8 research outputs found

    Proportion of participants with sustained (≥ 4 months) decrease in LLM by ≥ 50% from pre-treatment value and to < 8100 mf/ml.

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    <p>Proportion of participants with sustained (≥ 4 months) decrease in LLM by ≥ 50% from pre-treatment value and to < 8100 mf/ml.</p

    Pre-treatment LLM, month of start and end of sustained (≥ 4 months) decrease in LLM by ≥ 50% from pre-treatment LLM, to < 8100 mf/ml or < 30000 mf/ml by treatment arm for participants with a sustained decrease by ≥ 50%.

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    <p>Pre-treatment LLM, month of start and end of sustained (≥ 4 months) decrease in LLM by ≥ 50% from pre-treatment LLM, to < 8100 mf/ml or < 30000 mf/ml by treatment arm for participants with a sustained decrease by ≥ 50%.</p

    CONSORT flowchart.

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    <p>AE–adverse event, FU–follow up, M–Month, LLM—<i>Loa loa</i> microfilaraemia measurement, LFU–Lost to FU, Tx–treatment.</p

    Minimum, 25%, 50th, 75th percentile and maximum of the % reduction from pre-treatment values.

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    <p>P placebo, 2x 2 doses albendazole, 6x 6 doses albendazole, -1 value obtained during screening (4–12 weeks prior to baseline measurement and first treatment), 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 21, 24 Months after the first treatment at which LLM was measured.</p

    Longitudinal trend in <i>Loa loa</i> microfilaraemia from baseline up to 11–12 months after completion of each regimen.

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    <p>Longitudinal trend in <i>Loa loa</i> microfilaraemia from baseline up to 11–12 months after completion of each regimen.</p

    Additional file 1: of Estimating mother-to-child HIV transmission rates in Cameroon in 2011: a computer simulation approach

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    Methods of calculation of mother-to-child transmission probabilities and live births rate among HIV positive women. This additional file is a .docx file which contains description of mathematical models used to estimate mother-to-child transmission probabilities. It is also described here how live births rate among HIV positive women were calculated. (DOCX 37 kb