Although S. barlae and S. minor inhabit quite different bioclimatic areas, their closest localities in Croatia, are only 45 km distant. The January mean air temperature isotherm of 0 °C clearly separates all so far known localities of these two species.Novo istraživanje diskomiceta, provedeno na Kvarneru, rezultiralo je pronalaskom nove vrste iz roda Scutellinia za Hrvatsku mikofloru: S. barlae. To je ujedno i prvi nalaz toga roda na sjevernom Jadranu u Hrvatskoj. Ta europska vrsta je razmjerno slabo poznata, jer je utvrđena samo na deset, pretežno mediteranskih nalazišta. Zbog toga su naši nalazi te vrste detaljno opisani i uspoređeni s ostalim nalazima izvan Hrvatske, kao i sa sličnom vrstom S. minor, koristeći predloženi standardizirani postupak. Iako nastanjuju posve različit bioklimatski prostor, najbliži dosad poznati lokaliteti vrsta S. barlae i S. minor nalaze se u Hrvatskoj, udaljeni tek 45 km zračne linije. Izoterma prosječne siječanjske temperature zraka od 0 °C potpuno razdvaja sva dosad poznata nalazišta tih dviju vrsta

    Ugrožena europska vrsta Poronia punctata (Xylariales, Ascomycotina), još uvijek živa i zdrava u Hrvatskoj

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    The endangered rare xylarialean fungus Poronia punctata has been found recently in Croatia settling the Mediterranean grassland of the maritime slope of Mt. Biokovo (Dalmatia). In fungi conservation in Europe, this species is included in the high-level concern group – a group that is composed of the most endangered macrofungal species in Europe, having become extinct in many national areas. Therefore, any locality in which the species still occurs should be designated a locality of major biodiversity importance. Ecological observations, a brief description of the collection, as well as notes on conservation perspective of the species are given.Ugrožena i rijetka gljiva Poronia punctata iz reda Xylariales nedavno je nađena u Hrvatskoj na sredozemnom travnjaku na primorskim padinama Biokova (Dalmacija). U zaštiti gljiva u Europi ta se gljiva nalazi u skupini visokog stupnja brige – skupini koju čine najugroženije vrste makromiceta Europe koje su u mnogim zemljama Europe izumrle. Zato bi svaki lokalitet na kojem se vrsta još pojavljuje trebalo proglasiti lokalitetom od najveće važnosti za biološku raznolikost. Rad donosi ekološka opažanja, kratki opis nalaza, te bilješke o mogućnosti zaštite vrste

    The Great Get-together of Križevci as a meeting of two identities, that of the purgeri of Križevci and the šljivari of Kalnik

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    Autorica u radu prikazuje način, ulogu i značenje povijesnog sjećanja kroz manifestaciju Križevačko veliko spravišče. Analizira se prožimanje urbanog i ruralnog, tradicionalnog i suvremenog, odnosno susret dvaju identiteta križevačkih purgera i kalničkih šljivara. Učinjena je usporedba Križevačkog velikog spravišča iz 1970-ih godina i danas, te je prikazan značaj Križevačkih štatuta, medijski, turistički i međunarodni aspekt navedene manifestacije u suvremenom društvu.The paper examines the main features of the Križevačko veliko spravišče (Great Get-together of Križevci) manifestation, which shows in a specific way the attitude towards the history of the Prigorje area. From an ethnological and cultural anthropological perspective, the manifestation is a place where two identities or two cultures in a very small area have been meeting throughout history. There are the notable šljivari of Kalnik with their history and memory of the 13th century legend of the Kalnik plum farmers (šljiva is the Croatian term for plum) who saved king Bela IV by feeding him plums when he was under siege by the Tatars on one side and on the other the purgeri of Križevci who had the privilege to be citizens of a free royal city. We can draw a parallel between the encounter of these two identities and Antun Radić’s model of two different cultures, the culture of the peasant and the culture of the gentlemen. The Great Get-together of Križevci, which was first held in 1968, gives an account of the history of this area inspired by historical events and legends which make the manifestation so intriguing and interesting. In the first couple of years the manifestation tried to become a tourist attraction and cultural manifestation, but nowadays it has become a factor of regional identity, a symbol of the identity of the Prigorje area. Historical events unite and bring people together. They are also an important factor in the formation of a community and produce stronger bonds between its members. Negative historical connotations such as the names of the communities (šljivari and purgeri) have undergone a transformation and are nowadays a part and parcel of the identity and proud representation of those communities. The Great Get-Together of Križevci can be examined through the names, language and clothes of participants, dramatization of the performance, food and drink served and the time and place of the manifestation. Those elements enable us to differentiate between two identities, that of the šljivari and the purgeri. The purgeri of Križevci and the šljivari of Kalnik reaffirm their identities through this manifestation, but do not differ that much in some attributes such as language, food and drinks, therefore sharing some common characteristics. The differing attributes such as historical events that define them, clothes, names and their place of origin are exactly the elements they use to identify as two different cultures - us and them. The manifestation has shown, through the script of the performance, that people and communities are not only formed by the past, but also the present and the future. In a humorus, but very realistic way it deals with contemporary issues in Croatian society. Therefore we can regard the manifestation as a meeting point of the urban and the rural, a place where the traditional and the modern meet. Križevački štatuti (The Statutes of Križevci), which are well-known throughout continental Croatia in homes and wine-dresser’s huts as a set of rules for wine festivities, are a crucial element of the Great Get- together of Križevci. Media, tourism, tourism offers and international cooperation are important elements that are a part of every manifestation and therefore also a part of the Great Get-together of Križevci. Media promotion via radio, television or the press, other tourist offers that accompany the manifestation, continental and festival tourism, international cooperation, associations and organizations form twin towns, organizers, sponsors and the financial backing of the local community is what contributes to the continuity of this manifestation as a whole. It is also getting close to its big jubilee - the 50th anniversary of the manifestation and the celebration of the cultural and historical heritage of the Prigorje area

    Šumskouzgojna analiza stare sastojine običnog bora (Pinus sylvestris L.) i crnog bora (Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold) na Đurđevačkim Pijescima

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    Ciljevi ovog rada su: analizirati strukturu šumske sastojine crnog bora i običnog bora te zaključiti o budućim postupcima u sastojini. Područje istraživanja se nalazi u šumariji Đurđevac, koja pripada Upravi šuma podružnica Koprivnica, gospodarska jedinica Đurđevački Peski, odjel 6c. Odjel 6c ulazi u dio Gospodarske jedinice Đurđevački Peski, koji se zove park šuma Borik. Park šuma Borik je, zajedno s Posebnim geografsko-botaničkim rezervatom „Đurđevački Pijesci“, šuma s posebnom namjenom na području gospodarske jedinice Đurđevački Peski. Osim običnog bora i crnog bora, na pokusnoj plohi su izmjerene i druge vrste i to ne samo pionirske vrste, pa možemo zaključiti kako sastojina crnog bora poprima značajke prijelazne šume jer su se pojavili elementi klimatogene šumske zajednice. To se vidi kroz nepostojanje pomlatka crnog i običnog bora. Ispod starih stabala običnog i crnog bora razvijaju se stabla prijelaznih i klimatogenih vrsta, što je ključno prilikom pošumljavanja. Daljnim postupcima u ovoj sastojini bi se trebalo podupirati klimatogene vrste i različitim postupcima omogućiti tim vrstama da se što bolje razviju od pomlatka. Faze njege koje se preporučuju su čišćenje i prorjeđivanje. Čišćenjem uklanjamo oštećena ili prekobrojna stabla borova, te ona stabla koja ugrožavaju starija kvalitetna stabla borova ili kvalitetna stabla ostalih vrsta drveća. Proredama pomažemo kvalitetnim stablima borova i stablima drugih vrsta za koja možemo smatrati da bi mogla biti budući proizvodni dio sastojine, te ona koja tvore buduću klimatogenu zajednicu. Obični i crni bor su vrste koje su se pokazale kao odličan izbor za pošumljavanje Pijesaka. Svaki postupak na terenu treba obaviti uz prethodno šumskouzgojno planiranje