41 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis

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    The study elucidates the diagnostic procedures used and the results obtained in 126 con-firmed patients of abdominal

    Broodstock development, breeding and seed production of selected marine food fishes and ornamental fishes

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    In recent years the contribution of marine finfish in the global aquaculture production has been steadily increasing. Marine food fishes like groupers, snappers, siganids, pompano, cobia and ornamental fishes have great potential for domestic and export trade

    Vegetative propagation of major tree spices - a review

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    Vegetative propagation of major tree spices grown in India namely, nutmeg (Myristica (ragrans), clove (Syzygium aromaticum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum), cassia (G aromaticum), allspice (Pimenta dioica), cambogia (Garciniagummi-gutta), kokam (G. indica), tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and pomegranate (Punica granatum) are reviewed. The propagation methods reviewed include cuttings, air layering, budding, grafting and micropropagation. &nbsp

    Reversal of dwarfness in a short-statured variant of clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry) by approach grafting

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    Approach grafting of short-statured variant (dwarf) of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) was suc-cessful on ordinary clove rootstock and the graft union was obtained in 6–8 months with64% success and 100% field establishment. The resultant graft had the appearance of ordi-nary clove with increase in internodal length of the scion shoot. But when ordinary clovewas approach grafted to dwarf clove rootstock the internodal length of the scion was re-duced.  The study indicated that the rootstock had a definite influence on the scion, withregard to growth in clove. &nbsp

    Soft wood grafting in clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry) on related species

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    The influence of root stocks on size of the tree, precocity, and reaction to biotic and abiotic stresses is well known, In clove (a major tree spice of India), harvesting is laborious and expensive, and the tree is susceptible to many pests and diseases, which infest the basal region of the stem and roots, To overcome these problems efforts were made at the Indian Institute of Spices Reasearch, Calicut, during September 1996 to study the feasibility of grafting clove on various related species, &nbsp

    Soft wood grafting in clove (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry) on related species

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    The influence of root stocks on size of the tree, precocity, and reaction to biotic and abiotic stresses is well known, In clove (a major tree spice of India), harvesting is laborious and expensive, and the tree is susceptible to many pests and diseases, which infest the basal region of the stem and roots, To overcome these problems efforts were made at the Indian Institute of Spices Reasearch, Calicut, during September 1996 to study the feasibility of grafting clove on various related species, &nbsp

    A Profile of Bacteriologically Confirmed Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children

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    Objective: To describe the clinical profile of children with bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis. Study Design: A multicentric study was conducted in three hospitals in Chennai city between July 1995 and December 1997. Children aged 6 months to 12 years with signs and symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis were investigated further. Clinical examination, chest radiograph, tuberculin skin test with 1 TU PPD and, sputum or gastric lavage for mycobacterial smear and culture were done for all and, lymph node biopsy when necessary. Results: A total of 2652 children were registered and tuberculosis was bacteriologically confirmed in 201. Predominant symptoms were history of an insidious illness (49%), fever and cough (47%), loss of weight (41%) and a visible glandular swelling (49%). Respiratory signs were few and 62% were undernourished. Over half the patients with confirmed TB had normal chest X-ray. Abnormal X-ray findings included parenchymal opacities in 47% and hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy in 26%. The prevalence of isoniazid resistance was 12.6% and MDR TB 4%. Conclusions: Children with tuberculosis present with fever and cough of insidious onset. Lymphadenopathy is a common feature even in children with pulmonary TB. A significant proportion of children have normal chest X-rays despite positive gastric aspirate cultures. Drug resistance rates in children mirror the pattern seen in adults in this geographic area

    Evaluation of selected Chinese cassia (Cinnamomum cassia Blume) accessions for chemical quality

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    Twenty five Chinese cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) accessions were analysed at 15% moisture level for bark oil, bark oleoresin and leaf oil percentages. Bark oil ranged from 1.2 to 4.9%, leaf oil 0.4 to 1.6% and bark oleoresin 6.0 to 10.5%. Cinnamaldehyde was the major constituent in both leaf and bark oils. Accessions A, and C, had high bark oleoresin and D" D3 and D, high bark oil and cinnamaldehyde contents. &nbsp

    Soft wood grafting of Garcinia xanthochymus (Hook. f.) [Syn. G. tinctoria (Wight)]

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    Soft wood grafting of Garcinia xanthochymus was standardized on 9 month old rootstocks ofthe same species with 90% success. The grafted plants flowered within 3 years after graftingand set fruits in the fourth year,  while seed propagated plants did not flower even 6½years after planting in the field. &nbsp

    IISR Keralashree - a high yielding and high quality nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.)

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    An accession of nutmeg IC-537218 derived from an open pollinated seedling progeny of a high yielding tree from Burliar, Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, was evaluated under a farmer participatory mode at three locations in two states, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, for yield characters, for 13 years and this accession was found superior for mace and nutmeg yield over the existing variety, IISR Vishwashree, in all the yield parameters studied. The tree is a pure female which flowers profusly and bears oblong shaped yellow fruits. The aril is thick and covers the entire seed and is dark red in colour. The nut is bold and brownish black in colour. The mace and nut of the new variety is rich in sabinene. &nbsp