782 research outputs found

    Mean curvature flow in an extended Ricci flow background

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    In this paper, we consider functionals related to mean curvature flow in an ambient space which evolves by an extended Ricci flow from the perspective introduced by Lott when studying a mean curvature flow in a Ricci flow background. One of them is a weighted extended version of the Gibbons-Hawking-York action on Riemannian metrics in compact manifolds with boundary. We compute its variational properties from which naturally arise boundary conditions to the analysis of its time-derivative under Perelman's modified extended Ricci flow. For instance, the boundary integrand term provides an extension of Hamilton's differential Harnack expression for mean curvature flows in Euclidean space. We also derive the evolution equations for both the second fundamental form and the mean curvature under mean curvature flow in an extended Ricci flow background. In the special case of gradient solitons to the extended Ricci flow, we discuss mean curvature solitons and establish a Huisken's monotonicity-type formula. We show how to construct a family of mean curvature solitons and establish a characterization of such a family. Also, we show how for constructing examples of mean curvature solitons in an extended Ricci flow background.Comment: 24 pages. Suggestions and comments are welcom

    Small-World Disordered Lattices: Spectral Gaps and Diffusive Transport

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    We investigate the dynamic behavior of lattices with disorder introduced through non-local network connections. Inspired by the Watts-Strogatz small-world model, we employ a single parameter to determine the probability of local connections being re-wired, and to induce transitions between regular and disordered lattices. These connections are added as non-local springs to underlying periodic one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) square, triangular and hexagonal lattices. Eigenmode computations illustrate the emergence of spectral gaps in various representative lattices for increasing degrees of disorder. These gaps manifest themselves as frequency ranges where the modal density goes to zero, or that are populated only by localized modes. In both cases, we observe low transmission levels of vibrations across the lattice. Overall, we find that these gaps are more pronounced for lattice topologies with lower connectivity, such as the 1D lattice or the 2D hexagonal lattice. We then illustrate that the disordered lattices undergo transitions from ballistic to super-diffusive or diffusive transport for increasing levels of disorder. These properties, illustrated through numerical simulations, unveil the potential for disorder in the form of non-local connections to enable additional functionalities for metamaterials. These include the occurrence of disorder-induced spectral gaps, which is relevant to frequency filtering devices, as well as the possibility to induce diffusive-type transport which does not occur in regular periodic materials, and that may find applications in dynamic stress mitigation

    Edge States and Topological Pumping in Stiffness Modulated Elastic Plates

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    We demonstrate that modulations of the stiffness properties of an elastic plate along a spatial dimension induce edge states spanning non-trivial gaps characterized by integer valued Chern numbers. We also show that topological pumping is induced by smooth variations of the phase of the modulation profile along one spatial dimension, which results in adiabatic edge-to-edge transitions of the edge states. The concept is first illustrated numerically for sinusoidal stiffness modulations, and then experimentally demonstrated in a plate with square-wave thickness profile. The presented numerical and experimental results show how continuous modulations of properties may be exploited in the quest for topological phases of matter. This opens new possibilities for topology-based waveguiding through slow modulations along a second dimension, spatial or temporal

    Topological bands and localized vibration modes in quasiperiodic beams

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    We investigate a family of quasiperiodic continuous elastic beams, the topological properties of their vibrational spectra, and their relation to the existence of localized modes. We specifically consider beams featuring arrays of ground springs at locations determined by projecting from a circle onto an underlying periodic system. A family of periodic and quasiperiodic structures is obtained by smoothly varying a parameter defining such projection. Numerical simulations show the existence of vibration modes that first localize at a boundary, and then migrate into the bulk as the projection parameter is varied. Explicit expressions predicting the change in the density of states of the bulk define topological invariants that quantify the number of modes spanning a gap of a finite structure. We further demonstrate how modulating the phase of the ground springs distribution causes the topological states to undergo an edge-to-edge transition. The considered configurations and topological studies provide a framework for inducing localized modes in continuous elastic structural components through globally spanning, deterministic perturbations of periodic patterns defined by the considered projection operations
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