1 research outputs found

    Accurate PpT Data for Methane from (300 to 450) K up to 180 MPa

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    This paper reports PFT data measured with a high-pressure, single-sinker, magnetic-suspension densimeter (MSD) from (300 to 450) K up to 180 MPa. Our MSD technique yields accurate data, with less than 0.05 % relative uncertainty, over the pressure range of (10 to 200) MPa. The experimental data compare well to the Setzmann and Wagner equation of state as implemented in RefProp 8.0. These methane density data are consistent with the low range of pressure predicted by RefProp 8.0 that has a relative uncertainty of 0.03 % up to 12 MPa and 0.07 % up to 50 MPa. The density predictions of this model agree well with previous data at higher pressures. The equation predicts data with almost the same uncertainty as the experimental data up to 180 MPa. These PFT data also allow reliable determination of both second and third virial coefficients