10 research outputs found


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    The paper presents Monte Carlo simulations carried out during the preparatory phase of the Cherenkov Telescope Array project. The aim of the project is to build the next generation observatory of very high energy gamma rays. During the preparatory phase there is a need to optimize and verify design concepts for various elements of the array. In this paper we describe the main components of the software being used for that purpose, their functions and requirements. Preliminary results of the optimization of the small telescope – one of the several kinds intended for the array, are presented

    Oral Health of Patients Treated with Acrylic Partial Dentures Using a Toothpaste Containing Bee Product

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    This study was carried out to investigate the influence of a propolis and tee tree oil-containing hygienic agent on selected oral health parameters, oral microflora, and the condition of periodontal health. Thirty-seven patients who underwent oral rehabilitation with a removable acrylic denture were selected and randomly assigned into two groups: study group (A) which received a newly formulated propolis and tee tree oil-containing toothpaste or a control group (C) without an active ingredient. API, S-OHI, and mSBI were assessed in three subsequent stages. During each examination swabs were employed for microbiological inoculation: in the study group after 4 weeks use of the active toothpaste showed a decrease in the number of isolated microorganisms. In the control group, after 4 weeks use of the toothpaste without active ingredients resulted in increase in the number of the isolated microorganisms. Improvements in hygiene and the condition of periodontium were observed in patients using active toothpastes. In the study group the oral flora diversity was reduced by the decrease in the number of cultured microorganism species, while in the control group an increase in the number of cultured microorganisms and their species was observed

    Impact of experimental sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome on the pharmacokinetics of lisofylline

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    Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena wpływu modelu eksperymentalnej sepsy oraz niewydolności wielonarządowej na farmakokinetykę lizofiliny (enancjomeru (R)-(-)-M1), enancjomeru S-(+)-M1 oraz pentoksyfiliny (PTX) po podaniu drogą podskórną związku M1. Badania przeprowadzono na szczurach płci męskiej rasy Wistar, które otrzymywały drogą podskórną związek M1 w dawce 40 mg/kg masy ciała po uprzednim wywołaniu u tych szczurów eksperymentalnej sepsy lub niewydolności wielonarządowej (MODS). Sepsę wywoływano po podaniu dożylnym LPS w dawce 7,5 mg/kg masy ciała, natomiast MODS po podaniu dootrzewnowym zawiesiny zymosanu w oleju parafinowym w dawce równej 500 mg/kg masy ciała. Ponadto szczury otrzymywały związek M1 w dawce 40 mg/kg masy ciała wielokrotnie drogą podskórną co 4 h przez 24 h. Stężenie enancjomerów związku M1 oraz PTX w osoczu oznaczano metodą wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej (HPLC) z detekcją spektrofotometryczną z wykorzystaniem kolumny chiralnej (Chiralpak AD). Analizę farmakokinetyczną przeprowadzono w programie Phoenix WinNonlin, natomiast statystyczną w programie STATISTICA 10. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wykazały istotny wpływ modeli sepsy i MODS na farmakokinetykę enancjomerów związku M1. W obu przypadkach wzrosły wartości AUC i Cmax, natomiast zmniejszyła się wartość klirensu. Zmiany te mogą być spowodowane rozległym procesem zapalnym wywołanym u tych zwierząt. Wydaje się, że znaczną rolę odgrywa w tym zjawisku upośledzenie procesu metabolizmu i wydalania związku M1, spowodowane pogorszeniem funkcjonowania wątroby oraz nerek.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of an experimental sepsis and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) on the pharmacokinetics of lisofylline ((R)-(-)-M1), S-(+)-M1 and pentoxifylline (PTX) following subcutaneous administration of M1. The study was performed on male Wistar rats that received subcutaneously M1 at a dose of 40 mg per kilogram of body weight after induction of experimental sepsis or MODS. Sepsis was induced by an intravenous administration of LPS at a dose of 7.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, whereas MODS was induced by an intraperitoneal administration of zymosan suspension in paraffin oil at a dose of 500 mg per kilogram of body weight. Moreover, rats received M1 at the same dose and route of administration every four hours for twenty four hours. Plasma levels of analyzed compounds were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with spectrophotometric detection and a chiral column (Chiralpak AD). Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using Phoenix WinNonlin and statistical analysis with STATISTICA 10. The results of the study indicated a significant impact of sepsis and MODS on the pharmacokinetics of enantiomers of M1. In both cases increased AUC and Cmax values, and a decreased clearance were observed. These changes may be caused by an extensive inflammatory process induced in these animals. It seems that impaired metabolism and excretion of M1 compound play a significant role in these phenomenon a mainly due to the deterioration of liver and kidney functions

    Prof. dr Adam Wawrzyniec Bochenek (1875–1913) — Eminent Polish Anatomist — 100th Anniversary of His Death

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    Nazwisko Adama Bochenka znane jest wszystkim polskim lekarzom i studentom medycyny od ponad 100 lat. Dzieło, które stworzył, pomaga budować fundamenty wiedzy kolejnych pokoleń medyków aż do dnia dzisiejszego. Anatomia człowieka Bochenka jest książką niezwykłą. Liczne ilustracje oraz charakterystyczny dla autora lekki styl pisania sprawiają, że wiedza z pozoru tak nieprzystępna i rozległa staje się przejrzysta i łatwiejsza do zrozumienia. Pozycja ta jest przykładem klasycznego, obszernego podręcznika anatomii, na jakiego napisanie niewielu tylko autorów na świecie potrafiło się zdobyć. Przez ostatnie 100 lat publikacja ta wprowadzała kolejne pokolenia lekarzy nie tylko w tajniki anatomii, ale i całej medycyny. Mimo upływu czasu, dzieło Bochenka wciąż jest uważane za podręcznik wiodący na wszystkich uczelniach medycznych w Polsce, czego niezbitym dowodem są ukazujące się regularnie nowe jego wydania. Z okazji setnej rocznicy śmierci wybitnego polskiego anatoma pragniemy przypomnieć pokrótce jego życiorys, a także przybliżyć historię powstawania największego z jego dzieł.The name of Adam Bochenek have been familiar to every physican and medical student in Poland for a hundred years. For all those years, the book he have written, has been introducing new generations of future doctors not only to anatomy but to the medicine in general. Bochenek’s The Human Anatomy is an extraordinary book. Typical for the author, descriptive way of writing as well as numerous drawings make all this vast and inaccessible knowledge more clear, lucid and sometimes even addictive. It is an example of a classical, extensive handbook of anatomy. Despite the passage of time, The Human Anatomy is still the leading textbook for all medical universities in Poland, and its new editions coming out every few years are the best way to prove it

    The efficacy of using ozone in dentistry – review

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    The aim of this article was to present the properties of ozone and its use in dentistry. Ozone is a chemical compound consisting of three atoms of oxygen with the molecular weight of 47.98 g/mol. It is an energy-rich and highly unstable form of oxygen. Ozone is a powerful oxidizer and it is strongly effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites. It has been used successfully in the field of medicine for more than a decade. There are several known actions of ozone on the human body, such as: immunostimulating and analgesic, antimicrobial, bioenergetic and biosynthetic. Based on its properties, ozone is being used in various fields in dentistry, such as caries prevention, endodontics, periodontology, prosthetics, orthodontics and oral surgery. Modern dentistry is moving towards the use of minimally invasive procedures. Ozone therapy is quite promising as it is less invasive, has a potent disinfectant property and has minimal adverse effects. Evidence based studies and clinical trials are still required.Celem niniejszej pracy jest zaprezentowanie właściwości, mechanizmu działania oraz skuteczności zastosowania ozonu we współczesnej stomatologii. Ozon jako alotropowa forma tlenu, o wzorze chemicznym O3, ma silne właściwości utleniające, co sprawia, że na jego działanie podatne są bakterie Gram-dodatnie, Gram-ujemne, wirusy, spory oraz komórki wegetatywne. Szerokie zastosowanie terapeutyczne w stomatologii ozon zawdzięcza właściwościom: przeciwdrobnoustrojowym, stymulującym układ odpornościowy, przeciwbólowym, detoksykacyjnym, antyhipoksyjnym, biosyntetycznym oraz biostymulującym. Ponadto znajduje zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach stomatologii: w profilaktyce, stomatologii zachowawczej (wybielanie zębów, leczenie nadwrażliwości zębiny), endodoncji, stomatologii dziecięcej, ortodoncji, periodontologii i leczeniu chorób błony śluzowej jamy ustnej, protetyce oraz chirurgii stomatologicznej. Ozonoterapia, zarówno w postaci mieszaniny wodnej, jak i w formie gazowej, wspomaga efekty terapeutyczne, jednak dopracowania wymagają standardy jej zastosowania

    Oral Health of Patients Treated with Acrylic Partial Dentures Using a Toothpaste Containing Bee Product

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    This study was carried out to investigate the influence of a propolis and tee tree oil-containing hygienic agent on selected oral health parameters, oral microflora, and the condition of periodontal health. Thirty-seven patients who underwent oral rehabilitation with a removable acrylic denture were selected and randomly assigned into two groups: study group (A) which received a newly formulated propolis and tee tree oil-containing toothpaste or a control group (C) without an active ingredient. API, S-OHI, and mSBI were assessed in three subsequent stages. During each examination swabs were employed for microbiological inoculation: in the study group after 4 weeks use of the active toothpaste showed a decrease in the number of isolated microorganisms. In the control group, after 4 weeks use of the toothpaste without active ingredients resulted in increase in the number of the isolated microorganisms. Improvements in hygiene and the condition of periodontium were observed in patients using active toothpastes. In the study group the oral flora diversity was reduced by the decrease in the number of cultured microorganism species, while in the control group an increase in the number of cultured microorganisms and their species was observed

    An innovative silicon photomultiplier digitizing camera for gamma-ray astronomy

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    The single-mirror small-size telescope (SST-1M) is one of the three proposed designs for the small-size telescopes (SSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project. The SST-1M will be equipped with a 4 m-diameter segmented mirror dish and an innovative fully digital camera based on silicon photo-multipliers (SiPMs). Since the SST sub-array will consist of up to 70 telescopes, the challenge is not only to build a telescope with excellent performance, but also to design it so that its components can be commissioned, assembled and tested by industry. In this paper we review the basic steps that led to the design concepts for the SST-1M camera and the ongoing realization of the first prototype, with focus on the innovative solutions adopted for the photodetector plane and the readout and trigger parts of the camera. In addition, we report on results of laboratory measurements on real scale elements that validate the camera design and show that it is capable of matching the CTA requirements of operating up to high-moon-light background conditions.Comment: 30 pages, 61 figure