35 research outputs found

    The Quark-Hadron Phase Transition, QCD Lattice Calculations and Inhomogeneous Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We review recent lattice QCD results for the surface tension at the finite temperature quark-hadron phase transition and discuss their implications on the possible scale of inhomogeneities. In the quenched approximation the average distance between nucleating centers is smaller than the diffusion length of a protron, so that inhomogeneities are washed out by the time nucleosynthesis sets in. Consequently the baryon density fluctuations formed by a QCD phase transition in the early universe cannot significantly affect standard big-bang nucleosynthesis calculations and certainly cannot allow baryons to close the universe. At present lattice results are inconclusive when dynamical fermions are included.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Gallbladder microbiota in healthy dogs and dogs with mucocele formation

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    To date studies have not investigated the culture-independent microbiome of bile from dogs, a species where aseptic collection of bile under ultrasound guidance is somewhat routine. Despite frequent collection of bile for culture-based diagnosis of bacterial cholecystitis, it is unknown whether bile from healthy dogs harbors uncultivable bacteria or a core microbiota. The answer to this question is critical to understanding the pathogenesis of biliary infection and as a baseline to exploration of other biliary diseases in dogs where uncultivable bacteria could play a pathogenic role. A pressing example of such a disease would be gallbladder mucocele formation in dogs. This prevalent and deadly condition is characterized by excessive secretion of abnormal mucus by the gallbladder epithelium that can eventually lead to rupture of the gallbladder or obstruction of bile flow. The cause of mucocele formation is unknown as is whether uncultivable, and therefore unrecognized, bacteria play any systematic role in pathogenesis. In this study we applied next-generation 16S rRNA gene sequencing to identify the culture-negative bacterial community of gallbladder bile from healthy dogs and gallbladder mucus from dogs with mucocele formation. Integral to our study was the use of 2 separate DNA isolations on each sample using different extraction methods and sequencing of negative control samples enabling recognition and curation of contaminating sequences. Microbiota findings were validated by simultaneous culture-based identification, cytological examination of bile, and fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) performed on gallbladder mucosa. Using culture-dependent, cytological, FISH, and 16S rRNA sequencing approaches, results of our study do not support existence of a core microbiome in the bile of healthy dogs or gallbladder mucus from dogs with mucocele formation. Our findings further document how contaminating sequences can significantly contribute to the results of sequencing analysis when performed on samples with low bacterial biomass

    Osteossíntese de úmero em pombos domésticos (Columba livia) associando-se pinos metálicos e polimetilmetacrilato intramedulares após osteotomia diafisária Humerus osteosynthesis using intramedullary pins and polymethylmethacrylate in domestic pigeons (Columba livia)

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    Foram utilizadas 28 aves adultas, separadas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. Os pombos foram anestesiados com isoflurano para a realização da osteotomia diafisária transversa do úmero direito. No grupo I, a osteossíntese foi realizada associando-se dois pinos de Kirschner e polimetilmetacrilato, intramedulares; no grupo II, os pinos de Kirschner foram substituídos por pinos de Schanz; no grupo III, foram utilizados apenas dois pinos de Kirschner; e, no grupo IV, apenas dois pinos de Shanz. Os tempos médios para a consolidação óssea foram de 29±4,04 dias no grupo I; 24±5,29 dias no grupo II; 33±3,74 dias no grupo III; e 32,9±5,21 dias no grupo IV. Foi observada migração dos pinos em 42,9% dos animais do grupo I, em 0% nos do grupo II, em 85,7% nos do grupo III, e em 28,6% nos do grupo IV. Em duas aves dos grupos I, III e IV notou-se incapacidade de voar. Os resultados demonstram que a associação de dois pinos de Schanz e polimetilmetacrilato, ambos intramedulares, é um método efetivo para osteossíntese de úmero em pombos domésticos (Columba livia), proporcionando rápida consolidação óssea e mínimas complicações.<br>Twenty-eight adult domestic pigeons (Columba livia) were randomly divided into four groups of seven birds each. Anesthesia was performed with isoflurane and oxygen, and an osteotomy of the right humerus midshaft was performed with an electric cutter. On the sequence, one of the following treatments was chosen: group I, two Kirschner pins and polymethylmethacrylate intramedullary; group II, two Schanz pins and polymethylmethacrylate intramedullary; group III, two Kirschner pins only; and group IV, two Schanz pins only. The mean time ± standard deviation for fracture healing was 29±4.04 days in group I; 24±5.29 days in group II; 33±3.74 days in group III; 32.9±5.21 days in group IV. Pin migration was observed in 42.9% of the group I animals, 0% of group II, 85.7% of group III, and 28.6% of group IV. Two pigeons of groups I, III, and IV presented flight incapability. The results suggest that two Schanz pins and polymethylmethacrylate intramedullary are an effective method of humeral ostheosynthesis in domestic pigeons (Columba livia), resulting in faster fracture healing with minimal complications

    Acyclovir treatment of herpes simplex encephalitis: experience in a district hospital.

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    Herpes simplex encephalitis may be underdiagnosed in Britain. We report eight patients treated at one hospital over three years. Fever, impaired consciousness or focal neurological signs were seen in all patients at presentation but herpes simplex encephalitis was rarely considered as the initial diagnosis. The electroencephalogram was the only initial investigation that was abnormal in each case and was the most useful test in establishing a clinical diagnosis. The diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory methods in each case. Following acyclovir treatment five patients were able to resume normal activities, one patient has moderate disability and two patients died. Three patients showed clinical evidence of relapse but two improved after further treatment with acyclovir. Herpes simplex encephalitis is a treatable condition and should be considered in all patients presenting with fever and neurological signs. The electroencephalogram is usually abnormal and the changes may be characteristic of the condition

    Enhancing Information Usefulness by Line Managers' Involvement in Cross-Unit Activities

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    Organization and management scholars have long advocated that efficient use of information is critical for firms to compete successfully in the modern marketplace. This study examines whether the use of managerial cross-unit involvement in an organization enhances managers' propensity to use useful information provided by a functionally related unit in the organization. Senior line managers in a major global bank participated in our study in which they provided information related to their information processing and assessments of the usefulness of corporate audit information. We analyse the effect of line managers' prior involvement with Corporate Audit using Throughput Modeling. This model allows us to understand how line managers' cross-unit involvement influenced the way they process information received from Corporate Audit. Our results show that managers' cross-unit involvement positively influences their assessment of information from Corporate Audit in a way that influences their propensity to use information from that unit. The results indicate that cross-unit involvement is more than an effective means of transmitting information - it can also be used as a means of building boundary-spanning capabilities in managers.© The Author(s) 2011