54,792 research outputs found

    Novel Computational Approach to Obtain Contact Angles: Application to Carbon Capture and Storage

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    Self-Attention Dense Depth Estimation Network for Unrectified Video Sequences

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    The dense depth estimation of a 3D scene has numerous applications, mainly in robotics and surveillance. LiDAR and radar sensors are the hardware solution for real-time depth estimation, but these sensors produce sparse depth maps and are sometimes unreliable. In recent years research aimed at tackling depth estimation using single 2D image has received a lot of attention. The deep learning based self-supervised depth estimation methods from the rectified stereo and monocular video frames have shown promising results. We propose a self-attention based depth and ego-motion network for unrectified images. We also introduce non-differentiable distortion of the camera into the training pipeline. Our approach performs competitively when compared to other established approaches that used rectified images for depth estimation

    Taxi: Cabs and Capitalism in New York City

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    [Excerpt] Three significant events have happened since 2005 when this book was first published. (1) Starting in 2004, die city of New York began advancing the Taxi Technology Enhancement Program (TTE), which would require every yellow taxi in NYC to be fitted with a non-navigational Global Positioning System-based tracking system. Driver opposition to this system grew over the next three years, leading up to a series of strikes in September and October 2007. Even as we go to press, this battle continues. (2) In early 2007, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA) became the first independent labor union to become a full member of the New York State Central Labor Council, a historic development with tremendous significance for the labor movement. (3) Finally, based on burgeoning interest and several taxi- organizing initiatives emerging throughout the United States, NYTWA along with the Taxi Workers Alliance of Pennsylvania organized a founding meeting of the Taxi Workers International (TWI) in March 2007. All three dramatic events promise long-term effects. In many ways die intertwined nature of these events has given me a more complete understanding of the challenges the contemporary labor movement faces. Accordingly, this Cornell edition carries a new epilogue that not only describes these events arid the actions that surrounded them but also attempts to synthesize them theoretically. The result, I hope, is a compelling conclusion to the book that will open up fresh debates within the labor movement

    CLE Writing Retreat 2015: 8-10 April 2015: Hitchin Priory

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    The Writing Retreat process began in 2009 when the first retreat was held at Streatley, Oxfordshire. This retreat and that held at Highgate Hall in Northants in 2010 were organised by the University's Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to produce two internally published books charting different departmental perspectives on the significant curriculum changes introduced during that time. Since 2011 and up to the current event, Writing Retreats have had a different purpose: to produce individually authored articles for externally published academic journals. The three‐day Writing Retreat is the end of a nine‐month, fully supported process. Calls for expressions of interest go out in July, and participants must then pass certain milestones by specific dates. (For example, the abstract must be submitted by a certain date; a first draft must be completed by a certain date.) By adhering to these milestone dates we are able to keep a check on the numbers who apply, but it also serves the function of ensuring that everyone is aware of his or her own target when it comes to the event itself. The Writing Retreat objective forms part of the CLE’s strategy to support the University's ethos of scholarship by encouraging academic writing for publication. Writing Retreats allow particpants the opportunity to dedicate time and concentration to a specific piece of writing with the support of their colleagues. By taking the colleague away from his or her more customary work patterns and rhythms of the working week, the Writing Retreat provides space to focus. Although the three days are busy with activities, workshops and tasks, the focus is very much on completing the paper in question