53 research outputs found

    Game theory on the blockchain: a model for games with smart contracts

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    We propose a model for games in which the players have shared access to a blockchain that allows them to deploy smart contracts to act on their behalf. This changes fundamental game-theoretic assumptions about rationality since a contract can commit a player to act irrationally in specific subgames, making credible otherwise non-credible threats. This is further complicated by considering the interaction between multiple contracts which can reason about each other. This changes the nature of the game in a nontrivial way as choosing which contract to play can itself be considered a move in the game. Our model generalizes known notions of equilibria, with a single contract being equivalent to a Stackelberg equilibrium, and two contracts being equivalent to a reverse Stackelberg equilibrium. We prove a number of bounds on the complexity of computing SPE in such games with smart contracts. We show that computing an SPE is PSPACE\textsf{PSPACE}-hard in the general case. Specifically, in games with kk contracts, we show that computing an SPE is ΣkP\Sigma_k^\textsf{P}-hard for games of imperfect information. We show that computing an SPE remains PSPACE\textsf{PSPACE}-hard in games of perfect information if we allow for an unbounded number of contracts. We give an algorithm for computing an SPE in two-contract games of perfect information that runs in time O(mℓ)O(m\ell) where mm is the size of the game tree and ℓ\ell is the number of terminal nodes. Finally, we conjecture the problem to be NP\textsf{NP}-complete for three contracts

    Generating graphs packed with paths: Estimation of linear approximations and differentials:Estimation of linear approximations and differentials

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    When designing a new symmetric-key primitive, the designer must show resistance to known attacks. Perhaps most prominent amongst these are linear and differential cryptanalysis. However, it is notoriously difficult to accurately demonstrate e.g. a block cipher’s resistance to these attacks, and thus most designers resort to deriving bounds on the linear correlations and differential probabilities of their design. On the other side of the spectrum, the cryptanalyst is interested in accurately assessing the strength of a linear or differential attack. While several tools have been developed to search for optimal linear and differential trails, e.g. MILP and SAT based methods, only few approaches specifically try to find as many trails of a single approximation or differential as possible. This can result in an overestimate of a cipher’s resistance to linear and differential attacks, as was for example the case for PRESENT. In this work, we present a new algorithm for linear and differential trail search. The algorithm represents the problem of estimating approximations and differentials as the problem of finding many long paths through a multistage graph. We demonstrate that this approach allows us to find a very large number of good trails for each approximation or differential. Moreover, we show how the algorithm can be used to efficiently estimate the key dependent correlation distribution of a linear approximation, facilitating advanced linear attacks. We apply the algorithm to 17 different ciphers, and present new and improved results on several of these

    On Valiant\u27s Conjecture: Impossibility of Incrementally Verifiable Computation from Random Oracles

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    In his landmark paper at TCC 2008 Paul Valiant introduced the notion of ``incrementally verifiable computation\u27\u27 which enables a prover to incrementally compute a succinct proof of correct execution of a (potentially) long running process. The paper later won the 2019 TCC test of time award. The construction was proven secure in the random oracle model without any further computational assumptions. However, the overall proof was given using a non-standard version of the random-oracle methodology where sometimes the hash function is a random oracle and sometimes it has a short description as a circuit. Valiant clearly noted that this model is non-standard, but conjectured that the standard random oracle methodology would not suffice. This conjecture has been open for 14 years. We prove that under some mild extra assumptions on the proof system the conjecture is true: the standard random-oracle model does not allow incrementally verifiable computation without making computational assumptions. Two extra assumptions under which we can prove the conjecture are 1) the proof system is also zero-knowledge or 2) when the proof system makes a query to its random oracle it can know with non-negligible probability whether the query is fresh or was made by the proof system earlier in the construction of the proof

    Foundations of Data Availability Sampling

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    Towards building more scalable blockchains, an approach known as data availability sampling (DAS) has emerged over the past few years. Even large blockchains like Ethereum are planning to eventually deploy DAS to improve their scalability. In a nutshell, DAS allows the participants of a network to ensure the full availability of some data without any one participant downloading it entirely. Despite the significant practical interest that DAS has received, there are currently no formal definitions for this primitive, no security notions, and no security proofs for any candidate constructions. For a cryptographic primitive that may end up being widely deployed in large real-world systems, this is a rather unsatisfactory state of affairs. In this work, we initiate a cryptographic study of data availability sampling. To this end, we define data availability sampling precisely as a clean cryptographic primitive. Then, we show how data availability sampling relates to erasure codes. We do so by defining a new type of commitment schemes which naturally generalizes vector commitments and polynomial commitments. Using our framework, we analyze existing constructions and prove them secure. In addition, we give new constructions which are based on weaker assumptions, computationally more efficient, and do not rely on a trusted setup, at the cost of slightly larger communication complexity. Finally, we evaluate the trade-offs of the different constructions

    Curve Trees: Practical and Transparent Zero-Knowledge Accumulators

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    In this work we improve upon the state of the art for practical zero-knowledge for set membership, a building block at the core of several privacy-aware applications, such as anonymous payments, credentials and whitelists. This primitive allows a user to show knowledge of an element in a large set without leaking the specific element. One of the obstacles to its deployment is efficiency. Concretely efficient solutions exist, e.g., those deployed in Zcash Sapling, but they often work at the price of a strong trust assumption: an underlying setup that must be generated by a trusted third party. To find alternative approaches we focus on a common building block: accumulators, a cryptographic data structure which compresses the underlying set. We propose novel, more efficient and fully transparent constructions (i.e., without a trusted setup) for accumulators supporting zero-knowledge proofs for set membership. Technically, we introduce new approaches inspired by ``commit-and-prove\u27\u27 techniques to combine shallow Merkle trees and 2-cycles of elliptic curves into a highly practical construction. Our basic accumulator construction---dubbed Curve Trees---is completely transparent (does not require a trusted setup) and is based on simple and widely used assumptions (DLOG and Random Oracle Model). Ours is the first fully transparent construction that obtains concretely small proof/commitment sizes for large sets and a proving time one order of magnitude smaller than proofs over Merkle Trees with Pedersen hash. For a concrete instantiation targeting 128 bits of security we obtain: a commitment to a set of any size is 256 bits; for ∣S∣=240|S| = 2^{40} a zero-knowledge membership proof is 2.9KB, its proving takes 22s and its verification 4040ms on an ordinary laptop. Using our construction as a building block we can design a simple and concretely efficient anonymous cryptocurrency with full anonymity set, which we dub V\mathbb{V}cash. Its transactions can be verified in ≈80\approx 80ms or ≈5\approx 5ms when batch-verifying multiple (>100> 100) transactions; transaction sizes are 44KB. Our timings are competitive with those of the approach in Zcash Sapling and trade slightly larger proofs (transactions in Zcash Sapling are 2.8KB) for a completely transparent setup

    Efficient Set Membership Proofs using MPC-in-the-Head

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    Set membership proofs are an invaluable part of privacy preserving systems. These proofs allow a prover to demonstrate knowledge of a witness ww corresponding to a secret element xx of a public set, such that they jointly satisfy a given NP relation, {\em i.e.} R(w,x)=1\mathcal{R}(w,x)=1 and xx is a member of a public set {x1,…,xℓ}\{x_1, \ldots, x_\ell\}. This allows the identity of the prover to remain hidden, eg. ring signatures and confidential transactions in cryptocurrencies. In this work, we develop a new technique for efficiently adding logarithmic-sized set membership proofs to any MPC-in-the-head based zero-knowledge protocol (Ishai et al. [STOC\u2707]). We integrate our technique into an open source implementation of the state-of-the-art, post quantum secure zero-knowledge protocol of Katz et al. [CCS\u2718]. We find that using our techniques to construct ring signatures results in signatures (based only on symmetric key primitives) that are between 5 and 10 times smaller than state-of-the-art techniques based on the same assumptions. We also show that our techniques can be used to efficiently construct post-quantum secure RingCT from only symmetric key primitives
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