594 research outputs found

    A note on a curious formula for Euler's constant

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    In this short note we will use the residue theorem to establish a formula for Euler's constant. In particular, we offer a slightly generalized version of an interesting infinite series due to Flajolet, Gourdon, and Dumas.Comment: 4 page

    A study of inverse trigonometric integrals associated with three-variable Mahler measures, and some related identities

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    We prove several identities relating three-variable Mahler measures to integrals of inverse trigonometric functions. After deriving closed forms for most of these integrals, we obtain ten explicit formulas for three-variable Mahler measures. Several of these results generalize formulas due to Condon and Lal\'in. As a corollary, we also obtain three qq-series expansions for the dilogarithm

    Local Boxicity, Local Dimension, and Maximum Degree

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    In this paper, we focus on two recently introduced parameters in the literature, namely `local boxicity' (a parameter on graphs) and `local dimension' (a parameter on partially ordered sets). We give an `almost linear' upper bound for both the parameters in terms of the maximum degree of a graph (for local dimension we consider the comparability graph of a poset). Further, we give an O(nΔ2)O(n\Delta^2) time deterministic algorithm to compute a local box representation of dimension at most 3Δ3\Delta for a claw-free graph, where nn and Δ\Delta denote the number of vertices and the maximum degree, respectively, of the graph under consideration. We also prove two other upper bounds for the local boxicity of a graph, one in terms of the number of vertices and the other in terms of the number of edges. Finally, we show that the local boxicity of a graph is upper bounded by its `product dimension'.Comment: 11 page