46 research outputs found

    Animals in a Dictionary: such a monkey, stupid goose and little duck in Croatian Language

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    U ovome radu analiziraju se prenesena značenja ostvarena u okviru konceptualne metafore ČOVJEK JE ŽIVOTINJA u hrvatskome jeziku te obrada tih značenja u hrvatskim jednojezičnim rječnicima. Metafora ČOVJEK JE ŽIVOTINJA najčeŔće se ostvaruje u pogrdnome značenju (riječima poput krava, konj, koza, majmun), no nerijetko i odmilja (npr. u janje, miÅ”ić, pile). Analizirana su ostvarenja te metafore u hrvatskome jeziku te je na primjerima iz odabranih općih jednojezičnih rječnika analizirana zastupljenost i usustavljenost tih značenja u rječničkoj obradi. Prikazana su i nezastupljena značenja i značenjski odnosi među njima te su odabrane riječi leksikografski obrađene, pa mogu poslužiti kao model obrade u rječniku.This paper analyses transferred meanings that are established within the conceptual metaphor HUMAN IS ANIMAL in the Croatian language, and looks at the way these meanings are represented and defined in Croatian monolingual dictionaries. The metaphor HUMAN IS ANIMAL is most often manifested in negative or derogative meanings, as in lexemes such as krava (ā€˜cowā€™), konj (ā€˜horseā€™), koza (ā€˜goatā€™), majmun (ā€˜monkeyā€™ or ā€˜apeā€™). However, it also regularly occurs in a positive context as a term of endearment, e.g. in janje (ā€˜lambā€™), miÅ”ić (ā€˜little mouseā€™) and pile (ā€˜chickā€™). This paper also examines the realizations of the metaphor in actual use, scrutinising the lexicographical representation and systematisation of its meanings. This is done by looking at specific examples from a select number of monolingual Croatian dictionaries. The unlisted, but nevertheless existing meanings are also included, with examples of semantic relations between these lexemes. In addition, certain lexemes are presented as finished dictionary entries, which could therefore serve as models of lexicographic work for future monolingual dictionaries of Croatian

    Cancer cell death induced by ruthenium complexes

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    Summary. Cancer is a complex and often fatal disease characterized by uncontrolled cell division. The most commonly used chemotherapeutics target rapidly dividing cancer cells but, at the same time, damage healthy dividing cells. New metal-based complexes, such as ruthenium complexes, that possess cytotoxic properties, have been developed to overcome these challenges. Ruthenium complexes achieve their antitumor effect mainly by inducing apoptosis. In recent years, induction of other types of cell death, such as ferroptosis and autophagy, was also reported. The dual role of autophagy in cancer cells is a major challenge for the application of metallocomplexes in cancer treatment, either as inducers or inhibitors of autophagy. Also, the effect of ruthenium complexes on other cellular processes such as cell cycle, cell migration, and adhesion are promising approaches in cancer treatment. Our results indicated a significant influence of Ru(II) complexes on these processes in melanoma, cervical and pancreatic cancer. The aim of this review is to summarize the latest data on the effect of ruthenium complexes on different types of cell death

    Obrazovani roditelj kao ključni član rehabilitacijskog tima

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    Involvement of children with minor motor impairments in early intervention programs is becoming a positive trend. Rehabilitation of young children is usually performed in family environment with continuous monitoring by a team of experts including a physiatrist, speech therapist, psychologist, and rehabilitator. For this reason, it is important to educate parents in proper procedures designed to encourage the childā€™s global and language development. Parental competence in encouraging the childā€™s language development and providing home learning environment is associated with the level of parental education. We performed a retrospective analysis of data on 50 children aged 1-3 years, hospitalized during 2010 at Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation, University Department of Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center in Zagreb. The aim was to determine the percentage of children included in an early intervention program according to the level of parental education and to assess the impact of the program on the childrenā€™s language development. The results showed a higher percentage of parents to have high school education and a smaller percentage of parents to have university degree. These data indicated the need of educational programs for parents on the procedures of encouraging child development, including language development.Uključenost djece s blažim motoričkim oÅ”tećenjima u programe rane intervencije postaje pozitivan trend. Rehabilitacija djece u najranijoj dobi najvećim dijelom se odvija u obiteljskom okruženju uz kontinuirano praćenje stručnog tima, uključujući specijalista fizijatra, logopeda, rehabilitatora i psihologa. Iz tog razloga potrebno je obrazovati roditelje o pravilnim postupcima za poticanje kako cjelokupnog tako i jezičnog razvoja djeteta. Kompetentnost roditelja u poticanju jezičnog razvoja i poticajnost obiteljske okoline povezana je s razinom obrazovanja roditelja. U ovom radu provedena je retrospektivna analiza podataka djece u dobi od 1. do 3. godine života koja su bila hospitalizirana tijekom 2010. godine na Odsjeku za dječju rehabilitaciju Klinike za reumatologiju, fizikalnu medicinu i rehabilitaciju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Sestre milosrdnice. Cilj je bio odrediti učestalost djece uključene u rani rehabilitacijski program prema razini obrazovanja roditelja, te procjena jezičnog razvoja djeteta. Rezultati su pokazali da najveći postotak roditelja ima srednju stručnu spremu, a najmanji broj roditelja nižu stručnu spremu. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu programa izobrazbe roditelja o postupcima poticanja sveopćeg djetetova razvoja, pa tako i jezičnog

    Habilitacijski tretman djeteta s fetalnim alkoholnim sindromom ā€“ prikaz slučaja

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    Fetal alcohol syndrome is defined by a triad of symptoms such as facial dysmorphology, prenatal and postnatal growth deficiency, and central nervous system dysfunction. It is the result of teratogenic effects of alcohol consumption in pregnancy. The prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome is 1 to 3 per 1000 live births. From the neurological point of view, there is a possibility of the central nervous system dysfunction. Structural disjunctions are the consequences of fine and gross motor dysfunction, oculomotor dysfunction, and difficulties in sensorimotor integration. From the functional point view, there are complex cognitive disorders and behavioral disorders, attention disorders and impulse control disorders, learning difficulties, and social communication and perception difficulties. This paper presents a case study of a boy diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome at the age of four, monitored by a team of experts including a physiatrist and neuropediatrician. The boy is also included in polyvalent habilitation treatment provided by a speech therapist, rehabilitator and psychologist.Fetalni alkoholni sindrom obilježen je trijadom simptoma kao Å”to su facijalne malformacije, prenatalni i postnatalni usporeni razvoj i disfunkcija srediÅ”njega živčanog sustava. Posljedica je teratogenog djelovanja alkohola za vrijeme gestacije. Učestalost fetalnog alkoholnog sindroma iznosi 1-3 slučaja na 1000 novorođenčadi. S neuroloÅ”kog stajaliÅ”ta može doći do oÅ”tećenja srediÅ”njega živčanog sustva. Strukturna oÅ”tećenja uzrokuju odstupanja u razvoju grube i fine motorike, okulomotorike i poteÅ”koće u senzomotornoj integraciji. S funkcionalnog stajaliÅ”ta može doći do složenih spoznajnih poremećaja i poremećaja u ponaÅ”anju, poremećaja pozornosti i kontrole impulsa, poteÅ”koća u učenju, socijalnoj percepciji i komunikaciji. Složena simptomatologija ukazuje na disproporcionalni razvoj vjeÅ”tina te zahtijeva timsku dijagnostiku i individualizirano planiranje habilitacijskog djelovanja. U radu se prikazuje studija slučaja dječaka u dobi od 4 godine s dijagnozom fetalnog alkoholnog sindroma. Dječaka je pratio interdisciplinarni stručni tim sastavljen od fizijatra i neuropedijatra, uz polivalentne habilitacijske postupke logopeda, rehabilitatora i psihologa

    Antitumor effect of Ru(II) complex on A375 and HeLa cell growth, migration and adhesion ability

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    Platinum-based complexes represent the mainstay of treatment for various cancer types. However, their usage is often restricted by numerous side effects or intrinsic and acquired resistance. Therefore, significant research efforts have focused on developing therapeutics based on other transition metals, such as ruthenium 1,2. In this study, effects of transition metal complex, cis-dichlorobis (2,2Ź¹-bipyridyl-4,4Ź¹-dicarboxylic acid)ruthenium(II) (Ru(II) complex) were analyzed on A375 human melanoma and HeLa cell growth, adhesion ability andmigration. Cell viability assay indicated significant antitumor activity of Ru(II) complex on A375 (~60% of control) up to 72 h after treatment, but not on HeLa cells. However, analysis by clonogenic assay showed that growth of both cell lines was decreased 7 days after treatment. Growth inhibition was followed by G1 phase cell cycle arrest (5ā€“10% G1 increase for A375 and 5ā€“8% for HeLa cells compared to control). Moreover, Ru(II) complex increased adhesivity of A375 and HeLa cells by 11 and 16 % respectively and decreased cell migration, as shown by scratch assay. The obtained results indicate that the analyzed Ru(II) complex is a promising metallodrug, as itinduced growth inhibition of A375 and HeLa cells through induction of G1 arrest and decreased metastatic potential of these cells through the increase ofadhesivity and decrease of cell migration

    VjeŔtina crtanja kod djece s kaŔnjenjem u neuromotornom razvoju u dobi od 2-5 godina

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    In typically developing children, drawing development occurs in stages from uncontrolled strokes to complex drawing. In this study, we examined drawing development in children with neurodevelopmental delay (NDD). In order to do so, we observed the influence of age, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and gender on the development of drawing skills. The sample consisted of 52 children with NDD, aged 2 years and 6 months to 5 years. All children were hospitalized for multidisciplinary team monitoring and developmental support. The evaluation of drawing development was administered by giving each child a blank A4 paper and the instruction to draw anything they wanted. All of the drawings were scored satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Descriptive statistics was employed on all relevant data to show results in frequencies and percentages. In order to determine differences between groups, the Ļ‡2-test was administered. The results showed greatest difference in drawing in children aged from 3 years to 3 years and 11 months. Children with lower IVH had better drawing scores than children with higher IVH levels. According to gender dissimilarities, a difference was found showing girls to have better drawing skills than boys. All study results pointed to the importance of early rehabilitation and continuous structured work with children with NDD.Kod djece urednog razvoja crtež se razvija kroz nekoliko faza koje se pojavljuju specifičnim redoslijedom od nekontroliranih pokreta olovkom do crtanja kompleksnih oblika. U ovom radu željeli smo istražiti postoje li odstupanja u razvoju crteža kod djece s neurorazvojnim odstupanjem. Promatrani su utjecaj dobi, intraventrikularnog krvarenja različitih stupnjeva i spola na razvoj crteža. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 52 djece u dobi od 2,6 do 5 godina. Sva djeca bila su hospitalizirana radi praćenja cjelokupnog razvoja i potpore od strane multidisciplinarnog tima. Svoj djeci bio je dijagnosticiran neki oblik neurorazvojnog odstupanja. Ispitivanje razvoja crteža provedeno je na način da su djetetu dani olovka i prazan A4 list papira na kojem je mogao izraditi crtež po vlastitom izboru. Svaki crtež ocijenjen je kao adekvatan ili neadekvatan za dob. Prikupljeni podaci obrađeni su deskriptivnom analizom i prikazani u tablicama i grafikonima pomoću postotaka i frekventnosti. Razlike između skupina dokazane su Ļ‡2-testom. Rezultati su pokazali najveću razliku između zadovoljavajućeg i nezadovoljavajućeg razvoja crteža u skupini djece od 3 do 3,11 godina. Zatim, djeca koja nisu imala intraventrikularno krvarenje ili su imala krvarenje I. stupnja pokazala su najbolje vjeÅ”tine crtanja među djecom s neurorazvojnim odstupanjem, dok su sva djeca s krvarenjem II./III. stupnja imala veći broj neadekvatnih crteža za dob. Promatrajući razlike u crtežu s obzirom na spol zaključuje se da su vjeÅ”tine crtanja kod djevojčica bolje u odnosu na dječake. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na važnost rane rehabilitacije i kontinuirani strukturirani rad s djecom s neurorazvojnim odstupanjima

    Music therapy and rhythmic auditory stimulation with hospitalized children

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    U trenutcima kada se dijete sa zdravstvenim teÅ”koćama odvaja od roditelja i poznate okoline i ostaje u nepoznatom bolničkom okruženju, moguće su različite negativne reakcije zbog doživljenog stresa. Iz tog razloga, vrijeme provedeno između različitih medicinskih terapija potrebno je upotpuniti aktivnostima ugodnim za dijete. U članku su navedene neke od tih aktivnosti, koje su ujedno i terapija u nemedicinskom obliku, s naglaskom na pozitivan učinak terapije glazbom i ritmičkih sluÅ”nih stimulacija. Terapija glazbom predstavlja jedinstvenu vrstu njege i psihosocijalne potpore u bolnici. U pedijatrijskom, bolničkom okruženju, ima za cilj podržati i pomoći djetetu na neki od idućih načina: pripomoći adaptiranju, smanjiti bol i stres, i potaknuti usvajanje razvojno prikladnih vjeÅ”tina. Glazba se može uključiti u jezično-govornu, fizikalnu i okupacijsku terapiju s ciljem relaksacije miÅ”ića, poboljÅ”anja obrazaca kretanja i povećanja samostalnosti u svakodnevnom životu, te u poticanje socijalizacije i emocionalnog razvoja. Ritmičke sluÅ”ne stimulacije predstavljaju neuroloÅ”ku tehniku koja koristi fizioloÅ”ke utjecaje sluÅ”nog ritma na motorički sustav. Njihov ključni element je fenomen sluÅ”nog povlačenja odnosno sposobnost tijela da svoje pokrete ritmički uskladi. Ova metoda može biti koriÅ”tena unutar neke druge terapije, primjerice fizikalne ili terapije glazbom, ili kao samostalni oblik terapije te je ekonomski povoljna. JoÅ” neke od strategija koje se koriste u suočavanju s neugodnim situacijama i ublažavanju simptoma hospitalizma su igra, terapija uz pomoć životinja, druženje s klaunovima itd. Primjetna je sve veća prepoznatost posljedica hospitalizacije, u zdravstvenim ustanovama i općenito u druÅ”tvu. U rad s hospitaliziranom djecom uključuje se sve veći broj stručnjaka koji svojim timskim radom rade za dobrobit cjelokupnog razvoja djeteta.At times when a sick child needs to be separated from his/her family, and stay in an unfamiliar, hospital environment, it is possible to expect various negative reactions from the child due to stress. Therefore, time spent in-between therapies and medical procedures should be made interesting and comfortable for a child. This article explains several of those activities that also represent non-medical therapies, emphasizing positive effect of music therapy and rhythmic auditory stimulations. Music therapy is a unique way of care and psychosocial support in hospital settings. At pediatric departments, its goal is to support and help child to: adapt, minimize pain and stress, and stimulate development of skills. Music can also be incorporated in speech and language, physical and occupational therapy to aid muscle relaxation, improve movement patterns, and augment independency in every-day skills, and to stimulate socialization and emotional development. Another method, widely used in hospital environments, is rhythmic auditory stimulation. This neurological technique uses physiological effect of auditory rhythm on motor system. The key element of rhythmic stimulations is the phenomenon of auditory fun, or bodyā€™s ability to rhythmically adjust its movements. Due to its low economic value, this method can be used independently, or be incorporated in other therapies such as physical or music therapy. Other strategies used in coping with negative experiences and in moderating hospitalism symptoms are play, animal therapy, visits from clowns, etc. In modern hospitals, and society in general, the ability to recognize negative hospitalization consequences is growing. So, specialists from various disciplines work with hospitalized children, and are putting team efforts into holistic child development approach in hospitals

    Čimbenici neurorizičnosti u djece s grubim motoričkim disfunkcijama donjih udova

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    The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for neurological development in children aged 1 to 3 years with a mild paraparesis form of motor development of lower extremities. Identification and follow-up of the neurorisk factors is important for early detection of neurodevelopmental deviations as well as for initiating early therapeutic treatments, which can improve the processes of brain plasticity and lead to recovery of the damaged function. Analysis of risk factors in children with paraparesis form of development revealed complicated pregnancy such as maternal diseases, fetal growth retardation or placental immaturity in 48% of these children; 26% of children were born before or after the term, and 34% had complications during delivery such as cesarean section or breech birth. In the present study, 80% of children with motor disabilities of lower extremities had Apgar index 10, 8% Apgar index 9, and only 12% had Apgar index lower than 8. Only 10% of 50 study children had normal ultrasound results, whereas cranial ultrasound abnormalities such as periventricular hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage were recorded in 62% of the children.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi čimbenike rizika za neuroloÅ”ki razvoj u djece od 1. do 3. godine života s blažim paraparetskim obrascem razvoja motorike donjih udova. Prepoznavanje i praćenje neurorizičnih čimbenika važno je za rano otkrivanje neurorazvojnih odstupanja, kao i za ranu primjenu terapijskih postupaka koji mogu pospjeÅ”iti procese plastičnosti mozga i dovesti do oporavka oÅ”tećene funkcije. Analizom čimbenika rizika kod djece s paraparetskim obrascem razvoja utvrđeno je slijedeće: 48% djece se rodilo iz komplicirane trudnoće (infekcija majke u trudnoći, majčin dijabetes melitus, hipertenzija majke, bolesti posteljice, krvarenja u trudnoći), 26% djece je prijevremeno rođeno, dok su se u 34% djece potvrdila određena odstupanja u porodu (rođena na zadak ili carskim rezom). U provedenom istraživanju u 80% djece s motoričkim teÅ”koćama u donjim ekstremitetima potvrdio se Apgar indeks 10, u 8% Apgar indeks 9, dok je samo 12% djece imalo Apgar indeks manji od 8. Od 50 sudionika samo 10% je imalo uredan nalaz ultrazvuka mozga, dok su u 62% slučajeva zabilježene određene abnormalnosti kao Å”to su periventrikulsko krvarenje i intraventrikulsko krvarenje