1,536 research outputs found

    Odors: from chemical structures to gaseous plumes

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    We are immersed within an odorous sea of chemical currents that we parse into individual odors with complex structures. Odors have been posited as determined by the structural relation between the molecules that compose the chemical compounds and their interactions with the receptor site. But, naturally occurring smells are parsed from gaseous odor plumes. To give a comprehensive account of the nature of odors the chemosciences must account for these large distributed entities as well. We offer a focused review of what is known about the perception of odor plumes for olfactory navigation and tracking, which we then connect to what is known about the role odorants play as properties of the plume in determining odor identity with respect to odor quality. We end by motivating our central claim that more research needs to be conducted on the role that odorants play within the odor plume in determining odor identity

    Development of renewable and hydrolytically degradable polymers from biomass-based monomers

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    Renewable polymers (bioplastics) offer an alternative to petroleum-based polymers and reduced environmental impact through decreased petroleum dependence and a sustainable product lifecycle via renewable, biomass-derived monomers and completely degradable polymers. Applying green chemistry principles, melt polycondensations of 1,3-propanediol with malonic acid and 1,3-propanediol with itaconic acid were performed to produce poly(trimethylene malonte) (PTM) and poly(trimethylene itaconate) (PTI), respectively. Aluminum chloride was used as the catalyst and reaction temperatures from 125-175 °C and reaction times from 2-32 h were attempted in order to produce high yields and molecular weights (Mw). Gravimetric yields ranged from 20-95 wt.% for PTM and 20-85 wt.% for PTI. Both PTM and PTI contained ester and ether backbone bonds, as determined by Fourier transform infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Gel permeation chromatography showed both PTM and PTI to have a bi-modal Mw distributions centered at 1.4±0.1 kDa and 35±3 kDa for PTM and 1.0±0.1 kDa and 38±2 kDa for PTI. For PTM, a Tg of -64 °C and a Tm of 29 °C was identified using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). A crystallization temperature for PTI was found at ~160 °C using DSC. A hydrolytic degradation study was performed at 25 °C on PTM and PTI in pH 5.4, 7, 9, and 11 aqueous solutions for up to 4 weeks. The introduction of K+ ions (in the KOH aq. solutions) interfered with the AAC2 and AAL1 ester hydrolysis mechanisms through acid-base interactions. PTM was found to be susceptible to hydrolytic degradation and lost ~37 wt.% through ester hydrolysis and showed a molecular weight reduction of ~0.8 kDa over 10,000 min for a pH range of 7 to 11. PTI was also found to be susceptible to hydrolytic degradation with ~22 wt.% decrease through ester hydrolysis and molecular weight reduction of ~0.25 kDa over 10,000 min for a pH range of 7 to 11. PTM is a low molecular weight, saturated, linear copolymer and PTI is a low molecular weight, unsaturated, branched copolymer. Both PTM and PTI are renewable copolymers produced using green chemistry and mild reactions conditions and were found to be susceptible to hydrolytic degradation

    Drosophila amphiphysin functions during synaptic Fasciclin II membrane cycling

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    Recent studies have revealed that endocytosis and exocytosis of postsynaptic receptors play a major role in the regulation of synaptic function, particularly during long-term potentiation and long-term depression. Interestingly, many of the proteins implicated in exocytosis and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles are also involved in postsynaptic protein cycling. In vertebrates, Amphiphysin is postulated to function during endocytosis in nerve terminals; however, several recent reports using a Drosophila amphiphysin (damph) null mutant have failed to substantiate such a role at fly synapses. In addition, Damph is surprisingly enriched at the postsynapse. Here we used the glutamatergic larval neuromuscular junction to study the synaptic role of Damph. By selectively labeling internal and external pools of the cell adhesion molecule Fasciclin II (FasII), and by using a novel in vivo surface FasII immunocapture protocol, we show that the level of external FasII is decreased in damph mutants although the total level of FasII remains constant. In vivo FasII internalization assays indicate that the reincorporation of FasII molecules into the cell surface is severely inhibited in damph mutants. Moreover, we show that blocking soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) function in postsynaptic muscle cells interferes with FasII exocytosis. These experiments suggest that in Drosophila, Damph functions during SNARE-dependent postsynaptic FasII membrane cycling. This study challenges the notion that synaptic Amphiphysin is involved exclusively in endocytosis and suggests a novel role for this protein in postsynaptic exocytosis

    Optical Discovery of Probable Stellar Tidal Disruption Flares

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    Using archival Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) multi-epoch imaging data (Stripe 82), we have searched for the tidal disruption of stars by supermassive black holes in non-active galaxies. Two candidate tidal disruption events (TDEs) are identified. The TDE flares have optical blackbody temperatures of 2 × 10^4 K and observed peak luminosities of M_g = –18.3 and –20.4 (νL_ν = 5 × 10^(42), 4 × 10^(43) erg s^(–1), in the rest frame); their cooling rates are very low, qualitatively consistent with expectations for tidal disruption flares. The properties of the TDE candidates are examined using (1) SDSS imaging to compare them to other flares observed in the search, (2) UV emission measured by GALEX, and (3) spectra of the hosts and of one of the flares. Our pipeline excludes optically identifiable AGN hosts, and our variability monitoring over nine years provides strong evidence that these are not flares in hidden AGNs. The spectra and color evolution of the flares are unlike any SN observed to date, their strong late-time UV emission is particularly distinctive, and they are nuclear at high resolution arguing against these being first cases of a previously unobserved class of SNe or more extreme examples of known SN types. Taken together, the observed properties are difficult to reconcile with an SN or an AGN-flare explanation, although an entirely new process specific to the inner few hundred parsecs of non-active galaxies cannot be excluded. Based on our observed rate, we infer that hundreds or thousands of TDEs will be present in current and next-generation optical synoptic surveys. Using the approach outlined here, a TDE candidate sample with O(1) purity can be selected using geometric resolution and host and flare color alone, demonstrating that a campaign to create a large sample of TDEs, with immediate and detailed multi-wavelength follow-up, is feasible. A by-product of this work is quantification of the power spectrum of extreme flares in AGNs

    Effects of Intravenous Ketamine on Explicit and Implicit Measures of Suicidality in Treatment-Resistant Depression

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    Background Intravenous ketamine has shown rapid antidepressant effects in early trials, making it a potentially attractive candidate for depressed patients at imminent risk of suicide. The Implicit Association Test (IAT), a performance-based measure of association between concepts, may have utility in suicide assessment. Methods Twenty-six patients with treatment-resistant depression were assessed using the suicidality item of the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS-SI) 2 hours before and 24 hours following a single subanesthetic dose of intravenous ketamine. Ten patients also completed IATs assessing implicit suicidal associations at comparable time points. In a second study, nine patients received thrice-weekly ketamine infusions over a 12-day period. Results Twenty-four hours after a single infusion, MADRS-SI scores were reduced on average by 2.08 points on a 0 to 6 scale (p < .001; d = 1.37), and 81% of patients received a rating of 0 or 1 postinfusion. Implicit suicidal associations were also reduced following ketamine (p = .003; d = 1.36), with reductions correlated across implicit and explicit measures. MADRS-SI reductions were sustained for 12 days by repeated-dose ketamine (p < .001; d = 2.42). Conclusions These preliminary findings support the premise that ketamine has rapid beneficial effects on suicidal cognition and warrants further study.Psycholog

    Effect of Arm Movement and Task Difficulty on Balance Performance in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Studies have shown that restricted compared to free arm movement negatively affects balance performance during balance assessment and this is reinforced when the level of task difficulty (e.g., varying stance/walk conditions, sensory manipulations) is increased. However, it remains unclear whether these findings apply to individuals with differences in the development of the postural control system. Thus, we examined the influence of arm movement and task difficulty on balance performance in children, adolescents, and young adults. METHODS: Static, dynamic, and proactive balance performance were assessed in 40 children (11.5 ± 0.6 years), 30 adolescents (14.0 ± 1.1 years), and 41 young adults (24.7 ± 3.0 years) using the same standardized balance tests [i.e., one-legged stance (OLS) time with eyes opened/closed and/or on firm/foam ground, 3-m beam (width: 6, 4.5, or 3 cm) walking backward step number, Lower Quarter Y-Balance test (YBT-LQ) reach distance] with various difficulty levels under free vs. restricted arm movement conditions. RESULTS: In all but one test, balance performance was significantly better during free compared to restricted arm movement. Arm by age interactions were only observed for the YBT-LQ and post hoc analyses revealed significantly greater performance differences between free and restricted arm movement, especially, in young adults. Arm by age by task difficulty interactions were found for the OLS and the 3-m beam walking backward test. Post hoc analyses showed significantly greater performance differences between free and restricted arm movement during high vs. low levels of task difficulty and this was more pronounced in children and adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: Regardless of age, static, dynamic, and proactive balance performance benefited from arm movements and this was especially noted for youth performing difficult balance tasks

    Robust Parallel Laser Driving of Quantum Dots for Multiplexing of Quantum Light Sources

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    Deterministic sources of quantum light (i.e. single photons or pairs of entangled photons) are required for a whole host of applications in quantum technology, including quantum imaging, quantum cryptography and the long-distance transfer of quantum information in future quantum networks. Semiconductor quantum dots are ideal candidates for solid-state quantum emitters as these artificial atoms have large dipole moments and a quantum confined energy level structure, enabling the realization of single photon sources with high repetition rates and high single photon purity. Quantum dots may also be triggered using a laser pulse for on-demand operation. The naturally-occurring size variations in ensembles of quantum dots offers the potential to increase the bandwidth of quantum communication systems through wavelength-division multiplexing, but conventional laser triggering schemes based on Rabi rotations are ineffective when applied to inequivalent emitters. Here we report the demonstration of the simultaneous triggering of >10 quantum dots using adiabatic rapid passage. We show that high-fidelity quantum state inversion is possible in a system of quantum dots with a 15~meV range of optical transition energies using a single broadband, chirped laser pulse, laying the foundation for high-bandwidth, multiplexed quantum networks

    Subpicosecond adiabatic rapid passage on a single semiconductor quantum dot: Phonon-mediated dephasing in the strong-driving regime

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    We demonstrate adiabatic rapid passage on a subpicosecond time scale in a single semiconductor quantum dot, enabling the exploration of a regime of strong (and rapidly varying) Rabi energies for optical control of excitons. An observed dependence of the exciton inversion efficiency on the sign of the pulse chirp demonstrates the dominance of phonon-mediated dephasing, which is suppressed for positive chirp at low temperature. Our findings will support the realization of dynamical decoupling strategies and suggest that multiphonon emission and/or non-Markovian effects should be taken into account