28 research outputs found

    A note on the comparative catch efficiency of nylon over cotton gill nets in reservoir fishing

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    The authors conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the relative efficiency of nylon over cotton in tropical waters, particularly in reservoir fishing. The experiments were conducted in the Gobindsagar reservoir (Himachal Pradesh/Punjab). The nets made with both materials were identical in essential details like twine size, mesh size, number of floats arid sinkers and hanging coefficients

    On certain allometric relations of the spiny lobster Panulirus polyphagus (Herbst)

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    Certain allometric relations of the spiny lobster Panulirus polyphagus are derived. While the relation between tail length and tail weight is made for both the sexes together, separate relations are derived for the sexes in the case of tail length versus total length. For conservation and economic purposes, it appears that the undersized ones are to be released alive

    Towards optimisation of bridle lengths in bottom trawls

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    Apart from increasing the swept area of the trawls, the importance of bridles as a herding device based on fish behaviour is discussed. The results of 10, 20 and 30m bridles when rigged with a 15m bulged belly trawl in combination with 114x57cm flat rectangular otter boards are presented. The net with 20m bridle landed better catches

    Productivity and seasonal abundance of commercially important fishes of Gobindsagar Reservoir

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    Fishing experiments with gill nets were carried out at different centres of Gobindsagar reservoir through the years 1964-70. The seasonal abundance of main species of fishes and their zone of distribution were studied. Labeo diplostoma, Labeo bata, Barbus tor and Mystus seenghala are the main fish species of the reservoir. The abundance of the above species were observed to be the highest towards the Lunkhar arm of the reservoir

    Purse-seines off Goa

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    The design, construction and operational details of the purse-seines operated from Goa, for sardines and mackerel are reported briefly. The deck equipment and details of vessel along with the fishing season, fishing grounds and catches are briefly accounted. The design has been compared with Japanese purse-seines operated for the same species of fishes. Based on the findings an improved design of purse-seine has been presented

    One-boat midwater trawling with unequal panelled trawl

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    Results of the comparative efficiency studies with 10.5 m equal panelled and 10.3 m unequal panelled midwater trawls operated from 10.9 m wooden trawler are presented. Out of the two nets, the latter proved to be relatively good for the capture of off bottom and column fishes like pomfrets, seer, lactarius, catfish, silver bar, ribbon fish and an increase of 84.4% in total catch was observed

    Preliminary observations on the lunar and tidal influences on the catches of seer by gill nets

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    The paper deals with the lunar and tidal influences on the catches of seer by gill nets. The landings during full moon and new moon nights, during low and high tides and during different quarters of the lunar month for three fishing seasons are discussed

    On the optimum mesh size for the capture of Barbus tor (Hamilton)

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    Results of mesh selectivity experiments on B. tor are presented in this paper. Selectivity curve on the basis of maximum girth of fish in relation to perimeter of mesh was worked out. The optimum girth/mesh perimeter ratio was found to be 1.31. A linear regression of G+0.445L=12.8 was fitted for conversion of length to girth

    Mesh selectivity for spotted seer, Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch & Schneider)

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    An attempt has been made to evolve a suitable mesh size for the commercially significant size group of S. guttatus. To obtain maximum sustainable yield taking biological factors also into consideration, 52 mm mesh bar nets are suggested for exploiting the fishery on both the East coasts of India