74 research outputs found

    Poboljšana elektromagnetska kompatibilnost (EMC) sklopnog energetskog pretvarača sa slučajnom modulacijom

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    This paper surveys some analytical and experimental results concerning different randomized modulation strategies in switched-mode power converters (SMPCs). After a short review of practical experiences within the literature it presents the benefits of several randomized schemes for power converters (i.e. reduced electromagnetic interference - EMI, and lower acoustic noise). It also introduces the mathematical background for dealing with randomized modulation within the medium-frequency range: power spectrum density (PSD). Finally, the EMI measurements confirm the improved EMC performances of the randomized boost rectifier, as also in the DC-DC buck converter.Ovaj članak istražuje analitičke i eksperimentalne rezultate različitih slučajnih strategija modulacije u sklopnim energetskim pretvaračima (SMPCs). Nakon kratkog pregleda praktičnih iskustava iz literature, predstavljene su prednosti nekoliko slučajnih shema za energetske pretvarače (smanjena elektromagnetska interferencija - EMI, i niži akustični šum). Također, uvedena je matematička podloga za rad sa slučajnom modulacijom u području srednjih frekvencija: spektralna gustoća snage (PSD). Konačno, EMI mjerenja potvrđuju poboljšanja EMC performansi slučajnih uzlaznih ispravljača, kao i DC-DC silaznih pretvarača


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    The student edition of matlab: version 4, user s guide/ The Math Works Inc

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    xii, 833 hal: tab.; 30 cm

    The student edition of matlab: version 4, user s guide/ The Math Works Inc

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    xii, 833 hal: tab.; 30 cm

    The student edition of matlab: version 4, user s guide/ The Math Works Inc

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    xii, 833 hal: tab.; 30 cm

    Modelling and Control Synthesis of Flexible Multibody Systems

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