823 research outputs found

    Dynamic Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in 2D Bose mixtures of ultra-cold atoms

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    We propose a realistic experiment to demonstrate a dynamic Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in ultra-cold atomic gases in two dimensions. With a numerical implementation of the Truncated Wigner Approximation we simulate the time evolution of several correlation functions, which can be measured via matter wave interference. We demonstrate that the relaxational dynamics is well-described by a real-time renormalization group approach, and argue that these experiments can guide the development of a theoretical framework for the understanding of critical dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Unconventional Spin Density Waves in Dipolar Fermi Gases

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    The conventional spin density wave (SDW) phase (Overhauser, 1962), as found in antiferromagnetic metal for example (Fawcett 1988), can be described as a condensate of particle-hole pairs with zero angular momentum, =0\ell=0, analogous to a condensate of particle-particle pairs in conventional superconductors. While many unconventional superconductors with Cooper pairs of finite \ell have been discovered, their counterparts, density waves with non-zero angular momenta, have only been hypothesized in two-dimensional electron systems (Nayak, 2000). Using an unbiased functional renormalization group analysis, we here show that spin-triplet particle-hole condensates with =1\ell=1 emerge generically in dipolar Fermi gases of atoms (Lu, Burdick, and Lev, 2012) or molecules (Ospelkaus et al., 2008; Wu et al.) on optical lattice. The order parameter of these exotic SDWs is a vector quantity in spin space, and, moreover, is defined on lattice bonds rather than on lattice sites. We determine the rich quantum phase diagram of dipolar fermions at half-filling as a function of the dipolar orientation, and discuss how these SDWs arise amidst competition with superfluid and charge density wave phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Detecting paired and counterflow superfluidity via dipole oscillations

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    We suggest an experimentally feasible procedure to observe paired and counterflow superfluidity in ultra-cold atom systems. We study the time evolution of one-dimensional mixtures of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice following an abrupt displacement of an additional weak confining potential. We find that the dynamic responses of the paired superfluid phase for attractive inter-species interactions and the counterflow superfluid phase for repulsive interactions are qualitatively distinct and reflect the quasi long-range order that characterizes these states. These findings suggest a clear experimental procedure to detect these phases, and give an intuitive insight into their dynamics.Comment: 4 pages,5 figure

    Intrinsic Photoconductivity of Ultracold Fermions in Optical Lattices

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    We report on the experimental observation of an analog to a persistent alternating photocurrent in an ultracold gas of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice. The dynamics is induced and sustained by an external harmonic confinement. While particles in the excited band exhibit long-lived oscillations with a momentum dependent frequency a strikingly different behavior is observed for holes in the lowest band. An initial fast collapse is followed by subsequent periodic revivals. Both observations are fully explained by mapping the system onto a nonlinear pendulum.Comment: 5+7 pages, 4+4 figure

    Phase fluctuations in anisotropic Bose condensates: from cigars to rings

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    We study the phase-fluctuating condensate regime of ultra-cold atoms trapped in a ring-shaped trap geometry, which has been realized in recent experiments. We first consider a simplified box geometry, in which we identify the conditions to create a state that is dominated by thermal phase-fluctuations, and then explore the experimental ring geometry. In both cases we demonstrate that the requirement for strong phase fluctuations can be expressed in terms of the total number of atoms and the geometric length scales of the trap only. For the ring-shaped trap we discuss the zero temperature limit in which a condensate is realized where the phase is fluctuating due to interactions and quantum fluctuations. We also address possible ways of detecting the phase fluctuating regime in ring condensates.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, minor edit

    Metastable order protected by destructive many-body interference

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    The phenomenon of metastability can shape dynamical processes on all temporal and spatial scales. Here, we induce metastable dynamics by pumping ultracold bosonic atoms from the lowest band of an optical lattice to an excitation band, via a sudden quench of the unit cell. The subsequent relaxation process to the lowest band displays a sequence of stages, which include a metastable stage, during which the atom loss from the excitation band is strongly suppressed. Using classical-field simulations and analytical arguments, we provide an explanation for this experimental observation, in which we show that the transient condensed state of the atoms in the excitation band is a dark state with regard to collisional decay and tunneling to a low-energy orbital. Therefore the metastable state is stabilized by destructive interference due to the chiral phase pattern of the condensed state. Our experimental and theoretical study provides a detailed understanding of the different stages of a paradigmatic example of many-body relaxation dynamics