6 research outputs found


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    Moderni brodovi za prijevoz ukapljenog prirodnog plina su brodovi s dvostrukim dnom čija se klasifikacija vrÅ”i prema tipu spremnika. Spremnici su posebno projektirani budući da se u njima skladiÅ”ti prirodni plin ohlađen na -161 Ā°C, Å”to je temperatura vreliÅ”ta metana. Bitna karakteristika ukapljenog prirodnog plina je visoka zapaljivost, o čemu treba voditi računa pri projektiranju i rukovanju brodom. Razvoj brodova za ukapljeni prirodni plin započeo je sredinom dvadesetog stoljeća. Veličina skladiÅ”nog prostora tih brodova stupnjevito je rasla do danaÅ”nje maksimalne veličine od oko 260000 m3. Svjetska flota brodova za ukapljeni prirodni plin danas broji viÅ”e od 300 plovila.Modern liquefied natural gas carriers are double-bottom ships classified according to the type of LNG tank. The tanks are specially designed to store natural gas cooled to -161Ā°C, the boiling point of methane. Since LNG is highly flammable, special care must be taken when designing and operating the ship. The development of LNG carriers has begun in the middle of the twentieth century. LNG carrier storage space has gradually grown to the current maximum of 260000 m3. There are more than 300 LNG carriers currently in operation


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    Prirodni plin se od izvora do potroÅ”ača najčeŔće transportira visokotlačnim plinovodima. Kada je udaljenost između mjesta proizvodnje i potroÅ”nje veća od 4000 km, a i zbog diversifikacije dobavnih pravaca prirodnog plina, sve se viÅ”e primjenjuje ukapljivanje prirodnog plina i njegov transport brodovima. Konačan izbor procesa za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina ovisiti će o varijablama projekta, stupnju razvoja novih ili poboljÅ”anja postojećih procesa i raspoloživosti potrebne opreme. U radu su prikazani procesi koji se danas primjenjuju za ukapljivanje prirodnog plina i njihova zastupljenost u praksi.High pressure pipelines are the most common way of natural gas transport from a gas field to a processing plant and further to consumers. In case when the distance between natural gas production and consumption regions is more than 4000 kilometers, and due to necessity of natural gas supply diversification, gas liquefaction and its transport by ships is being applied. The final choice of liquefaction process depends on the project variables, the development level of new or upgrading of already existing processes and available equipment. Current natural gas liquefaction processes and their usage in practice are shown in this paper


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    Formate-based fluids has been successfully used in over hunders HPHT well operations since they introduced in field practice. They have many advantages when compared with conventional HPHT drilling and completion fluids such as: minimal formation damage, maintenance of additve properties at high temperatures, reduced hydraulic flow resistance, low potential for differential sticking, naturally lubricating, very low corrosion rates, biodegradable and pose little risk to the environment etc. Formate-based fluids can be applied during deep slim hole drilling, shale drilling, reservoir drilling, salt and gas hydrate formations drilling. The laboratory research was carried out to evaluate the rheological behavior of formate-based fluids as a function of temperature. Formate-based fluids were formulated using potassium formate brine, xanthan polymer, PAC, starch and calcium carbonate. Experimental results show that potassium formate improves the thermal stability of polymers.Isplake na bazi formijata uspijeÅ”no se primjenjuju tijekom različitim radova u buÅ”otinama s visokim tlakom i temperaturom. One imaju nekoliko prednosti u odnosu na standardne isplake koje se koriste tijekom buÅ”enja i opremanja buÅ”otina s visokim tlakom i temperaturom, kao npr.: minimalno oÅ”tećenje formacije, očuvanje svojstava aditiva kod visokih temperatura, smanjenje trenja, smanjenje opasnosti od diferencijalnog prihvata, poboljÅ”ana mazivost, smanjena korozivnost, biorazgradivost i neznatan utjecaj na okoliÅ”. Isplake na bazi formijata naÅ”le su svoju primjenu tijekom izrade dubokih buÅ”otina malog promjera, buÅ”enja kroz naslage Å”ejla, buÅ”enje kroz ležiÅ”ta ugljikovodika, te tijekom izrade kanala buÅ”otine kroz naslage soli i plinskih hidrata. Provedena su laboratorijska ispitivanja kojima je utvrđena ovisnost promjene reoloÅ”kih svojstva isplaka na bazi formijata u ovisnosti o temperaturi. Isplake na bazi formijata sastojale su se od kalij formijata, xanthan polimera, polianionske celuloze, Å”kroba i kalcijevog karbonata. Ispitivanja su pokazala da kalij formijat poboljÅ”ava temperaturnu stabilnost polimera


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    Formate-based fluids has been successfully used in over hunders HPHT well operations since they introduced in field practice. They have many advantages when compared with conventional HPHT drilling and completion fluids such as: minimal formation damage, maintenance of additve properties at high temperatures, reduced hydraulic flow resistance, low potential for differential sticking, naturally lubricating, very low corrosion rates, biodegradable and pose little risk to the environment etc. Formate-based fluids can be applied during deep slim hole drilling, shale drilling, reservoir drilling, salt and gas hydrate formations drilling. The laboratory research was carried out to evaluate the rheological behavior of formate-based fluids as a function of temperature. Formate-based fluids were formulated using potassium formate brine, xanthan polymer, PAC, starch and calcium carbonate. Experimental results show that potassium formate improves the thermal stability of polymers