1,708 research outputs found

    Alguns aspectes de l'estructura econòmica de la Conca de Barberà

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    How Patients Die in Internal Medicine Wards: a Retrospective Study

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    Os doentes com doença crónica avançada são uma presença diária nas enfermarias de Medicina Interna, não existindo um protocolo de intervenção universal e uniforme. Este estudo pretende ser uma primeira abordagem para avaliar a forma como tratamos e cuidamos destes doentes, quer de etiologia neoplásica, quer de outras doenças crónicas, igualmente consumptivas, como demência, insuficiência cardíaca, VIH/SIDA, doença pulmonar crónica obstrutiva (DPCO). Foram recolhidas informações retrospectivas dos processos clínicos acerca das atitudes e tratamentos prestados a 285 doentes falecidos em 16 meses num hospital de agudos em Lisboa. A caracterização epidemiológica da população foi a esperada, com predomínio de população idosa, dependente, com prevalência de doenças cardíacas e acidentes vasculares cerebrais (AVC), como diagnósticos principais, seguidas de demência e doenças respiratórias. Do total de falecimentos, 73% foram esperados, mas destes apenas 44% dos doentes estavam integrados em cuidados paliativos. A dor foi avaliada principalmente em doentes de foro neoplásico, sendo a analgesia administrada em 77% dos casos. A decisão de receberem cuidados paliativos foi discutida com a família em 26% dos doentes, mas não foi em nenhum caso discutido com o próprio doente. Consideramos que é necessário formação e informação para uma abordagem mais sistematizada do doente com doença crónica avançada e das suas necessidades. A definição explícita das expectativas de vida e uma abordagem sistemática da pesquisa de dor em todos estes, é necessária para garantir melhor qualidade dos cuidados prestados em fim de vida

    Characterisation and representation of non-dissipative electromagnetic medium with a double light cone

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    We study Maxwell's equations on a 4-manifold N with a medium that is non-dissipative and has a linear and pointwise response. In this setting, the medium can be represented by a suitable (2,2)-tensor on the 4-manifold N. Moreover, in each cotangent space on N, the medium defines a Fresnel surface. Essentially, the Fresnel surface is a tensorial analogue of the dispersion equation that describes the response of the medium for signals in the geometric optics limit. For example, in isotropic medium the Fresnel surface is at each point a Lorentz light cone. In a recent paper, I. Lindell, A. Favaro and L. Bergamin introduced a condition that constrains the polarisation for plane waves. In this paper we show (under suitable assumptions) that a slight strengthening of this condition gives a pointwise characterisation of all medium tensors for which the Fresnel surface is the union of two distinct Lorentz null cones. This is for example the behaviour of uniaxial medium like calcite. Moreover, using the representation formulas from Lindell et al. we obtain a closed form representation formula that pointwise parameterises all medium tensors for which the Fresnel surface is the union of two distinct Lorentz null cones. Both the characterisation and the representation formula are tensorial and do not depend on local coordinates

    Structured Deformations of Continua: Theory and Applications

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    The scope of this contribution is to present an overview of the theory of structured deformations of continua, together with some applications. Structured deformations aim at being a unified theory in which elastic and plastic behaviours, as well as fractures and defects can be described in a single setting. Since its introduction in the scientific community of rational mechanicists (Del Piero-Owen, ARMA 1993), the theory has been put in the framework of variational calculus (Choksi-Fonseca, ARMA 1997), thus allowing for solution of problems via energy minimization. Some background, three problems and a discussion on future directions are presented.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, 1 diagram. Submitted to the Proceedings volume of the conference CoMFoS1

    Histofisiologia del bulb olfactori

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    Temperature independent band structure of WTe2 as observed from ARPES

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    Extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR), observed in transition metal dichalcogendies, WTe2_2, has attracted recently a great deal of research interests as it shows no sign of saturation up to the magnetic field as high as 60 T, in addition to the presence of type-II Weyl fermions. Currently, there has been a lot of discussion on the role of band structure changes on the temperature dependent XMR in this compound. In this contribution, we study the band structure of WTe2_2 using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and first-principle calculations to demonstrate that the temperature dependent band structure has no substantial effect on the temperature dependent XMR as our measurements do not show band structure changes on increasing the sample temperature between 20 and 130 K. We further observe an electronlike surface state, dispersing in such a way that it connects the top of bulk holelike band to the bottom of bulk electronlike band. Interestingly, similar to bulk states, the surface state is also mostly intact with the sample temperature. Our results provide invaluable information in shaping the mechanism of temperature dependent XMR in WTe2_2.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0721

    Structure determination of Split-soret Cytochrome from a Desulfovibrio species isolated from a human abdominal abcess

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    The determined structure of the split-soret cytochrome (SSC) isolated from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 (D.d.) revealed a new Heme arrangement, which suggests that this protein constitutes a new cytochrome class.. SSC is a 52.6kDa homodimer containing four hemes at one end of the molecule. In each monomer the two hemes have their edges overlapped within van der Waals contacts. The polypeptide chain of each monomer supplies the sixth ligand to the heme-iron of the other monomer. A similar protein was recently purified from a homologous Desulfovibrio clinical strain isolated from an abdominal wall abscess in human patient2. Crystals of this SSC were grown using vapour diffusion method in the presence of agarose gel. Diffraction data were collected using X-ray synchrotron radiation at the ESRF, beamline, ID 14-1. The structure will be solved by molecular replacement using the structure of the D.d. as a starting model

    2009-2010 Dean\u27s Showcase No. 3

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