14 research outputs found

    Semantic Holism and the Deconstruction of Referentiality: Derrida in an Analytical Context

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    Postmodernistička teorija značenja, artikulirana u filozofiji jezika Jac- quesa Derride, počiva na semantičkom holizmu i kritici referencijalne teorije značenja. Slijedeći zahtjev Richarda Rortyja o nadilaženju razlika između analitičke, pragmatističke i kontinentalne paradigme, moguće je pronaći identične stavove i slične argumente u analitičkoj filozofiji jezika, kod autora kao Å”to su Frege, Wittgenstein, Austin, Searle, Quine, Davidson i Dummett. Jezični zaokret ovih autora rezultira kritikom epistemoloÅ”kog realizma i zagovaranjem epistemoloÅ”kog antirealizma ili konstruktivizma, koji je podložan empirijskoj provjeri, prvenstveno analizom uloge metafore u spoznaji. Usprkos razlici u pristupu i stilu izlaganja, postmodernistička teorija značenja uvelike je kompatibilna s krucijalnim mjestima analitičke filozofije jezika.The postmodernist theory of meaning, as articulated in Jacques Derrida\u27s philosophy of language, is based on semantic holism and a critique of the referential theory of meaning. Following Richard Rorty\u27s request that the differences between the analytical, pragmatic and continental paradigm be surpassed, it is possible to find identical attitudes and similar arguments in the analytical philosophy of language in authors such as Frege, Wittgenstein, Austin, Searle, Quine, Davidson and Dummett. The linguistic turn made by these authors resulted in a critique of epistemological realism and a plead for epistemological antirealism or constructivism, which is subject to empirical verification mainly by analysing the role of the metaphor in cognition. Despite the differences in approach and style display, the postmodernist theory of meaning is to a large degree compatible with the crucial ideas behind the analytical philosophy of language

    ReflexivitƤt in der Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus: Ɯberwindung von soziologischen Dichotomien

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    Ovaj članak obrađuje problem refleksivnosti u sociologiji Pierrea Bourdieua. Konceptom habitusa kao utjelovljenih dispozicija, Bourdieu prikazuje ljudsku praksu kao najvećim dijelom neosvijeÅ”tenu aktivnost. S obzirom da isto vrijedi i za socioloÅ”ki habitus, svrha refleksivne sociologije je neutralizirati neosvijeÅ”tene pretpostavke socioloÅ”kog habitusa, odnosno doxu socioloÅ”kog intelektualnog polja. Konceptom polja kao povijesno proizvedene i trajne konfiguracije objektivnih položaja Bourdieu osigurava refleksivnoj sociologiji nužan predmet analize, a time i status znanosti. Primjenjujući refleksivno nadilaženje teorijskih antinomija sociologije, Bourdieu osporava uvriježene socioloÅ”ke binarne opozicije, kao Å”to su akter/struktura, subjektivizam/objektivizam, teorija/empirija, subjekt/objekt i mikro/makro.This article deals with the notion of reflexivity in the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. Defining the concept of habitus in terms of embodied dispositions, Bourdieu presents human practice as a predominantly unconscious activity. Given that the same applies to sociological habitus, the purpose of reflexive sociology is to neutralize the unconscious assumptions of sociological habitus, that is, the doxa of sociological intellectual field. Using the notion of field to designate a historically produced and continual configuration of objective positions, Bourdieu provides reflexive sociology with its necessary object of analysis and, thus, the status of science. Bourdieu challenged entrenched sociological binary oppositions, such as actor/structure, subjectivism/objectivism, theory/research, subject/object and micro/macro, by applying reflexivity in transcending theoretical antinomies of sociology.Der Artikel befaƟt sich mit dem Problem der ReflexivitƤt in der Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus. Durch das Habituskonzept als Verinnerlichung von Dispositionen stellt Bourdieu die menschliche Praxis als eine grĆ¶ĆŸtenteils unbewuƟte menschliche AktivitƤt dar. Da dasselbe fĆ¼r den soziologischen Habitus gilt, ist der Zweck der reflexiven Soziologie, die unbewuƟten Voraussetzungen des soziologischen Habitus, bzw. die Doxa des soziologischen intellektuellen Feldes zu neutralisieren. Mit dem Konzept des Feldes, als eine geschichtlich erzeugte und dauerhafte Konfiguration von objektiven Lagen, sichert Bourdieu der reflexiven Soziologie das unbedingt nƶtige Gegenstand der Analyse und somit auch den wissenschaftlichen Status. Durch Anwendung der reflexiven Ɯberwindung von theoretischen Antinomien der Soziologie bestreitet Bourdieu die eingebĆ¼rgerten soziologischen binƤren Oppositionen, wie z.B. Akteur/Struktur, Subjektivismus/Objektivismus, Theorie/Empirie, Subjekt/Objekt und mikro/makro

    Michael Loux, Metafizika: suvremen uvod

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    Ideologija, utopija, moć (autor: R. Kalanj)

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