7 research outputs found

    Some Classes of Cubic Harmonious Graphs

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    In this paper we proved some new theorems related with Cubic Harmonious Labeling. A (n,m) graph G =(V,E) is said to be Cubic Harmonious Graph(CHG) if there exists an injective function f:V(G)?{1,2,3,………m3+1} such that the induced mapping f *chg: E(G)? {13,23,33,……….m3} defined by f *chg (uv) = (f(u)+f(v)) mod (m3+1) is a bijection. In this paper, focus will be given on the result “cubic harmonious labeling of star, the subdivision of the edges of the star K1,n , the subdivision of the central edge of the bistar Bm,n, Pm ? nK1”

    Some Properties of Fuzzy Evidence Graph

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    A fuzzy evidence graph is a non-empty set V= P(X)\ ? and E ={(A,B): A? B , A,B? V } together with a pair of functions m : V?[0,1] and ? : E ?[0,1] such that ?(A,B) =m(A) ? m(B) . Also ?_(A?V)??m(A)?=1.In this paper we introduce some properties of fuzzy evidence graph, a special type of fuzzy digraph, including isomorphism and a subgraph of fuzzy evidence graph called Hasse subgraph