33 research outputs found

    Kontroling poslovnih procesa

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    Kontroling predstavlja bitnu aktivnost za svaku organizaciju koja egzistira u danaÅ”njem turbulentnom okružju. Primjenom kontrolinga i kvartalnog planiranja primjenom koeficijenta sigurnosti, organizacija smanjuje rizik poslovanja i povećava efikasnost, odnosno efektivnost svojih poslovnih procesa. Sukladno tome povećava se i ekonomičnost organizacije i svih njezinih dijelova Å”to dovodi do povećanja profita. Primjenom ovog načina planiranja, organizacija svoje poslovne procese kontinuirano poboljÅ”ava i svaki ciklus procesa biva bolji od prethodnog ciklusa procesa. Koeficijent sigurnosti organizaciji omogućuje veću sigurnost u poslovanju. Osim toga primjenom navedenog koeficijenta u planiranju, organizacija će iskoristiti svoj puni potencijal koji posjeduje, odnosno neostvareni potencijal svesti na minimum. Procesna orijentacija se danas sve viÅ”e implementira u organizacije, a glavni razlog za to jest velika fleksibilnost procesne organizacije te visok stupanj prilagodljivosti promjenama u okružju. Iz tog razloga važno je razviti i usavrÅ”iti nove metode kontrolinga poslovnih procesa koje će omogućiti već prethodno definirano kontinuirano poboljÅ”anje procesa

    Mjerenje s Arduino kontrolerom u realnom vremenu preko interneta

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    U ovom radu napravljeni je i osmiÅ”ljeni sustav za upravljanje fizikalnim procesima putem web-a. Kao izlazna jedinica na računalu koristi se elektronički modul Arduino. Komunikacija između Arduina i računala osmiÅ”ljena je putem RS232 veze uz pomoć Processing aplikacije. Kako bi se ostvarila komunikacija između računala koje upravlja procesom i krajnjeg korisnika osmiÅ”ljen je web server Apache na Linux operativnom sustavu. Upravljanje te kontrola procesa omogućena je putem sučelja u web browseru

    Socioeconomic Typology of Farms from the Viewpoint of their Development and Reproductive Capability

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    Autor razrađuje socioekonomsku tipologiju seljačkih gospodarstava, koja slijedi prvenstveno njihov razvoj i reproduktivnu sposobnost. Tipologiju zasniva na slijedećim polaziÅ”tima: ā€” Objekt klasifikacije jest seljačko gospodarstvo kao proizvodna i socijalna jedinica za koju je karakteristična isprepletenost proizvodne i potroÅ”ne dimenzije. Unutar seljačke porodice treba razlikovati porodičnu jezgru koja se sastoji iz domaćina (vlasnika) i njegova (njezine) žene (muža) i uzdržavanih članova. ā€” Osnovni kriterij ove tipologije jest aktivnost pojedinih članova porodica, odnosno činjenica jesu li oni zaposleni izvan seljačkog gospodarstva. Dalje je važno i to čine li oni koji su zaposleni izvan gospodarstava porodičnu jezgru. ā€” Dalji tipoloÅ”ki kriterij jest starost članova porodice. Aktivnost na gospodarstvu ili zaposlenos izvan njega određuju se samo za članove u aktivnoj životnoj dobi (15ā€”65 godina). Definirano je slijedećih pet tipova seljačkih gospodarstava i tip 6, koji predstavlja vlasnički reziduum nekadaÅ”njeg seljačkog gospodarstva. Tip 1: čisto seljačko gospodarstvo. Svi su članovi porodice u aktivnoj životnoj dobi i rade samo na svom gospodarstvu ili su uzdržavani. Tip 2: Potencijalno čisto seljačko gospodarstvo. Samo oni članovi koji ne čine porodičnu jezgru, zaposleni su izvan gospodarstava- U izuzetnom slučaju u ovu skupinu ulaze i ona gospodarstva na kojima je od četiriju članova porodične jezgre u aktivnoj životnoj dobi, jedan zaposlen izvan gospodarstva, dok ostala tri čine najmanje dvije pune radne snage. Tip 3: MjeÅ”ovito gospodarstvo ā€” Najmanje jedan od proizvodno aktivnih članova porodične jezgre radi isključivo na gospodarstvu, istovremeno je najmanje jedan od tih članova zaposlen izvan gospodarstva. Tip 4: Dopunsko gospodarstvo ā€” Svi proizvodno aktivni članovi zaposleni su izvan gospodarstva i bave se poljoprivredom isključivo u svoje slobodno vrijeme. Tip 5: Ostarjelo gospodarstvo ā€” Svi su članovi stariji od 64 godine ali se joÅ” uvijek (barem neki od njih) aktivno bave poljoprivredom. Tip 6: Poljoprivredno neaktivno gospodarstvo ā€” Domaćinstva joÅ” posjeduju poljoprivrednu zemlju ali se viÅ”e ne bave poljoDrivredom. Svrstavanjem i usporedbom oko 450 seljačkih gospodarstava s jednog užeg područja (istraživanog 1981) prema trima različitim tipovima te analizom nekih karakterističnih podataka za ova gospodarstva autor je ilustrirao aplikativnost predložene tipologije.The typology was made on the basis of the following starting points: ā€” Object of classification is farm as a producitonal and social unit within the production and consumation dimension are intertwined. Inside the farm family there is a family nucleus which consists of the farmer-owner and his (her) wife (husband), and the supported family members. ā€” The basic criterium of typology is the activity of sigle familiy members and the fact hether they are employed off-farm. It is also of un utmost importance whether those employed off-farm belong to the family nucleus. ā€” Further typology criterium is the age of the family members. Activity on the farm or employment off-farm are determined onliy for the members in an active period od life (15 ā€” 65 years). The following 5 types of farms were determined as well as the type 6 which represents the ownership residue of a former farm. Type 1. Full-time farm: All family members in the active period of life ork only on their farm or they are supported. Type 2. Potentially full-time farm: Only those members of family who do not belong to the family nucleus are employed off-farm. Exceptionally, those farms on which of the four members of family nucleus in the active period of life one is off-farm and the other three represent at at least two full labour forces, could ranged in this group too. Type 3. Part-time farm: At least one of the productionally active members of family nucleus works exclusively on the farm; at the same time at least one these members is employed off-farm. Type 4. Supplementary farm: All the productionally active members of family are employed off-farm, they are engaged in agriculture exclusively in their free time. Type 5. Senior farm: All the family members are older than 64 years and they are still (at least some of them) actively engaged in agriculture. Type 6. Agriculturally non-active farm: Households in possession of agricultural land but which are not engaged in agriculture any more. By the comparison of classification of about 450 farms from a small region (investigated in 1981.) according to 3 different typologies (2,4 and the defined 6 groups) and by the analysis of several characteristical data on farms, the author has illustrated the applicability of the suggested typology

    e-Health Application, Implementation and Challenges: A Literature Review

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    Background: World Health Organization, through a partnership with European Union, encourages the implementation e-health systems. E-health is a relatively old concept that is upgraded with new technologies and is directed toward monitoring different health conditions with the help of technology. Objectives: This paper\u27s main objective is to demonstrate e-health application possibilities in todayā€™s healthcare organisations and its impact on the quality of provided health care services using ISO/TR 14639 Health informatics Capacity-based eHealth architecture roadmap. Methods/Approach: In this paper, we used the e-health architecture model for literature review based on individual areas of the model - ICT infrastructure, e-health infastructure, health process domain components, governance and national ownership. Results: Research confirms that new technologies have a favourable and significant impact on population health; however, more developed countries show a better understanding of the concept and are moving towards implementing laws and regulations for e-health practices. Conclusions: Through this research, we concluded that new technology significantly impacts health, but this impact is limited due to different development of countries. That is why it is very important to develop health literacy, which is the ability to comprehend, access, retrieve, and use health information or health services

    Sustainable Urban Logistics: Analysis and Bibliometric Review

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    Sustainable urban logistics is imperative in view of the increasing demands related to sustainability and the satisfaction of requirements related to sustainability, and it supports the implementation and use of solutions based on the application of electric vehicles when talking about transport logistics, ensuring all the resources necessary for the development of the basic urban process, and similar. In order to analyze the current situation related to the progress of researchers, in this paper, a bibliometric analysis of existing papers and research in the field of sustainable urban logistics was carried out. According to the findings, there is a significant lack of research dealing with urban logistics from the perspective of the supporting process, and a large number of authors summarize urban logistics solely from the perspective of transportation and storage

    Using Artificial Intelligence for Creating and Managing Organizational Knowledge

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    With changes in organizational environment organizations must adopt their business model to the new conditions that are arising. By adapting to the new conditions, organization create knowledge. The main aim of the paper is to show the possibilities of using AI in managing and creating organizational knowledge within the organization and using once created knowledge for competitive advantage. This paper presents the results of the conducted secondary research on the application of artificial intelligence in knowledge creation, and based on the conducted research, a framework for knowledge creation was proposed. This framework starts with collecting data from different sensors on devices or machines and from employees. Gathering large amount of data then creates Big Data databases from which through data mining knowledge is created. In further research, the proposed framework will be used to conduct primary research on the impact of artificial intelligence on creating knowledge and managing it

    Analysis and Assessment of the Impact of Logistics on the Perception of the Sustainability of the Urban Area: The Case of North-West Croatia

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    Increasing the sustainability of the urban area is an imperative that is based on the increasing number of inhabitants but also the increasing demand for resources. In order to ensure the normal development of social processes in urban areas, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of resources such as energy, water, and food, and to ensure the normal functioning of all other processes that determine the quality of life. Given that logistics is a supporting process that ensures the efficient functioning of the core process, everything described is the task of logistics. In order to investigate the potential impact that logistics has on sustainability, in this paper is described research related to the perception of sustainability and analysis of the impact of logistics on the perception of the sustainability of an urban area. The research showed that there is an impact that can be identified through several branches of logistics. Likewise, the research indicated the most important parameter that the respondents considered to have an impact on the sustainability of the urban area was