269 research outputs found

    Two generalizations of the PRV conjecture

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    Let G be a complex connected reductive group. The PRV conjecture, which was proved independently by S. Kumar and O. Mathieu in 1989, gives explicit irreducible submodules of the tensor product of two irreducible G-modules. This paper has three aims. First, we simplify the proof of the PRV conjecture, then we generalize it to other branching problems. Finally, we find other irreducible components of the tensor product of two irreducible G-modules that appear for "the same reason" as the PRV ones

    Acculturation du records management dans la pratique archivistique française (L\u27)

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    Mémoire du Master archives numériques portant sur le records management et son acculturation dans la pratique archivistique française

    Vereinbarkeit von Politik und Beruf, Übergang und berufliche Wiedereingliederung von Abgeordneten. Eine Befragung der ehemaligen Mitglieder der Bundesversammlung und der kantonales Exekutiven

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    Wie haben die ehemaligen Abgeordneten ihr berufliches und politisches Engagement unter einen Hutgebracht und wie erleben sie beim Ausscheiden aus dem politischen Amt den Übergang in die Erwerbsarbeit ? In den letzten Jahren stand die berufliche Situation von Abgeordneten nach Ablaufihres Mandats wiederholt im Fokus der Medien und der Öffentlichkeit. So wird über ehemaligeParlamentarierinnen und Parlamentarier berichtet, welche bei Mandatsende ohne Erwerbsarbeit und ohne Anspruch auf Arbeitslosenentschädigung dastehen. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich dieser Problematik, indem sie zwei für die eidgenössischen Räteund die kantonalen Exekutiven relevante Aspekte näher untersucht. So wird zunächst auf die Vereinbarkeit von Politik und Beruf eingegangen, wobei aufgezeigt wird, wie die ehemaligenParlamentsmitglieder die Kombination von politischer Amtsarbeit und beruflicher Tätigkeitbewerkstelligt haben. Anschliessend wird anhand der Antworten der ehemaligen Mitglieder der Bundesversammlung wie auch der ehemaligen Mitglieder der Kantonsregierungen ausgeführt, wie sieden Übergang bzw. die Wiedereingliederung ins Berufsleben nach ihrer Amtszeit erlebt haben

    Hypothermia Outcome Prediction after Extracorporeal Life Support for Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest Patients: Assessing the Performance of the HOPE Score in Case Reports from the Literature

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    Aims: The hypothermia outcome prediction after extracorporeal life support (ECLS) score, or HOPE score, provides an estimate of the survival probability in hypothermic cardiac arrest patients undergoing ECLS rewarming. The aim of this study was to assess the performance of the HOPE score in case reports from the literature. Methods: Cases were identified through a systematic review of the literature. We included cases of hypothermic cardiac arrest patients rewarmed with ECLS and not included in the HOPE derivation and validation studies. We calculated the survival probability of each patient according to the HOPE score. Results: A total of 70 patients were included. Most of them (62/70 = 89%) survived. The discrimination using the HOPE score was good (Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve = 0.78). The calibration was poor, with HOPE survival probabilities averaging 54%. Using a HOPE survival probability threshold of at least 10% as a decision criterion for rewarming a patient would have resulted in only five false positives and a single false negative, i.e., 64 (or 91%) correct decisions. Conclusions: In this highly selected sample, the HOPE score still had a good practical performance. The selection bias most likely explains the poor calibration found in the present study, with survivors being more often described in the literature than non-survivors. Our finding underscores the importance of working with a representative sample of patients when deriving and validating a score, as was the case in the HOPE studies that included only consecutive patients in order to minimize the risk of publication bias and lower the risk of overly optimistic outcomes

    Lights and Siren Transport and the Need for Hospital Intervention in Nontrauma Patients: A Prospective Study

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    The use of lights and siren transport (LST) has been a matter of debate because of the short time savings and well-established increased risks for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and bystanders. Time-critical hospital intervention (TCHI) denotes urgently needed procedures that cannot be performed properly in an out-of-hospital setting. Since 2013, rapid transportation from the field, fast-track, is currently used for patients with acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction, suspicion of acute stroke and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of LST was associated with the realization of TCHI for nontrauma cases within 15 minutes of hospital arrival, to quantify overtriage (LST without TCHI) and to identify the predictors of TCHI. This is a monocentric prospective observational study of nontrauma patients transported by ambulance. Based on Ross et al.'s work in 2016 on trauma patients, TCHI procedures were developed by the study team. Descriptive statistics were used to determine whether the use of LST was associated with the realization of TCHI. Multivariable analyses determined the predictors of TCHI and compared clinical outcomes. On the 324 patients included, 67 (20.7%) benefitted from LST, with 40 (59.7%) receiving TCHI (p < 0.001). The overtriage rate was 40.3%. The most common medical TCHI was the fast-track (65.2% of all TCHI). LST was predictive of the need for TCHI (p < 0.001), as was the clinical condition of the patient and also when EMS providers expected TCHI. A majority of the LST benefitted from TCHI with an overtriage rate of 40%. To reduce the rate of overtriage (LST without TCHI), LST should mainly be used for fast-track and when TCHI is expected by the EMS providers

    Activités, transition et réinsertion professionnelles des élu.e.s. Une étude auprès des ancien.ne.s parlementaires au niveau fédéral et des ancien.ne.s conseiller.ère.s d'Etat

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    Comment les ancien·ne·s élu·e·s ont-ils concilié leurs engagements professionnel et politique ? Comment vivent-ils la transition de la fin de leur mandat vers la poursuite de leurs activités professionnelles ? Ces dernières années, l’attention de la presse et de l’opinion publique s’est régulièrement portée sur la situation d’anciens membres de l’Assemblée fédérale, privés d’activité rémunérée ou d’indemnités chômage à l’issue de leur mandat. Cette étude porte sur deux éléments spécifiques aux chambres fédérales et aux exécutifs cantonaux en rapport avec ces problématiques. D’abord, elle présente la manière dont les anciens membres de l’Assemblée fédérale ont assumé la combinaison de leurs activités politiques et professionnelles. Ensuite elle décrit, à l’aide des réponses collectées auprès des anciens membres du Parlement fédéral ou d’un exécutif cantonal, comment ceux-ci vivent leur transition, respectivement leur réinsertion, dans le monde du travail à l’issue de leur mandat électoral

    Diagnosis value of patient evaluation components applicable in primary care settings for the diagnosis of low back pain: A scoping review of systematic reviews

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    Abstract: Low back pain ranks as the leading cause of years lived with disability worldwide. Although best practice guidelines share a consistent diagnostic approach for the evaluation of patients with low back pain, confusion remains as to what extent patient history and physical examination findings can inform management strategies. The aim of this study was to summarize evidence investigating the diagnostic value of patient evaluation components applicable in primary care settings for the diagnosis of low back pain. To this end, peer-reviewed systematic reviews were searched in MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Cochrane databases from 1 January 2000 to 10 April 2023. Paired reviewers independently reviewed all citations and articles using a two-phase screening process and independently extracted the data. Of the 2077 articles identified, 27 met the inclusion criteria, focusing on the diagnosis of lumbar spinal stenosis, radicular syndrome, non- specific low back pain and specific low back pain. Most patient evaluation components lack diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of low back pain when considered in isolation. Further research is needed to develop evidence-based and standardized evaluation procedures, especially for primary care settings where evidence is still scarce

    Fusion rules for admissible representations of affine algebras: the case of A2(1)A_2^{(1)}

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    We derive the fusion rules for a basic series of admissible representations of sl^(3)\hat{sl}(3) at fractional level 3/p33/p-3. The formulae admit an interpretation in terms of the affine Weyl group introduced by Kac and Wakimoto. It replaces the ordinary affine Weyl group in the analogous formula for the fusion rules multiplicities of integrable representations. Elements of the representation theory of a hidden finite dimensional graded algebra behind the admissible representations are briefly discussed.Comment: containing two TEX files: main file using input files harvmac.tex, amssym.def, amssym.tex, 19p.; file with figures using XY-pic package, 6p. Correction in the definition of general shifted weight diagra