466 research outputs found

    Meritocratic aspects concerning civil servant career: comparative study in Central and Eastern European countries

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    Central and Eastern Europe has known in the last 20 years profound changes. The shift from a dictatorial system to a democratic system forced the states from this area to adopt structural measures for all public institutions. In this context, the institution of "civil servant" could not remain unaffected. In the period of communist regimes, the institution of "civil servant" did not exist, the civil servant being just a simple employee of the state. Work relations were the same as for any employee. The shift to another political system, the democratic one, determined the reconsideration the role and the place of public administration, and implicit of civil servant in the framework of the state system. In this context, it has been a shift from the statute of simple employee to that of civil servant, representing the power of the state. In the process of accession to the European Union, the states from Central and Eastern Europe have been permanently pressured to clearly define a strategy concerning the competitiveness of public administration, concerning the statute and the career of civil servant. In the context of democratisation, we can notice that the principle of meritocracy has become a key principle in the civil servant's career. The term "meritocracy" is often used in order to describe a type of society in which wealth and social position are obtained mainly through competition or through ability or proved competences. A position invested with responsibilities and social prestige has to be acquired and not inherited or obtained by arbitrary criteria. Meritocracy represents also the term used to describe or to criticise a society in competition that accepts inequitable disparities of income, wealth and social position. Taking into account the above considerations, the present paper aims to achieve an analysis of meritocratic aspects in the systems of planning and promotion of civil servant's career in Central and Eastern Europe


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    Electro-osmosis principle consists of the application of a direct current voltage for an anode-cathode system introduced into soil. The soil water transported from the anode to cathode, on the tool-soil contact surface will produce a lubrification of an active surface and through this a great decreasing of the friction forces and implicit of the energy needed for displacing the tool through the soil. The active surface of the tilling tool is chosen in order to minimize the frictions, respective the mechanic energies needed for tilling. This paper aims to increase the popularization of the electro-osmosis technique, highlighting the advantages of using such a method for soil improvements, as well as in view of optimizing the functional parameters of the soil tillage equipment


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    Electro-osmosis principle consists in the application of a direct current voltage for an anode-cathode system introduced into soil. The effect of this system consists of the mobilization of water particles from the soil and their transport, in a very short time, from the anode to cathode. The soil water transported from the anode to cathode, on the tool-soil contact surface, in consequence, will produce a lubrication of the active surface and thereby a considerable reduction of the friction forces and implicitly of the energy necessary to move the tool through the soil


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              Vibrations are dynamics phenomenon which appear in some environment as a result of an external force whose action consist on an oscillation. The effect of these oscillations harm to the environment where they appear and if this environment is the human body then the results are more harmful, hauling consequences, sometimes irreversible, on the health of the human body. In this respect, studying and knowing the effects of the vibrations on human body have become a necessity, the research taking place in order to find out the limit to which the men could work in an environment with vibrations such as the agricultural machinery (self-propelled combines for cereals crop in a way) without no effects on the health of human being

    The management of postthoracotomy pain syndrome

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Victor Babeș”, Clinica I Chirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă „Pius Brinzeu”, Timișoara, România, Clinica de Chirurgie Toracică, Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenţă, Timișoara, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Toracotomia clasică este însoțită de apariția durerii în majoritatea cazurilor, fiind similară cu durerea survenită în urma amputațiilor. Un procent important din pacienți dezvoltă sindrom dureros cronic postoperator, care determină o marcată alterare a calității vieții. Scopul: Analiza celor mai eficiente terapii de management postoperator al durerii şi prezentarea algoritmului de tratament. Material şi metode: Studiu retrospectiv pe 186 de pacienți toracotomizați pentru diverse afecțiuni chirurgicale toracice. S-au analizat căile de abord toracic, tipul de parietorafie, numărul și durata drenajului post operator, complicațiile post operatorii, tipurile de tratament antialgic postoperator. Pentru cuantificarea durerii s-a folosit scala durerii Wong-Baker. Rezultate: În cazul toracotomiilor axilare s-a înregistrat un scor mediu de durere crescut (5,38), cel mai mic scor de durere raportat la inciziile studiate aparținând toracoscopiilor uniportale (3,62). S-a constatat o corelație între numărul de drenuri folosite, durata de drenaj și scorul durerii. Referitor la medicația analgetică postoperatorie, 173 de pacienți au beneficiat de medicația conformă schemei standard de tratament folosită in clinică, 4 pacienți au necesitat asociere de paracetamol combinat cu acupan sau opioide, 9 pacienți au fost tratați prin infiltrare cu xilină sau bupivacaină la nivelul toracotomiei. Intervențiile chirurgicale toracice sunt grevate de prezența durerii postoperatorii acute, cu o intensitate medie mai mare decat în cazul altor intervenții chirugicale, managementul acesteia fiind complex. Concluzii: Un control bun al durerii postoperatorii duce la recuperare rapidă prin mobilizarea precoce, clearence-ul mucociliar favorabil realizat eficient prin tuse, cu ameliorarea calității vieții şi scăderea duratei şi costurilor de spitalizare.Introduction: Classic thoracotomy is often accompanied by pain in most cases, with intensity similar to amputations. A significant percentage of patients develop post operatory pain syndrome, which determines an obvious alteration of quality of life. Aim: The analysis of the most efficient post operatory pain management and a treatment algorithm. Material and methods: A retrospective study on 186 patients that underwent thoracotomy for various thoracic pathologies. We analyzed the surgical approach, types of chest closure, number and length of chest drains, postop complications, type of analgesic treatment. For pain quantification we used the Wong-Baker pain scale. Results: For axillar thoracotomy we obtained a high median value of pain (5.38), the lowest score reported belonged to uniportal VATS (3,62). We observed a positive correlation between the numbers of drains used, length of drainage and pain scale values. 173 patients benefitted by standard pain medication, 4 patients required paracetamol in association with acupan or opioids, for 9 patients we added local anesthetic infiltrations at thoracotomy site. Thoracic operations cause acute pain, with higher median intensity than other incisions, and pain management is complex. Conclusions: A good post operatory pain control leads to fast recovery by early mobilization of the patient, with good mucosal clearance due to effective cough, with good quality of life, and low hospital stay and costs


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    Given that the labor market in Romania has an acute shortage of labor (about 1 million people), in agriculture this lack is felt even more acutely because the population in the villages is declining and aging, thus it is increasingly difficult for Romanian farmers to find labor, let alone skilled labor. One solution can be the digitization of agriculture, ie the introduction of the latest management concepts, sensors, automation, robots, etc. in the modernization of work processes in agriculture, thus reducing the need for labor, while increasing productivity and efficiency in agriculture