10 research outputs found

    Multimodal Image Analysis of Chronic Leukemic Lymphoproliferative Disorders and the Hypothesis of »Single« and »Multiple« Programmed Stops in the Development of Typical and Atypical Forms of Leukemias and Lymphomas

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    The study consisted of morphometric analysis, assessment of the argyrophilic nucleolar organization region (AgNOR) characteristics, and image cytometry (ICM) in different tumor mass compartments: bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN) from patients with chronic leukemic lymphoproliferative disorders. A total of 71895 cells were analyzed on SFORM PC (VAMSTEC, Zagreb). Correlation between morphometric, AgNOR and ICM characteristics revealed the cells with low proliferative activity to possess small, homogeneous AgNOR, with the majority of cells in the peak of DNA histogram. The cells with high proliferative activity had inhomogeneous AgNOR, mostly containing greater DNA content than peak cells, pathologic mitoses (DNA>4N), or the majority of cells were in the S-phase of the cell cycle. Cells with medium proliferative activity and annular AgNOR were in-between. Analysis of different tumor mass compartments showed that lymphatic cells with the affinity to accumulate in BM regularly exhibited low proliferative activity (a lower percentage of cells in SFC and highest percentage of cells in the peak of the G0/G1 phase). The cells in LN exhibited the characteristics of proliferative cells (an increased number of AgNOR, larger and more proliferative inhomogeneous AgNOR, and lowest percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase). The migration of cells from BM to LN and between lymph nodes occurred through PB (there were cells with low and high proliferative activity: a higher proportion of cells in SFC and at the same time in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle). Analysis of cell size and proliferative activity in different compartments of tumor mass revealed that the cells in BM and PB did not differ substantially according to size and proliferative activity, while an inverse pattern was observed between PB and LN. As small cells are inactive and larger cells more proliferative, the analysis quite unexpectedly showed the PB cells to be largest and most inactive, in contrast to LN where the cells were smallest and most active. The »single« and »multiple programmed stops« have been hypothesized in the development of typical forms of leukemias and lymphomas and atypical forms of subacute and subchronic leukemias. Differentiation impairment may occur at any stage, and different »stop« locations result in different morphology and affinity to accumulation in bone marrow, peripheral blood and lymph nodes

    In%uencia del sexo y de la gonadectomía sobre la calidad de carne

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    U radu su istražene spolne razlike i utjecaj gonadektomije (kastracije i ovarijektomije) na količinu i sastav masti, intenzitet lipidne peroksidacije, aktivnost antioksidacijskih enzima te kakvoću mesa u smislu tehnoloških svojstava i kemijskog sastava u uzorcima velikog slabinskog mišića (M. psoas major) svinja po završetku tova. Istraživanje je provedeno na tovnim svinjama pasmine švedski landras. U dobi od četiri tjedna, obavljena je kastracija (5 mužjaka) i ovarijektomija (5 ženki), te lažna kastracija (5 mužjaka) i lažna ovarijektomija (5 ženki). Na uzorcima mesa određene su aktivnosti glutation peroksidaze, superoksid dismutaze, gama glutamil transferaze i laktat dehidrogenaze te koncentracije kolesterola, triacilglicerola, fofsolipida i malondialdehida. Nadalje, utvrđen je utjecaj spola i kastracije odnosno ovarijektomije na kakvoću mesa u smislu njegovih tehnoloških svojstava i kemijskog sastava. Prema dobivenim rezultatima utvrđene su značajne spolne razlike količine i sastava masti. Spol svinja nije imao značajniji učinak na oksidativnu stabilnost mišića. Vezano uz gonadektomiju rezultati upućuju da je veliki slabinski mišić ovarijektomiranih ženki najosijetljiviji na oksidacijske promjene. Prema kriterijima Hofmann-a (1994.) i Van Laack-a (2000.), na osnovi rezultata za pH, uzorke mesa ovarijektomiranih ženki možemo smatrati BMV mesom. Analize udjela masti ukazuju na značajnu razliku uzoraka ovarijektomiranih ženki u odnosu na ostale pokusne skupine.The paper investigated di"erences between sexes and the e"ect of gonadectomy (castration and ovariectomy) on the amount and com- position of fat, intensity of lipid peroxidation, activity of antioxidant enzymes and quality of meat associated with technological properties and chemical composition present in large lumbar muscle (m. Psoas major) samples of pigs after fattening. The research was conducted on fattening pigs of the Swedish Landrace breed. At four weeks old, the castration (5 males) and ovariectomy (5 females), as well as simulated castration (5 males) and simulated ovariectomy (5 females) were performed. The activity of glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, gamma-glutamy transferase and lactate dehydrogenase, as well as the concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipides and malondialdehyde were determined for each meat sample. Moreover, the e"ect of sex and castration or ovariectomy on the quality of meat associated with due technological properties and chemical composition was determined. Obtained results con!rmed signi!cant di"erences in the amount and composition of fat between sexes. Pig’s sex had no signi!cant e"ect on the oxidative stability of muscles. In terms of gonadectomy, the results indicated that large lumbar muscles of ovariectomized females were a"ected by oxidative changes the most. According to the criteria established by Hofmann (1994) and Van Laack (2000), meat samples of ovariectomized females could based on pH results be considered PSE meat. The analysis of fat content indicated a signi!cant di"erence between samples of ovariectomized females and other sample groups.In diesem Beitrag wurden die geschlechtsspezi!schen Unterschiede und die Auswirkungen der Gonadektomie (Kastration und Ovarektomie) auf den Anteil und die Zusammensetzung der Fette, die Intensität der Lipidperoxidation, die Aktivität der antioxidativen Enzyme und die Fleischqualität in Bezug auf die technologischen Eigenschaften und die chemische Zusammensetzung in Proben des großen Lendenmuskels (m. psoas major) von Schweinen nach Abschluss der Mast untersucht.. Die Untersuchung wurde an Mastschweinen vom Genotyp schwedischer Landras durchgeführt. Im Alter von vier Wochen wurden die Mastschweine kastriert (5 Männchen) und ovarektomiert (5 Weibchen) sowie scheinkastriert (5 Männchen) und scheinovarektomiert (5 Weibchen). An den Fleischproben wurden danach folgende Aktivitäten bestimmt: Glutathionperoxidase, Superoxiddismutase, Gamma-Glutamyl-Tran- sferase und Lactat-Dehydrogenase sowie die Konzentration von Cholesterin, Triacylglycerol, Phospholipiden und Malondialdehyden. Des Weiteren wurde die Auswirkung des Geschlechts und der Kastration bzw. der Ovarektomie auf die Qualität des Fleisches in Bezug auf seine technologischen Eigenschaften und die chemische Zusammensetzung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse haben bedeutende geschlechtsspezi!sche Unterschiede beim Fettanteil und seiner Zu- sammensetzung gezeigt. Das Geschlecht der Schweine hatte keine größere Auswirkung auf die Oxidationsstabilität der Muskeln. Bei der Gonadektomie zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass der große Lendenmuskel der ovarektomierten Weibchen auf Oxidationsveränderungen am emp!ndlichsten reagiert. Laut Kriterien nach Ho"mann (1994) und Van Laack (2000) ist auf der Grundlage der pH-Ergebnisse das Fleisch von ovarektomierten Weibchen als PSE Fleisch zu kategorisieren. Die Analyse des Fettanteils weist auf einen bedeutenden Unterschied zwischen den Proben von ovarektomierten Weibchen und allen anderen Probegruppen hin.La ricerca aveva come obiettivo l’analisi delle di"erenze di genere sessuale e l’incidenza della gonadectomia (ossia l’asportazione chirurgica delle ghiandole sessuali, orchiectomia nel maschio e ovariectomia nella femmina) sulla quantità e sulla composizione dei grassi, sull’intensità della perossidazione lipidica, sull’attività degli enzimi antiossidanti e sulla qualità della carne nel senso delle proprietà tecnologiche e della composizione chimica nei campioni di muscolo grande psoas dei suini a !ne ingrassamento. La ricerca è stata e"ettuata su suini da ingrasso di razza Landrace svedese. Al raggiungimento delle quattro settimane di vita, gli animali sono stati sottoposti a orchiectomia (5 maschi) e ovariectomia (5 femmine), nonché a orchiectomia simulata (5 maschi) e a ovariectomia simulata (5 femmine). Sui campioni di carne suina analizzati sono state accertate una certa attività degli enzimi glutatione perossidasi, superossido dismutasi, gamma glutamil transferasi e L-lattato deidrogenasi, e una concentrazione di colesterolo, triacilgliceroli (trigliceridi), fosfolipidi e malonaldeide. È stata, inoltre, accertata l’incidenza del genere sessuale e della gonadectomia (orchiectomia e ovariectomia) sulla qualità della carne nel senso delle sue proprietà tecnologiche e della sua composizione chimica. In base ai risultati ottenuti, sono state accertate signi!cative di"erenze dipendenti dal sesso dell’animale circa la quantità e la composizione dei grassi. Il sesso del suino non ha inciso signi!cativamente, invece, sulla stabilità ossidativa del muscolo. In tema di gonadectomia, tuttavia, i risultati ottenuti confermano che il muscolo grande psoas delle femmine ovariectomizzate è il più sensibile alle variazioni ossidative. Secondo i criteri esposti da Hofmann (1994) e Van Laack (2000), in base ai valori di pH, i campioni di carne delle femmine ovariectomizzate possono essere considerati carne BMV. Le analisi della percentuale di grassi indicano uno scarto signi!cativo tra i campioni delle femmine ovariectomizzate rispetto agli altri gruppi coinvolti nell’esperimento.En el trabajo fueron investigadas la diferencias y la in7uencia de la gonadectomía (castración y ovariectomía) sobre la cantidad y la composición de las grasas, sobre la intensidad de la peroxidación lipídica, actividad de los enzimas antioxidantes y sobre la calidad de carne en sentido de las características tecnológicas y la composición química en las muestras del músculo psoas mayor de los cerdos al !n del cebado. La investigación fue hecha con los cerdos cebados de la raza Landrace sueco. La castración (5 machos) y ovariectomía (5 hembras) fueron hechas en los cerdos de la edad de cuatro semanas. Las acciones de glutatión peroxidasa, superóxido dismutasa, gamma glutamil transferasa y lactato deshidrogenasa con concentraciones de colesterol, fosfolípidos y malondialdehído fueron hechas sobre las muestras de la carne. Además, fue determinada la in7uencia del sexo y de castración u ovariectomía sobre la calidad de la carne en el sentido de sus características tecnológicas y su composición química. Según los resultados obtenidos fueron determinadas las diferencias signi!cantes entre el sexo y las cantidades y composiciones de las grasas. El sexo de los cerdos no tuvo el efecto signi!cante sobre la estabilidad oxidativa de los músculos. En cuanto a la gonadectomía, los resultados indican que el músculo psoas mayor de las hembras es el más susceptibles a los cambios oxidativos. Según los critérios de Hofmann (1994) y de Van Laack (2000) y basándose en los resultados de los análisis del pH, las muestras de carne de las hembras en las que fue hecha la ovarectomía podemos cuali!car como la carne BMV. Los análisis de las proporciones de la grasa indican que existe una diferencia signi!cante entre las muestras de carne de las hembras en las que fue hecha la ovarectomía y otros grupos experimentales

    Innovazione dei prodotti del progetto HRZZ “Prodotti funzionali innovativi a base di carne di agnello”

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    U ovom radu predstaviti će se jedinstvenost inovacije istraživanja provedenih u okviru HRZZ projekta “Inovativni funkcionalni proizvodi od janjećeg mesa“ (IP-2016-06-3685). Naime, uvjerenja smo da naša projektna inovacija, koja je prvenstveno rezultat znanja stečenog kroz proces istraživanja projekta, može predstavljati i instrument za povećanje konkurentnost i pokretanje razvoja poduzeća te tako pridonijeti gospodarskom i društvenom boljitku R. Hrvatske.This paper will present the uniqueness of the research innovation carried out within the framework of Croatian science foundation (CSF) project “INNOVATIVE FUNCTIONAL LAMB MEAT PRODUCTS" (IP-2016-06-3685). Namely, we believe that our project innovation, which is primarily the result of the knowledge gained through the project research process, can also be an instrument for increasing competitiveness and stimulating business development, thus contributing to Croatia\u27s economic and social wellbeing.In diesem Beitrag wird die Einzigartigkeit der Forschungsinnovation vorgestellt, die im Rahmen des Projekts der Kroatischen Stiftung für Wissenschaft (HRZZ) "INNOVATIVE FUNKTIONELLE LAMMFLEISCHPRODUKTE" (IP-2016-06-3685) durchgeführt wurde. Wir glauben nämlich, dass unsere Projektinnovation, die in erster Linie das Ergebnis der im Rahmen des Forschungsprozesses des Projekts gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ist, auch ein Instrument zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und zur Förderung der Unternehmensentwicklung sein und somit zum wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Wohlergehen Kroatiens beitragen kann.Este documento presentará la singularidad de la innovación investigadora llevada a cabo en el marco del proyecto de la Fundación Científica de Croacia "Productos funcionales innovadores a partir de carne de cordero" (IP-2016-06-3685). Es decir, estamos convencidos de que la innovación de nuestro proyecto, que es principalmente el resultado del conocimiento adquirido a través del proceso de investigación del proyecto, también puede representar un instrumento para aumentar la competitividad e estimular el desarrollo de las empresas, contribuyendo así al bienestar económico y social de la República de Croacia.Questo documento presenterà l’unicità dell’innovazione delle ricerche svolte nell’ambito del progetto HRZZ “Prodotti funzionali innovativi a base di carne di agnello” (IP-2016-06-3685). Siamo, infatti, convinti che la nostra innovazione, che è innanzitutto il risultato delle conoscenze acquisite attraverso il processo di ricerca condotto nel corso del progetto, possa rappresentare anche uno strumento per aumentare la competitività e avviare lo sviluppo delle imprese, contribuendo così al miglioramento economico e sociale del Repubblica di Croazia

    Multimodal image analysis of chronic leukemic lymphoproliferative disorders and the hypothesis of "single" and "multiple" programmed stops in the development of typical and atypical forms of leukemias and lymphomas [Multimodalna stanična analiza u kroničnim leukemijskim limfoproliferativnim bolestima i hipoteza "jednostrukih" i "višestrukih" programiranih stopova u nastanku tipičnih i atipičnih oblika leukemija i limfoma]

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    The study consisted of morphometric analysis, assessment of the argyrophilic nucleolar organization region (AgNOR) characteristics, and image cytometry (ICM) in different tumor mass compartments: bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN) from patients with chronic leukemic lymphoproliferative disorders. A total of 71895 cells were analyzed on SFORM PC (VAMSTEC, Zagreb). Correlation between morphometric, AgNOR and ICM characteristics revealed the cells with low proliferative activity to possess small, homogeneous AgNOR, with the majority of cells in the peak of DNA histogram. The cells with high proliferative activity had inhomogeneous AgNOR, mostly containing greater DNA content than peak cells, pathologic mitoses (DNA > 4N), or the majority of cells were in the S-phase of the cell cycle. Cells with medium proliferative activity and annular AgNOR were in-between. Analysis of different tumor mass compartments showed that lymphatic cells with the affinity to accumulate in BM regularly exhibited low proliferative activity (a lower percentage of cells in SFC and highest percentage of cells in the peak of the G0/G1 phase). The cells in LN exhibited the characteristics of proliferative cells (an increased number of AgNOR, larger and more proliferative inhomogeneous AgNOR, and lowest percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase). The migration of cells from BM to LN and between lymph nodes occurred through PB (there were cells with low and high proliferative activity: a higher proportion of cells in SFC and at the same time in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle). Analysis of cell size and proliferative activity in different compartments of tumor mass revealed that the cells in BM and PB did not differ substantially according to size and proliferative activity, while an inverse pattern was observed between PB and LN. As small cells are inactive and larger cells more proliferative, the analysis quite unexpectedly showed the PB cells to be largest and most inactive, in contrast to LN where the cells were smallest and most active. The "single" and "multiple programmed stops" have been hypothesized in the development of typical forms of leukemias and lymphomas and atypical forms of subacute and subchronic leukemias. Differentiation impairment may occur at any stage, and different "stop" locations result in different morphology and affinity to accumulation in bone marrow, peripheral blood and lymph nodes

    Multimodalna stanična analiza u kroničnim leukemijskim limfoproliferativnim bolestima i hipoteza "jednostrukih" i "višestrukih" programiranih stopova u nastanku tipičnih i atipičnih oblika leukemija i limfoma

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    The study consisted of morphometric analysis, assessment of the argyrophilic nucleolar organization region (AgNOR) characteristics, and image cytometry (ICM) in different tumor mass compartments: bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN) from patients with chronic leukemic lymphoproliferative disorders. A total of 71895 cells were analyzed on SFORM PC (VAMSTEC, Zagreb). Correlation between morphometric, AgNOR and ICM characteristics revealed the cells with low proliferative activity to possess small, homogeneous AgNOR, with the majority of cells in the peak of DNA histogram. The cells with high proliferative activity had inhomogeneous AgNOR, mostly containing greater DNA content than peak cells, pathologic mitoses (DNA > 4N), or the majority of cells were in the S-phase of the cell cycle. Cells with medium proliferative activity and annular AgNOR were in-between. Analysis of different tumor mass compartments showed that lymphatic cells with the affinity to accumulate in BM regularly exhibited low proliferative activity (a lower percentage of cells in SFC and highest percentage of cells in the peak of the G0/G1 phase). The cells in LN exhibited the characteristics of proliferative cells (an increased number of AgNOR, larger and more proliferative inhomogeneous AgNOR, and lowest percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase). The migration of cells from BM to LN and between lymph nodes occurred through PB (there were cells with low and high proliferative activity: a higher proportion of cells in SFC and at the same time in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle). Analysis of cell size and proliferative activity in different compartments of tumor mass revealed that the cells in BM and PB did not differ substantially according to size and proliferative activity, while an inverse pattern was observed between PB and LN. As small cells are inactive and larger cells more proliferative, the analysis quite unexpectedly showed the PB cells to be largest and most inactive, in contrast to LN where the cells were smallest and most active. The "single" and "multiple programmed stops" have been hypothesized in the development of typical forms of leukemias and lymphomas and atypical forms of subacute and subchronic leukemias. Differentiation impairment may occur at any stage, and different "stop" locations result in different morphology and affinity to accumulation in bone marrow, peripheral blood and lymph nodes.Studija je obuhvatila morfometrijsku analizu, analizu osobina regije nukleolarne organizacije (AgNOR) te statičku DNA citometriju u različitim odjeljcima tumorske mase: koštanoj srži (KS), perifernoj krvi (PK) i limfnim čvorovima (LČ) u bolesnika s kroničnim leukemijskim limfoproliferativnim bolestima. Ukupno je analizirano 71895 stanica, na osobnom računalu »SFORM« tvrtke VAMSTEC, Zagreb. Međusobnom analizom morfometrijskih, proliferacijskih i kinetičkih pokazatelja vidjelo se kako nisko proliferativne stanice imaju male homogene AgNOR-e te većinu stanica u vršku DNA histograma. Visoko proliferativne stanice su s inhomogenim AgNOR-ima, od kojih većina sadrži količinu DNA veću od stanica u vršku; patološke mitoze (DNA>4N) ili veći broj stanica u S-fazi staničnog ciklusa. Negdje u sredini su srednje proliferativne stanice s prstenastim AgNOR-ima. Analizom u različitim odjeljcima tumorske mase vidljivo je kako limfatične stanice koje imaju afinitet prema akumulaciji u KS, u pravilu imaju malu proliferativnu aktivnost (najveći postotak stanica u vršku Go/G1 faze). Stanice s afinitetom prema akumulaciji u LČ imaju veći broj ukupnih AgNOR-a, veću površinu proliferativnijih, inhomogenih AgNOR-a i najmanji postotak stanica u Go/G1 fazi. Sama migracija stanica iz KS prema LČ kao i između LČ događa se u PK gdje su prisutne stanice s nižom i višom proliferativnom aktivnosti (viši postotak stanica u S-fazi i istodobno u Go/G1 fazi staničnog ciklusa kao i prisustvo većih stanica, ali manjih jezgara, s prstenastim AgNOR-ima intermedijalnog stupnja proliferativnosti). Izgleda kako PK ima samo transportnu ulogu. Analizirajući veličinu stanica i njihovu proliferativnu aktivnost u različitim odjeljcima tumorske mase uočeno je da se stanice u KS i PK ne razlikuju bitno po veličini i proliferativnoj aktivnosti, dok je obrnuta situacija ako se gleda PK i LČ. Nasuprot očekivanju, kako su male stanice mirnije, a veće proliferativnije, analiza je pokazala da su u PK stanice najveće i najmirnije, za razliku od LČ gdje su najmanje i najaktivnije. Postavljena je hipoteza jednostrukih i višestrukih »programiranih stopova» u nastanku tipičnih oblika leukemija i limfoma te subakutnih i subkroničnih leukemija. Poremećaj diferencijacije može nastati na bilo kojem stupnju, a različito mjesto »stopa« rezultira različitom morfologijom te različitim afinitetom prema akumulaciji u KS, PK I LČ

    Utjecaj cjepiva od soja FC 126 herpesvirusa purana primijenjenog postupkom nebulizacije i parenteralno na transformaciju imunokompetentnih stanica u pilića.

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    Marek’s disease is a common lymphoproliferative disease of chickens, usually characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration of peripheral nerves and various other organs and tissues, including the iris and skin. A group of 70 newly-hatched chicks was vaccinated by means of nebulization and exposed for 60 seconds to the HVT FC 126 vaccine, while the other group of 70 chicks received the same vaccine by parenteral route (s.c.). The aim of this study was to compare the morphological patterns of the chicken’s lymphocytes in their peripheral blood, before and after vaccination by means of either nebulization or parenteral injection. Image analysis was performed using the Sform software (Vamstec, Zagreb, Croatia). A total of 50 blood smears from vaccinated chickens (20 by means of nebulization and 30 by parenteral injection), with an average of 100 cells per smear, were analyzed. The results showed that the peripheral blood lymphocytes of chickens vaccinated by means of nebulization, compared with parenteral vaccinated, had significantly higher values for the majority of the measured variables: area, outline, minimum and maximum radius, length, breadth and convex area, on all days after vaccination, except on day 4, indicating the significantly higher metabolic activity of those cells. In lymphocytes of chickens vaccinated parenterally, only the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio was higher. The results show that morphological patterns of immunocompetent cell transformation could be used to evaluate immune responses to vaccination and vaccine efficacy. We conclude that nebulization as a mode of vaccination against Marek’s disease stimulates the transformation of immunocompetent cells much earlier, thus shortening the time of immunosuppression and improving the immune response. This is of paramount importance for the practical application of Marek’s disease vaccine.Marekova je bolest limfoproliferativna zarazna bolest kokoši, obično karakakterizirana mononuklearnim staničnim infiltacijama u perifernim živcima i ostalim organima i tkivima, uključujući šarenicu i kožu. Skupina od 70 netom izleglih pilića cijepljena je protiv Marekove bolesti cjepivom od soja FC 126 herpesvirusa purana postupkom nebulizacije izlaganjem aerosolu tijekom 60 sekundi, dok je druga skupina od 70 pilića primila isto cjepivo parenteralnim načinom (supkutano). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti morfometrijske značajke limfocita u perifernoj krvi pilića prije i nakon cijepljenja kako postupkom nebulizacije tako i parenteralnim načinom primjene. Kompjutorska analiza slike učinjena je na osobnom računalu korištenjem programa „SFORM“ (Vamstec, Zagreb, Hrvatska). Ukupno je pretraženo 50 obojenih razmaza periferne krvi cijepljenih pilića (20 postupkom nebulizacije i 30 parenteralno), te je analizirano prosječno 100 limfocita po uzorku. Rezultati su pokazali da su limfociti u perifernoj krvi pilića cijepljenih postupkom nebulizacije u odnosu na parenteralno cijepljene bili značajno veći u većini istraživanih pokazatelja: površini, opsegu, minimalnom i maksimalnom polumjeru, dužini i širini, te ispupčenosti odnosno konveksnosti površine, u svim danima pokusa osim četvrtoga, što ukazuje na pojačanu metaboličku aktivnost tih stanica. U limfocitima parenteralno cijepljenih pilića samo je omjer jezgre i citoplazme bio veći. Postignuti rezultati pokazuju morfološke značajke transformacije imunokompetentnih stanica, koje se mogu rabiti u procjeni imunosnog odziva na cjepivo, učinka cijepljenja i mogućeg docjepljivanja. Zaključili smo da nebulizacija kao metoda cijepljenja protiv Marekove bolesti stimulira transformaciju imunokompetentnih stanica mnogo ranije, skraćujući time vrijeme imunosupresije i pojačavajući imunosni odziv. To je od osobite važnosti za praktičnu primjenu cjepiva protiv Marekove bolesti