47 research outputs found

    Components of Gr\"obner strata in the Hilbert scheme of points

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    We fix the lexicographic order \prec on the polynomial ring S=k[x1,...,xn]S=k[x_{1},...,x_{n}] over a ring kk. We define \Hi^{\prec\Delta}_{S/k}, the moduli space of reduced Gr\"obner bases with a given finite standard set Δ\Delta, and its open subscheme \Hi^{\prec\Delta,\et}_{S/k}, the moduli space of families of #\Delta points whose attached ideal has the standard set Δ\Delta. We determine the number of irreducible and connected components of the latter scheme; we show that it is equidimensional over Speck{\rm Spec}\,k; and we determine its relative dimension over Speck{\rm Spec} k. We show that analogous statements do not hold for the scheme \Hi^{\prec\Delta}_{S/k}. Our results prove a version of a conjecture by Bernd Sturmfels.Comment: 49 page

    Finite sets of dd-planes in affine space

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    Let AA be a subvariety of affine space An\mathbb{A}^n whose irreducible components are dd-dimensional linear or affine subspaces of An\mathbb{A}^n. Denote by D(A)NnD(A)\subset\mathbb{N}^n the set of exponents of standard monomials of AA. We show that the combinatorial object D(A)D(A) reflects the geometry of AA in a very direct way. More precisely, we define a dd-plane in Nn\mathbb{N}^n as being a set γ+jJNej\gamma+\oplus_{j\in J}\mathbb{N}e_{j}, where #J=d and γj=0\gamma_{j}=0 for all jJj\in J. We call the dd-plane thus defined to be parallel to jJNej\oplus_{j\in J}\mathbb{N}e_{j}. We show that the number of dd-planes in D(A)D(A) equals the number of components of AA. This generalises a classical result, the finiteness algorithm, which holds in the case d=0d=0. In addition to that, we determine the number of all dd-planes in D(A)D(A) parallel to jJNej\oplus_{j\in J}\mathbb{N}e_{j}, for all JJ. Furthermore, we describe D(A)D(A) in terms of the standard sets of the intersections A{X1=λ}A\cap\{X_{1}=\lambda\}, where λ\lambda runs through A1\mathbb{A}^1.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figure

    Bialynicki-Birula schemes in higher dimensional Hilbert schemes of points and monic functors

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    The Bialynicki-Birula cells on the Hilbert scheme H^n({A}^d) are smooth and reduced in dimension d=2. We prove that there is a schematic structure in higher dimension, the Bialynicki-Birula scheme, which is natural in the sense that it represents a functor. Let \rho_i be the Hilbert-Chow morphism from the Hilbert scheme H^n({A}^d) to Sym^n(A^1) associated with the i^{th} coordinate. We prove that a Bialynicki-Birula scheme associated with an action of a torus T is schematically included in the fiber over the origin ρi1(0)\rho_i^{-1}(0) if the i^{th} weight of T is non positive. We prove that the monic functors parametrizing families of ideals with a prescribed initial ideal are representable.Comment: 18 pages, simplified proofs, noetherian assumptions removed, bibliography improve

    Connect Four and Graph Decomposition

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    We introduce the standard decomposition, a way of decomposing a labeled graph into a sum of certain labeled subgraphs. We motivate this graph-theoretic concept by relating it to Connect Four decompositions of standard sets. We prove that all standard decompositions can be generated in polynomial time, which implies that all Connect Four decompositions can be generated in polynomial time